UnitTestScribe report - Sando

1.  Sando.UI.UnitTests.HighlightConverterTests.MakeSureEmptyLinesAreHandled

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle make sure empty lines are handled .

2.  Sando.UI.UnitTests.HighlightConverterTests.HandleTextWithHeadingAndTailingEmptyLines

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle text with heading and tailing empty lines.

3.  Sando.UI.UnitTests.HighlightConverterTests.HighlightedWordAtBeginningTest

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests highlighted word at beginning test.

4.  Sando.UI.UnitTests.SearchViewControlTest.RemoveEscapesFromQuery

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests remove escapes from query.

5.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.AcronymExpanderTests.ExpandThreeLetters

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests expand three letters .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) var queries = expander.GetExpandedQueries("abc");(@line 32)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 33, line 34
(2) queries = expander.GetExpandedQueries("bcd");(@line 35)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 36, line 37
(3) queries = expander.GetExpandedQueries("def");(@line 38)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 39, line 40

This unit test case validates that:
(1) queries is not null.

(2) queries.Any() is true.

(3) queries is not null.

(4) queries.Any() is true.

(5) queries is not null.

(6) queries.Any() is true.

6.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.AcronymExpanderTests.ExpandTwoLetters

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests expand two letters .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) var queries = expander.GetExpandedQueries("ab");(@line 46)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 47
(2) queries = expander.GetExpandedQueries("em");(@line 48)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 49

This unit test case validates that:
(1) queries.Any() is true.

(2) queries.Any() is true.

7.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.AcronymExpanderTests.ExpandMoreLetters

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests expand more letters .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) var queries = expander.GetExpandedQueries("abfdsafdsafdc");(@line 55)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 56
(2) queries = expander.GetExpandedQueries("bcfdasfdsad");(@line 57)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 58
(3) queries = expander.GetExpandedQueries("defdasfdsaf");(@line 59)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 60

This unit test case validates that:
(1) queries is not null.

(2) queries is not null.

(3) queries is not null.

8.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.BigMatrixTest.SameLocalDictionaryWordPairAlwaysExist

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle same local dictionary word pair always exist .

9.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.BigMatrixTest.SameNonLocalDictionaryWordNeverExist

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle same non local dictionary word never exist .

10.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.BigMatrixTest.DifferentWordPairsThatExist

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle different word pairs that exist .

11.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.BigMatrixTest.DifferentWordPairsThatDoesNotExist

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle different word pairs that does not exist .

12.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.BigMatrixTest.AssertCanGetWordsAndCount

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests assert can get words and count .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) dic is not null.

(2) dic.Any() is true.

13.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.CoOccurrenceBasedReformerTests.ReformWordWithoutContext

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests reform word without context.

This unit test case validates that:
(1) ! GetReformedWord("",new).Any() is true.

(2) ! GetReformedWord("sando",new string).Any() is true.

(3) ! GetReformedWord("abb",new string).Any() is true.

14.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.CoOccurrenceBasedReformerTests.ReformWordWithOneNeighborredWord

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests reform word with one neighborred word.

15.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.CoOccurrenceMatrixTests.AddWordsSeveralTimes

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests add words several times .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) var count = matrix.GetCoOccurrenceCount(word1,word2);(@line 47)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 48

This unit test case validates that:
(1) count > 0 is true.
   count is obtained from
   1) variable listLength through slicing path
   2) variable i through slicing path
   3) variable listLength through slicing path
   4) variable i through slicing path.

16.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.CoOccurrenceMatrixTests.ConfirmAssumptionAboutStringComparisons

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests confirm assumption about string comparisons .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) "abc".CompareTo("") > 0 is true.

(2) "a".CompareTo("") > 0 is true.

(3) "zzzzzzzz".CompareTo("") > 0 is true.

17.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.CoOccurrenceMatrixTests.QueryWordsDoesNotDependOnOrder

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests query words does not depend on order.

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) An assertion in line 64 validating that matrix.GetCoOccurrenceCount("word1","word2") == 1 is true.
(2) An assertion in line 65 validating that matrix.GetCoOccurrenceCount("word2","word1") == 1 is true.

18.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.CoOccurrenceMatrixTests.PerformanceTest

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle performance test .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) time < 1000 is true.
   time is obtained from
   1) variable stopwatch through slicing path.

19.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.DictionaryBasedQueryReformerTests.ReformWiredTerms

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests reform wired terms .

20.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.DictionaryBasedQueryReformerTests.ReformOneTermInDictionary

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests reform one term in dictionary.

21.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.DictionaryBasedQueryReformerTests.ReformOneTermNotInDictionary

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests reform one term not in dictionary.

22.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.DictionaryBasedQueryReformerTests.NotReformingWordWhoseStemmingIsInDictionary

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle not reforming word whose stemming is in dictionary .

23.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.DictionaryBasedQueryReformerTests.MakeSureLeavingQuotedTermUntouched

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle make sure leaving quoted term untouched .

24.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.DictionaryBasedQueryReformerTests.TermChangeTypeTestForNonWord

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests term change type test for non word.

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) var newQueries = reformer.ReformTermsSynchronously(new string);(@line 149)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 157, line 158, line 159

This unit test case validates that:
(1) q1.Any() is true.

(2) ! q2.Any() is true.

(3) ! q3.Any() is true.

