Suggested Readings

Following is a collection of suggested readings presented to students during the three one-semester offerings of UMSA. Consistent with the interdisciplinary nature of UMSA, the readings are roughly divided here into three main categories, each with subcategories. Links to the associated lecture, project, presentation, and/or report (if any) accompany each reading.

Key to Associated Links:

[lec] Lecture    [prj] Research Project

[prs] Student Presentation    [rep] Final Student Report

Computer Science

A microeconomic approach to optimal resource allocation in distributed computer systems.
J. F. Kurose and R. Simha.
IEEE Transactions on Computers, 38(5), May 1989, pp. 705-717.
[lec] [prj] [prs] [rep]
An overview of sequence comparison algorithms in molecular biology.
E. W. Meyers.
Technical report TR 91-29, Department of Computer Science, University of Arizona. 1991.
[lec] [prj] [prs] [rep]
Breaking intractability.
J.F. Traub and H. Wozniakowski.
Scientific American, 270(1), 1994, pp. 102-107.
[lec] [prj] [prs] [rep]
Efficient algorithms for erasure node placement on slotted dual bus networks.
B. Narahari, S. Shende, and R. Simha.
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON), 4(5), October 1996, pp. 779-784.
[lec] [prj] [prs] [rep]
Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization, and Machine Learning.
D. Goldberg.
Addison-Wesley, 1989.
[lec] [prj] [prs] [rep]
Microeconomic models for resource sharing in a multicomputer.
D. F. Ferguson, Y. Yemini, and C. N. Nikolaou.
Technical report RC 12792 (#57569), IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY. 1987.
[lec] [prj] [prs] [rep]
Simulated N-body: New particle physics-based heuristics for a Euclidean location-allocation problem.
R. Simha, W. Cai, and V. Spitkovsky.
Journal of Heuristics, 7(1), January 2001, pp. 23-36.
[lec] [prj] [prs] [rep]
Discrete-state models
Saturation: an efficient iteration strategy for symbolic state-space generation.
G. Ciardo, G. Lüttgen, and R. Siminiceanu.
In Proceedings of Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS 2001), pp. 328-342.
[lec] [prj] [prs] [rep]
AdaptLoad: effective balancing in clustered web servers under transient load conditions.
A. Riska, W. Sun, E. Smirni, and G. Ciardo.
In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2002), July 2002, pp. 104-111.
[lec] [prj] [prs] [rep]
An empirical comparison of priority-queue and event-set implementations.
D. W. Jones.
CACM, 29(4), April 1986, pp. 300-311.
[lec] [prj] [prs] [rep]
Calendar queues: a fast O(1) priority queue implementation for the simulation event set problem.
R. Brown.
CACM, 31(10), October 1988, pp. 1220-1227.
[lec] [prj] [prs] [rep]
Parallel discrete event simulation.
R.M. Fujimoto.
CACM, 33(10), October 1990, pp. 30-53.
[lec] [prj] [prs] [rep]


APPL: a probability programming language.
A. G. Glen, D. L. Evans, and L. M. Leemis.
The American Statistician, 55(2), May 2001, pp. 156-166.
[lec] [prj] [prs] [rep]
Nonparametric estimation of the cumulative intensity function for a nonhomogeneous Poisson process.
L. Leemis.
Management Science, 37(7), July 1991, pp. 886-900.
[lec] [prj] [prs] [rep]
Parameter estimation of the Weibull probability distribution.
H. Qiao and C. P. Tsokos.
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation. 37(1994), pp. 47-55.
[lec] [prj] [prs] [rep]
Simulation based estimation for birth and death processes.
K. B. Ensor, E. Bridges, and M. Lawera.
Technical report TR 92-5, Department of Statistics, Rice University. February 1992.
[lec] [prj] [prs] [rep]
Simulation techniques for parameter estimation in tumor related stochastic processes.
E. N. Atkinson, R. Bartoszynski, B. W. Brown, and J. R. Thompson.
In Proceedings of the 1983 Summer Computer Simulation Conference, pp. 754-757.
[lec] [prj] [prs] [rep]

Interdisciplinary Topics

A relaxation strategy for the Arnoldi method in eigenproblems.
A. Bouras and V. Frayssé.
Technical report TR/PA/00/16, CERFACS, Université Toulouse. 2000.
[lec] [prj] [prs] [rep]
Cellular Automata Machines: A New Environment for Modeling.
T. Toffoli and N. Margolus.
MIT Press, 1987. Section 9.5.
[lec] [prj] [prs] [rep]
Computer simulations of neural networks.
P.M.C. de Oliveira.
Computers in Physics, 11(5), September/October 1997, pp. 443-450.
[lec] [prj] [prs] [rep]
Evolutionary games and spatial chaos.
M.A. Nowak and R.M. May.
Nature, 359, October 1992, pp. 826-829.
[lec] [prj] [prs] [rep]
Recovering mesh geometry from a stiffness matrix.
A. Stathopoulos and S. Teng.
To appear in Numerical Algorithms.
[lec] [prj] [prs] [rep]
Natural science
Getting older -- Monte Carlo simulations of biological aging.
D. Stauffer.
Computers in Physics, 10(4), July/August 1996, pp. 341-348.
[lec] [prj] [prs] [rep]
Introduction to Computational Biology: Maps, Sequences and Genomes.
M. Waterman.
Chapman & Hall / CRC, 1995.
[lec] [prj] [prs] [rep]
Lattice simulations of biological membranes.
J. Tobochnik and H. Gould.
Computers in Physics, 10(6), November/December 1996, pp. 542-547.
[lec] [prj] [prs] [rep]
Physical science
An Introduction to Computer Simulation Methods: Applications to Physical Systems.
H. Gould and J. Tobochnik.
Addison-Wesley, second edition, 1996.
[lec] [prj] [prs] [rep]
Catastrophes and self-organized criticality.
P. Bak.
Computers in Physics, 5(4), July/August 1991, pp. 430-433.
[lec] [prj] [prs] [rep]
Computer Simulation of Liquids.
M.P. Allen and D.J. Tildesley.
Oxford Science, 1987.
[lec] [prj] [prs] [rep]
Monte Carlo Methods in Ab Initio Quantum Chemistry.
B.L. Hammond, W.A. Lester Jr., and P.J. Reynolds.
World Scientific, 1994.
[lec] [prj] [prs] [rep]
Simple models of self-organized criticality.
G. Grinstein and C. Jayaprakash.
Computers in Physics, 9(2), March/April 1995, pp. 164-169.
[lec] [prj] [prs] [rep]
Social science
Growing Artificial Societies.
J.M. Epstein and R. Axtell.
Brookings Institution Press, 1996.
[lec] [prj] [prs] [rep]