25.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.DictionaryBasedQueryReformerTests.TermChangeTypeTestForWordExistingInLocalDictionary

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests term change type test for word existing in local dictionary.

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) var newQueries = reformer.ReformTermsSynchronously(new string);(@line 167)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 176, line 177, line 178

This unit test case validates that:
(1) ! q1.Any() is true.

(2) ! q2.Any() is true.

(3) ! q3.Any() is true.

26.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.DictionaryBasedQueryReformerTests.TermChangeTypeTestForWordNotExistingInLocalDictionary

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests term change type test for word not existing in local dictionary.

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) var newQueries = reformer.ReformTermsSynchronously(new string);(@line 185)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 193, line 194, line 195, line 198

This unit test case validates that:
(1) q1.Any() is true.

(2) q2.Any() is true.

(3) ! q3.Any() is true.

(4) ! word1.Equals(word2) is true.

27.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.DictionaryBasedQueryReformerTests.TermChangeTypeForTermsInGeneralEnglishDictionary

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests term change type for terms in general english dictionary.

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) var newQueries = reformer.ReformTermsSynchronously(new string);(@line 205)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 213, line 214, line 215

This unit test case validates that:
(1) q1.Any() is true.

(2) ! q2.Any() is true.

(3) q3.Any() is true.

28.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.DictionaryBasedQueryReformerTests.TestingTermsThatNeverOccurTogetherAreFiltered

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle testing terms that never occur together are filtered .

29.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.GeneralEnglishThesaurusTests.QueryPopolarWords

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests query popolar words .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) An assertion in line 25 validating that thesaurus.GetSynonyms("red").Any() is true.
(2) An assertion in line 26 validating that thesaurus.GetSynonyms("black").Any() is true.
(3) An assertion in line 27 validating that thesaurus.GetSynonyms("peach").Any() is true.
(4) An assertion in line 28 validating that thesaurus.GetSynonyms("house").Any() is true.
(5) An assertion in line 29 validating that thesaurus.GetSynonyms("dictionary").Any() is true.
(6) An assertion in line 30 validating that thesaurus.GetSynonyms("need").Any() is true.
(7) An assertion in line 31 validating that thesaurus.GetSynonyms("sand").Any() is true.
(8) An assertion in line 32 validating that thesaurus.GetSynonyms("monkey").Any() is true.

30.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.GeneralEnglishThesaurusTests.QueryWiredWords

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests query wired words .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) An assertion in line 38 validating that thesaurus.GetSynonyms("obama").Any() is false.
(2) An assertion in line 39 validating that thesaurus.GetSynonyms("georgewbush").Any() is false.
(3) An assertion in line 40 validating that thesaurus.GetSynonyms("philly").Any() is false.
(4) An assertion in line 41 validating that thesaurus.GetSynonyms("fdaf").Any() is false.
(5) An assertion in line 42 validating that thesaurus.GetSynonyms("verylongwords").Any() is false.
(6) An assertion in line 43 validating that thesaurus.GetSynonyms("???").Any() is false.
(7) An assertion in line 44 validating that thesaurus.GetSynonyms("7455489735").Any() is false.
(8) An assertion in line 45 validating that thesaurus.GetSynonyms(" ").Any() is false.

31.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.GeneralEnglishThesaurusTests.GetSynonymsCorrectly

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests get synonyms correctly .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) An assertion in line 51 validating that thesaurus.GetSynonyms("see").Select().Contains("watch") is true.
(2) An assertion in line 52 validating that thesaurus.GetSynonyms("get").Select().Contains("have") is true.
(3) An assertion in line 53 validating that thesaurus.GetSynonyms("however").Select().Contains("nevertheless") is true.
(4) An assertion in line 54 validating that thesaurus.GetSynonyms("however").Select().Contains("withal") is true.
(5) An assertion in line 55 validating that thesaurus.GetSynonyms("however").Select().Contains("still") is true.
(6) An assertion in line 56 validating that thesaurus.GetSynonyms("however").Count() == 8 is true.

32.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.InFileCoOccurrenceMatrixTests.TestPerformanceOfMatrix

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests performance of matrix.

This unit test case validates that:
(1) stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds < 500 is true.

33.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.LocalDictionaryTests.GetStemmedWord

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests get stemmed word .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) stemmedWord.Equals("ad") is true.
   stemmedWord is obtained from
   1) variable word through slicing path.

(2) stemmedWord.Equals("add") is true.
   stemmedWord is obtained from
   1) variable word through slicing path.

34.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.LocalDictionaryTests.MakeSureCanNotAddShortWords

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests make sure can not add short words .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) An assertion in line 57 validating that ! _dictionaryBasedSplitter.DoesWordExist(word,DictionaryOption.NoStemming) is true.

35.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.LocalDictionaryTests.AddSeveralWords

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests add several words .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) this._dictionaryBasedSplitter.DoesWordExist(word,DictionaryOption.NoStemming) is true.

36.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.LocalDictionaryTests.AddManyWords

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests add many words .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) this._dictionaryBasedSplitter.DoesWordExist(word,DictionaryOption.NoStemming) is true.

37.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.LocalDictionaryTests.SplitPerformanceTest

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests split performance test .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) time < 20 is true.
   time is obtained from
   1) variable watch through slicing path.

(2) subWords.Count() == 2 is true.
   subWords is obtained from
   1) variable words through slicing path.

38.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.LocalDictionaryTests.UpdateProjectNamesAndReloadOldOnes

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests update project names and reload old ones .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) An assertion in line 135 validating that _dictionaryBasedSplitter.DoesWordExist(word,DictionaryOption.NoStemming) is true.

39.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.LocalDictionaryTests.SplitSimpleWord

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests split simple word .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) var subWords = _dictionaryBasedSplitter.ExtractWords("inti");(@line 145)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 146, line 147

This unit test case validates that:
(1) subWords[0].Equals("int") is true.

(2) subWords[1].Equals("i") is true.

40.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.LocalDictionaryTests.SplitRandomWord

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests split random word .

41.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.LocalDictionaryTests.SplitHalfSplittableWord

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests split half splittable word .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) var subWords = _dictionaryBasedSplitter.ExtractWords(sb.ToString());(@line 179)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 180, line 181, line 182

This unit test case validates that:
(1) subWords.Count() >= 3 is true.
   subWords is obtained from
   1) variable sb through slicing path.

(2) subWords.First().Equals(prefixes.ElementAt(i)) is true.
   subWords is obtained from
   1) variable sb through slicing path.

(3) subWords.Last().Equals(suffixes.ElementAt(i)) is true.
   subWords is obtained from
   1) variable sb through slicing path.

42.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.LocalDictionaryTests.SplitSimpleQuote

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests split simple quote .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) var words = _dictionaryBasedSplitter.ExtractWords(quote);(@line 191)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 192, line 193

This unit test case validates that:
(1) words.Count() == 1 is true.
   words is obtained from
   1) variable quote through slicing path.

(2) words.ElementAt(0).Equals(quote) is true.
   words is obtained from
   1) variable quote through slicing path.

43.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.LocalDictionaryTests.SplitQuoteWithNonQuote

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests split quote with non quote.

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) var words = _dictionaryBasedSplitter.ExtractWords(mix1);(@line 207)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 208, line 209, line 210, line 211
(2) words = _dictionaryBasedSplitter.ExtractWords(mix2);(@line 213)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 214, line 215, line 216, line 217
(3) words = _dictionaryBasedSplitter.ExtractWords(mix3);(@line 219)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 220, line 221, line 222, line 223, line 224, line 225
(4) words = _dictionaryBasedSplitter.ExtractWords(mix4);(@line 227)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 228

This unit test case validates that:
(1) words.Count() == 3 is true.
   words is obtained from
   1) variable quote through slicing path
   2) variable nonQuote through slicing path.

(2) words.ElementAt(0).Equals("\"inti\"") is true.
   words is obtained from
   1) variable quote through slicing path
   2) variable nonQuote through slicing path.

(3) words.ElementAt(1).Equals("int") is true.
   words is obtained from
   1) variable quote through slicing path
   2) variable nonQuote through slicing path.

(4) words.ElementAt(2).Equals("i") is true.
   words is obtained from
   1) variable quote through slicing path
   2) variable nonQuote through slicing path.

(5) words.Count() == 3 is true.

(6) words.ElementAt(0).Equals("int") is true.

(7) words.ElementAt(1).Equals("i") is true.

(8) words.ElementAt(2).Equals("\"inti\"") is true.

(9) words.Count() == 5 is true.

(10) words.ElementAt(0).Equals("int") is true.

(11) words.ElementAt(1).Equals("i") is true.

(12) words.ElementAt(2).Equals("\"inti\"") is true.

(13) words.ElementAt(3).Equals("int") is true.

(14) words.ElementAt(4).Equals("i") is true.

(15) words.Count() == 1 is true.

44.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.LocalDictionaryTests.SplitQuoteInsideQuote

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests split quote inside quote .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) var words = _dictionaryBasedSplitter.ExtractWords(keywords);(@line 236)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 237

This unit test case validates that:
(1) words.Count() == 1 is true.
   words is obtained from
   1) variable keywords through slicing path.

45.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.LocalDictionaryTests.SplitEmptyQuote

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests split empty quote .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) var words = _dictionaryBasedSplitter.ExtractWords(quote);(@line 244)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 245, line 246

This unit test case validates that:
(1) words.Count() == 1 is true.
   words is obtained from
   1) variable quote through slicing path.

(2) words.ElementAt(0).Equals(quote) is true.
   words is obtained from
   1) variable quote through slicing path.

46.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.LocalDictionaryTests.AddSpecialWords

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests add special words .

47.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.QueryParserTests.GIVEN_QueryParser_WHEN_ParseIsCalled_AND_QueryIsNullOrEmptyStringOrContainsWhiteSpaceOnly_THAN_ValidQueryDescriptionIsReturned

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle given query parser when parse is called and query is null or empty string or contains white space only than valid query description is returned .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) var sandoQueryDescription = sandoQueryParser.Parse(null);(@line 14)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 16

This unit test case validates that:
(1) sandoQueryDescription.IsValid is false.
   sandoQueryDescription is obtained from
   1) variable sandoQueryParser through slicing path.

48.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.QueryParserTests.GIVEN_QueryParser_WHEN_ParseIsCalled_AND_QueryIsLocationString_THAN_ValidQueryDescriptionIsReturned

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle given query parser when parse is called and query is location string than valid query description is returned .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) var sandoQueryDescription = sandoQueryParser.Parse(query);(@line 24)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 26
(2) An assertion in line 27 validating that sandoQueryDescription.ToString() is equal to expectedQueryDescription.

This unit test case validates that:
(1) sandoQueryDescription.IsValid is true.
   sandoQueryDescription is obtained from
   1) variable sandoQueryParser through slicing path
   2) variable query through slicing path.

49.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.QueryParserTests.GIVEN_QueryParser_WHEN_ParseIsCalled_AND_QueryIsLiteralString_THAN_ValidQueryDescriptionIsReturned

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle given query parser when parse is called and query is literal string than valid query description is returned .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) var sandoQueryDescription = sandoQueryParser.Parse(query);(@line 35)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 37
(2) An assertion in line 38 validating that sandoQueryDescription.ToString() is equal to expectedQueryDescription.

This unit test case validates that:
(1) sandoQueryDescription.IsValid is true.
   sandoQueryDescription is obtained from
   1) variable sandoQueryParser through slicing path
   2) variable query through slicing path.

50.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.QueryParserTests.ParseFileH

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests parse file h .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) var sandoQueryDescription = sandoQueryParser.Parse("open file:h");(@line 45)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 47, line 48

This unit test case validates that:
(1) sandoQueryDescription.IsValid is true.
   sandoQueryDescription is obtained from
   1) variable sandoQueryParser through slicing path.

(2) sandoQueryDescription.SearchTerms.Count == 1 is true.
   sandoQueryDescription is obtained from
   1) variable sandoQueryParser through slicing path.

51.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.QueryParserTests.ParseWithNegation

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests parse query parser tests with negation.

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) var sandoQueryDescription = sandoQueryParser.Parse("reorder search results -test");(@line 56)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 58, line 59

This unit test case validates that:
(1) sandoQueryDescription.IsValid is true.
   sandoQueryDescription is obtained from
   1) variable sandoQueryParser through slicing path.

(2) sandoQueryDescription.SearchTerms.Count == 4 is true.
   sandoQueryDescription is obtained from
   1) variable sandoQueryParser through slicing path.

52.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.QueryParserTests.GIVEN_QueryParser_WHEN_ParseIsCalled_AND_QueryIsFileExtensionString_THAN_ValidQueryDescriptionIsReturned

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle given query parser when parse is called and query is file extension string than valid query description is returned .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) var sandoQueryDescription = sandoQueryParser.Parse(query);(@line 68)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 70
(2) An assertion in line 71 validating that sandoQueryDescription.ToString() is equal to expectedQueryDescription.

This unit test case validates that:
(1) sandoQueryDescription.IsValid is true.
   sandoQueryDescription is obtained from
   1) variable sandoQueryParser through slicing path
   2) variable query through slicing path.

53.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.QueryParserTests.GIVEN_QueryParser_WHEN_ParseIsCalled_AND_QueryIsProgramElementTypeString_THAN_ValidQueryDescriptionIsReturned

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle given query parser when parse is called and query is program element type string than valid query description is returned .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) var sandoQueryDescription = sandoQueryParser.Parse(query);(@line 79)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 81
(2) An assertion in line 82 validating that sandoQueryDescription.ToString() is equal to expectedQueryDescription.

This unit test case validates that:
(1) sandoQueryDescription.IsValid is true.
   sandoQueryDescription is obtained from
   1) variable sandoQueryParser through slicing path
   2) variable query through slicing path.

54.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.QueryParserTests.GIVEN_QueryParser_WHEN_ParseIsCalled_AND_QueryIsAccessLevelString_THAN_ValidQueryDescriptionIsReturned

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle given query parser when parse is called and query is access level string than valid query description is returned .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) var sandoQueryDescription = sandoQueryParser.Parse(query);(@line 90)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 92
(2) An assertion in line 93 validating that sandoQueryDescription.ToString() is equal to expectedQueryDescription.

This unit test case validates that:
(1) sandoQueryDescription.IsValid is true.
   sandoQueryDescription is obtained from
   1) variable sandoQueryParser through slicing path
   2) variable query through slicing path.

55.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.QueryParserTests.GIVEN_QueryParser_WHEN_ParseIsCalled_AND_QueryIsNormalString_THAN_ValidQueryDescriptionIsReturned

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle given query parser when parse is called and query is normal string than valid query description is returned .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) var sandoQueryDescription = sandoQueryParser.Parse(query);(@line 101)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 103
(2) An assertion in line 104 validating that sandoQueryDescription.ToString() is equal to expectedQueryDescription.

This unit test case validates that:
(1) sandoQueryDescription.IsValid is true.
   sandoQueryDescription is obtained from
   1) variable sandoQueryParser through slicing path
   2) variable query through slicing path.

56.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.SandoLogTests.Analyzer

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle analyzer .

57.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.SearchHistoryTests.TestMultiQueries

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests multi queries .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) An assertion in line 38 validating that history.GetSearchHistoryItems().Any() is true.

58.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.InFileSearchHistoryTests.EnsureQueriesSavedCorrectly

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests ensure queries saved correctly .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) queries.All() is true.

59.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.InFileSearchHistoryTests.EnsureTimeSavedCorrectly

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests ensure time saved correctly .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) var entry = history.GetSearchHistoryItems().First();(@line 88)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 89

This unit test case validates that:
(1) entry.TimeStamp < now is true.

(2) now - entry.TimeStamp < 1 * 1000 * 10000 is true.

60.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.SeSpecificThesaurusTests.QueryFreqentWord

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests query freqent word .

61.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.SeSpecificThesaurusTests.QueryNonExistingWord

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests query non existing word .

62.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.SparseCoOccurrenceMatrixTests.AddMultipleWords

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests add multiple words .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) An assertion in line 25 validating that matrix.GetCoOccurrenceCount(word1,word2) > 0 is true.
(2) An assertion in line 32 validating that matrix.GetCoOccurrenceCount(word1,word2) == 0 is true.

63.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.SparseCoOccurrenceMatrixTests.AddMultipleWordsMultipleTimes

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests add multiple words multiple times .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) An assertion in line 51 validating that matrix.GetCoOccurrenceCount(word1,word2) > 0 is true.
(2) An assertion in line 58 validating that matrix.GetCoOccurrenceCount(word1,word2) > 0 is true.
(3) An assertion in line 65 validating that matrix.GetCoOccurrenceCount(word1,word2) == 0 is true.

64.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.SparseCoOccurrenceMatrixTests.GetAllEntriesFast

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests get all entries fast .

65.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.SplitterTest.TestSplitCamelCase

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests split camel case .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) 7 is equal to parts.Length.

66.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.SplitterTest.ExtractSearchTermsTestLeaveCompleteTerm

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests extract search terms test leave complete term .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) 1 is equal to parts.Count.

(2) parts.Contains("\"_solutionEvents\"") is true.

67.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.SplitterTest.TestSplitUnderscores

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests split underscores .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) 7 is equal to parts.Length.

68.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.SplitterTest.TestUnsplittable

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests unsplittable .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) 1 is equal to parts.Length.

69.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.SplitterTest.TestAbbreviations

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests abbreviations .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) parts.Length == 3 is true.

70.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.SplitterTest.TestAllCaps

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests all caps .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) 1 is equal to parts.Length.

71.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.SplitterTest.TestAllCapsUnderscore

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests all caps underscore .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) 5 is equal to parts.Length.

72.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.SplitterTest.TestBeginUnderscore

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests begin underscore .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) 3 is equal to parts.Length.

73.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.SplitterTest.ShortcutInName

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle shortcut in name .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) 3 is equal to parts.Length.

74.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.SplitterTest.PseudoShortcutInName

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests pseudo shortcut in name.

This unit test case validates that:
(1) 3 is equal to parts.Length.

75.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.SplitterTest.ExtractSearchTerms_ReturnsValidNumberOfSearchTermsWhenQuotesUsed

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle extract search terms returns valid number of search terms when quotes used .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) parts.Count is equal to 1.

(2) String.Join("*",parts) is equal to "\"word \"words inside quotes\" another_word\"".

(3) parts.Count is equal to 1.
   parts is obtained from
   1) variable parts through slicing path.

(4) String.Join("*",parts) is equal to "\"return \"..\\\\..\\\\Parser\"\"".
   parts is obtained from
   1) variable parts through slicing path.

76.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.SplitterTest.InterpretSearchQuery

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests interpret search query .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) WordSplitter.IsUnquotedLiteral("Assert.AreEqual(4, parts.Count);") is true.

(2) WordSplitter.IsUnquotedLiteral("public void ExtractSearchTerms_ReturnsValidNumberOfSearchTermsWhenQuotesUsedInsideQuotes()") is true.

(3) WordSplitter.IsUnquotedLiteral("ExtractSearchTerms_ReturnsValidNumberOfSearchTermsWhenQuotesUsedInsideQuotes(") is true.

(4) WordSplitter.IsUnquotedLiteral("WordSplitter.InvalidCharactersFound(\"\"wordSplitter.ExtractWords(\"IInUnderscore\")\"\")") is true.

(5) WordSplitter.IsUnquotedLiteral("simpleSearchCriteria.ToQueryString();") is true.

(6) WordSplitter.IsUnquotedLiteral("open file") is false.

(7) WordSplitter.IsUnquotedLiteral("\"sadfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdf\"") is false.

(8) WordSplitter.IsUnquotedLiteral(" \"sadfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdf\" ") is false.

(9) WordSplitter.IsUnquotedLiteral(" open file -test ") is false.

(10) WordSplitter.IsUnquotedLiteral("\"sadfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdf\" test") is true.

(11) WordSplitter.IsUnquotedLiteral("return \"..\\..\\Parser\";") is true.

(12) parsed.Equals("\"return \"..\\..\\Parser\";\"") is true.

77.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.SplitterTest.ExtractSearchTerms_ReturnsValidNumberOfSearchTermsWhenQuotesUsedInsideQuotes

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests extract search terms returns valid number of search terms when quotes used inside quotes.

This unit test case validates that:
(1) WordSplitter.InvalidCharactersFound("\"wordSplitter.ExtractWords(\"IInUnderscore\")\"") is false.

(2) WordSplitter.InvalidCharactersFound("\"Assert.IsNotNull(wordSplitter, \"Default word splitter should be used!\");\"") is false.

(3) WordSplitter.ExtractSearchTerms("\"Assert.IsNotNull(wordSplitter, \"Default word splitter should be used!\");\"") is not null.

(4) parts.Count is equal to 1.

78.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.SplitterTest.ExtractSearchTerms_ReturnsValidNumberOfSearchTermsWhenQuotesUsedWithInvalidQuote

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests extract search terms returns valid number of search terms when quotes used with invalid quote.

This unit test case validates that:
(1) parts.Count is equal to 1.

(2) "\"word \"words inside quotes\" another word\"" is equal to String.Join("*",parts).

79.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.SplitterTest.ExtractSearchTerms_SlashesInsideQuotesInsideQuote

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests extract search terms slashes inside quotes inside quote .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) parts.Count is equal to 1.

(2) String.Join(" ",parts) is equal to "\"IsUnquotedLiteral(\"..\\Path\"))\"".

(3) parts.Count is equal to 1.
   parts is obtained from
   1) variable parts through slicing path.

(4) String.Join(" ",parts) is equal to "\"IsUnquotedLiteral(\"..\\Path\"))\"".
   parts is obtained from
   1) variable parts through slicing path.

80.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.SplitterTest.ExtractSearchTerms_ReturnsValidNumberOfSearchTermsWhenColonUsed

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle extract search terms returns valid number of search terms when colon used .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) parts.Count is equal to 1.

(2) String.Join(" ",parts) is equal to "\"file::open::now\"".

81.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.SplitterTest.ExtractSearchTerms_ReturnsValidNumberOfSearchTermsWhenEqualityOperatorUsed

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle extract search terms returns valid number of search terms when equality operator used .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) parts.Count is equal to 1.

(2) String.Join(" ",parts) is equal to "\"file=new\"".

82.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.SplitterTest.ExtractSearchTerms_ReturnsValidNumberOfSearchTermsWhenBracketsUsed

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle extract search terms returns valid number of search terms when brackets used .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) parts.Count is equal to 1.

(2) String.Join(" ",parts) is equal to "\"file(new File())\"".

83.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.SplitterTest.ExtractSearchTerms_ReturnsValidNumberOfSearchTermsWhenUpperCasesUsed1

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests extract search terms returns valid number of search terms when upper cases used 1.

This unit test case validates that:
(1) parts.Count is equal to 4.

(2) String.Join(" ",parts) is equal to "fileopennow file open now".

84.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.SplitterTest.ExtractSearchTerms_ReturnsValidNumberOfSearchTermsWhenUpperCasesUsed2

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests extract search terms returns valid number of search terms when upper cases used 2.

This unit test case validates that:
(1) parts.Count is equal to 4.

(2) String.Join(" ",parts) is equal to "fileopennow file open now".

85.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.SplitterTest.ExtractSearchTerms_ReturnsValidNumberOfSearchTermsWhenUpperCasesUsed3

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests extract search terms returns valid number of search terms when upper cases used 3.

This unit test case validates that:
(1) parts.Count is equal to 5.

(2) String.Join(" ",parts) is equal to "filetxtopennow file txt open now".

86.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.SplitterTest.ExtractSearchTerms_ReturnsValidNumberOfSearchTermsWhenNumbersUsed

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle extract search terms returns valid number of search terms when numbers used .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) parts.Count is equal to 3.

(2) String.Join(" ",parts) is equal to "file324 file 324".

87.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.SplitterTest.ExtractSearchTerms_ReturnsValidNumberOfSearchTermsWhenNumbersUsed2

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests extract search terms returns valid number of search terms when numbers used 2.

This unit test case validates that:
(1) parts.Count is equal to 4.

(2) String.Join(" ",parts) is equal to "mp3player mp 3 player".

88.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.SplitterTest.ExtractSearchTerms_ReturnsValidNumberOfSearchTermsWhenUnderscoreUsed

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle extract search terms returns valid number of search terms when underscore used .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) parts.Count is equal to 1.

(2) String.Join(" ",parts) is equal to "\"file_open_now\"".

89.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.SplitterTest.ExtractSearchTerms_ReturnsValidNumberOfSearchTermsWhenNoQuotesUsed

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle extract search terms returns valid number of search terms when no quotes used .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) parts.Count is equal to 1.

(2) "\"word words inside quotes another_word\"" is equal to String.Join("*",parts).

90.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.SplitterTest.ExtractSearchTerms_ReturnsValidNumberOfSearchTermsWhenNoOperatortUsedWithQuotes

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests extract search terms returns valid number of search terms when no operatort used with quotes.

This unit test case validates that:
(1) parts.Count is equal to 1.

(2) String.Join("*",parts) is equal to "\"word \"words inside\"\"".

91.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.SplitterTest.ExtractSearchTerms_ReturnsValidNumberOfSearchTermsWhenNoOperatortUsedWithoutQuotes

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests extract search terms returns valid number of search terms when no operatort used without quotes.

This unit test case validates that:
(1) parts.Count is equal to 2.

(2) String.Join("*",parts) is equal to "word*-about".

92.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.SplitterTest.ExtractSearchTerms_ReturnsEmptyListWhenSearchTermIsEmptyString

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests extract search terms returns empty list when search term is empty string .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) parts.Count is equal to 0.

93.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.SplitterTest.InvalidCharactersFound_ReturnsTrueWhenInvalidCharactersUsed

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle invalid characters found returns true when invalid characters used .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) invalidCharactersFound is true.

94.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.SplitterTest.ParsingQuery

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests parsing query .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) invalidCharactersFound is false.

95.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.SplitterTest.InvalidCharactersFound_ReturnsFalseWhenInvalidCharactersUsedInQuotes

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle invalid characters found returns false when invalid characters used in quotes .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) invalidCharactersFound is false.

96.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.SplitterTest.ExtractSearchTerms_ContractFailsWhenSearchTermIsNull

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests extract search terms contract fails when search term is null .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) contractFailed is true.

97.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.SplitterTest.ExtractSearchTerms_FirstPartIsAlwaysOriginal

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests extract search terms first part is always original .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) parts.Count is equal to 3.
   parts is obtained from
   1) variable term1 through slicing path.

(2) term1.ToLower() is equal to parts[0].
   term1 is obtained from
   1) variable term1 through slicing path.

(3) parts.Count is equal to 3.
   parts is obtained from
   1) variable term2 through slicing path.

(4) term2.ToLower() is equal to parts[0].
   term2 is obtained from
   1) variable term2 through slicing path.

(5) parts.Count is equal to 5.
   parts is obtained from
   1) variable term1 through slicing path
   2) variable term2 through slicing path.

(6) term1.ToLower() is equal to parts[0].
   term1 is obtained from
   1) variable term1 through slicing path.

(7) term2.ToLower() is equal to parts[1].
   term2 is obtained from
   1) variable term2 through slicing path.

98.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.SplitterTest.TestPerformance

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests performance .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) parts.Length == 3 is true.

(2) watch.ElapsedMilliseconds < 500 is true.

99.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.TimedProcessorTests.AddOneTask

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests add one task .

100.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.TimedProcessorTests.AddTwoTasks

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests add two tasks .

101.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.ToolHelpersTests.TestDistinctBy

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests distinct by .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) list.Count() == 1 is true.
   list is obtained from
   1) variable list through slicing path.

(2) list.Length == 1 is true.
   list is obtained from
   1) variable list through slicing path.

(3) list.Length == 2 is true.
   list is obtained from
   1) variable list through slicing path.

102.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.WordCorrectorTests.AddMultipleWords

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests add multiple words .

103.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.WordCorrectorTests.RandomIntegersTest

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle random integers test .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) value >= min is true.
   value is obtained from
   1) variable min through slicing path
   2) variable max through slicing path.

(2) value <= max is true.
   value is obtained from
   1) variable min through slicing path
   2) variable max through slicing path.

(3) lowReached is true.

(4) highReached is true.

104.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.WordCorrectorTests.QuerySameWords

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests query same words .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) var results = corrector.FindSimilarWords(word).ToArray();(@line 85)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 86, line 87, line 88

This unit test case validates that:
(1) results is not null.

(2) results.Any() is true.

(3) results.First().Equals(word) is true.

105.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Tools.WordCorrectorTests.QuerySlightlyDifferentWords

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests query slightly different words .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) var results = corrector.FindSimilarWords(changedWord).ToArray();(@line 103)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 104, line 105, line 106

This unit test case validates that:
(1) results is not null.

(2) results.Any() is true.

(3) results.First().Equals(word) is true.

106.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Extensions.Configuration.ExtensionPointsConfigurationAnalyzerTest.FindAndRegisterValidExtensionPoints_RegistersUsableCustomParser

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests find and register valid extension points registers usable custom parser .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) parser is not null.

(2) The unit test does not throw an exception.

(3) programElements != null && programElements.Count == 1 is true.

(4) "TestCSharpName" is equal to programElements[0].Name.

(5) "Sando.TestExtensionPoints.TestElement" is equal to programElements[0].GetType().FullName.

107.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Extensions.Configuration.ExtensionPointsConfigurationAnalyzerTest.FindAndRegisterValidExtensionPoints_RegistersUsableCustomWordSplitter

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests find and register valid extension points registers usable custom word splitter .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) wordSplitter is not null.

(2) "Sando.TestExtensionPoints.TestWordSplitter" is equal to wordSplitter.GetType().FullName.

(3) The unit test does not throw an exception.

(4) splittedWords != null && splittedWords.Length == 2 is true.

(5) "File" is equal to splittedWords[0].

(6) "Name" is equal to splittedWords[1].

108.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Extensions.Configuration.ExtensionPointsConfigurationAnalyzerTest.FindAndRegisterValidExtensionPoints_RegistersUsableCustomResultsReorderer

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests find and register valid extension points registers usable custom results reorderer .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) resultsReorderer is not null.

(2) "Sando.TestExtensionPoints.TestResultsReorderer" is equal to resultsReorderer.GetType().FullName.

(3) The unit test does not throw an exception.

(4) results != null && results.Count() == 2 is true.

(5) results.ElementAt(0).Score == 3 && results.ElementAt(0).ProgramElement.ProgramElementType == ProgramElementType.Method is true.

(6) results.ElementAt(1).Score == 1 && results.ElementAt(1).ProgramElement.ProgramElementType == ProgramElementType.Class is true.

109.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Extensions.Configuration.ExtensionPointsConfigurationAnalyzerTest.FindAndRegisterValidExtensionPoints_RegistersUsableCustomQueryWeightsSupplier

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests find and register valid extension points registers usable custom query weights supplier .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) queryWeightsSupplier is not null.

(2) "Sando.TestExtensionPoints.TestQueryWeightsSupplier" is equal to queryWeightsSupplier.GetType().FullName.

(3) The unit test does not throw an exception.

(4) weights != null && weights.Count() == 2 is true.

(5) 2 is equal to weights["field1"].

(6) 3 is equal to weights["field2"].

110.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Extensions.Configuration.ExtensionPointsConfigurationAnalyzerTest.FindAndRegisterValidExtensionPoints_RegistersUsableCustomQueryRewriter

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests find and register valid extension points registers usable custom query rewriter .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) queryRewriter is not null.

(2) "Sando.TestExtensionPoints.TestQueryRewriter" is equal to queryRewriter.GetType().FullName.

(3) The unit test does not throw an exception.

(4) String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query) is false.

(5) "two keywords" is equal to query.

111.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Extensions.Configuration.ExtensionPointsConfigurationAnalyzerTest.FindAndRegisterValidExtensionPoints_RegistersUsableCustomIndexFilterManager

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests find and register valid extension points registers usable custom index filter manager .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) indexFilterManager is not null.

(2) "Sando.TestExtensionPoints.TestIndexFilterManager" is equal to indexFilterManager.GetType().FullName.

(3) The unit test does not throw an exception.

(4) shouldBeIndexed is true.

112.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Extensions.Configuration.ExtensionPointsConfigurationAnalyzerTest.FindAndRegisterValidExtensionPoints_RegistersCustomParsers

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests find and register valid extension points registers custom parsers .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) parser is not null.

(2) "Sando.TestExtensionPoints.TestCSharpParser" is equal to parser.GetType().FullName.

(3) parser is not null.

(4) "Sando.TestExtensionPoints.TestCppParser" is equal to parser.GetType().FullName.

(5) parser is not null.

(6) "Sando.TestExtensionPoints.TestCppParser" is equal to parser.GetType().FullName.

(7) parser is not null.

(8) "Sando.TestExtensionPoints.TestCppParser" is equal to parser.GetType().FullName.

113.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Extensions.Configuration.ExtensionPointsConfigurationAnalyzerTest.FindAndRegisterValidExtensionPoints_RemovesInvalidCustomParserConfigurations

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests find and register valid extension points removes invalid custom parser configurations .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) parser is not null.

(2) "Sando.Parser.SrcMLCSharpParser" is equal to parser.GetType().FullName.

(3) logFileContent.Contains("3 invalid parser configurations found - they will be omitted during registration process.") is true.

114.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Extensions.Configuration.ExtensionPointsConfigurationAnalyzerTest.FindAndRegisterValidExtensionPoints_RemovesInvalidCustomWordSplitterConfiguration

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests find and register valid extension points removes invalid custom word splitter configuration .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) wordSplitter is not null.

(2) "Sando.Core.Tools.WordSplitter" is equal to wordSplitter.GetType().FullName.

(3) logFileContent.Contains("Invalid word splitter configuration found - it will be omitted during registration process.") is true.

115.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Extensions.Configuration.ExtensionPointsConfigurationAnalyzerTest.FindAndRegisterValidExtensionPoints_RemovesInvalidCustomResultsReordererConfiguration

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests find and register valid extension points removes invalid custom results reorderer configuration .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) resultsReorderer is not null.

(2) "Sando.SearchEngine.SortByScoreResultsReorderer" is equal to resultsReorderer.GetType().FullName.

(3) logFileContent.Contains("Invalid results reorderer configuration found - it will be omitted during registration process.") is true.

116.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Extensions.Configuration.ExtensionPointsConfigurationAnalyzerTest.FindAndRegisterValidExtensionPoints_RemovesInvalidCustomQueryWeightsSupplierConfiguration

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests find and register valid extension points removes invalid custom query weights supplier configuration .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) queryWeightsSupplier is not null.

(2) "Sando.Indexer.Searching.QueryWeightsSupplier" is equal to queryWeightsSupplier.GetType().FullName.

(3) logFileContent.Contains("Invalid query weights supplier configuration found - it will be omitted during registration process.") is true.

117.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Extensions.Configuration.ExtensionPointsConfigurationAnalyzerTest.FindAndRegisterValidExtensionPoints_RemovesInvalidCustomQueryRewriterConfiguration

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests find and register valid extension points removes invalid custom query rewriter configuration .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) queryRewriter is not null.

(2) "Sando.Indexer.Searching.DefaultQueryRewriter" is equal to queryRewriter.GetType().FullName.

(3) logFileContent.Contains("Invalid query rewriter configuration found - it will be omitted during registration process.") is true.

118.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Extensions.Configuration.ExtensionPointsConfigurationAnalyzerTest.FindAndRegisterValidExtensionPoints_RemovesInvalidCustomIndexFilterManagerConfiguration

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests find and register valid extension points removes invalid custom index filter manager configuration .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) indexFilterManager is not null.

(2) "Sando.Indexer.IndexFiltering.IndexFilterManager" is equal to indexFilterManager.GetType().FullName.

(3) logFileContent.Contains("Invalid index filter manager configuration found - it will be omitted during registration process.") is true.

119.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Extensions.Configuration.ExtensionPointsConfigurationAnalyzerTest.FindAndRegisterValidExtensionPoints_DoesNotRegisterInvalidExtensionPoints

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests find and register valid extension points does not register invalid extension points .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) parser is not null.

(2) "Sando.Parser.SrcMLCSharpParser" is equal to parser.GetType().FullName.

(3) wordSplitter is not null.

(4) "Sando.Core.Tools.WordSplitter" is equal to wordSplitter.GetType().FullName.

(5) resultsReorderer is not null.

(6) "Sando.SearchEngine.SortByScoreResultsReorderer" is equal to resultsReorderer.GetType().FullName.

(7) logFileContent.Contains("Type cannot be found: Sando.NonExistingParser") is true.

(8) logFileContent.Contains("Could not load file or assembly 'file:///" + pluginDirectory + "NonExistingParser.dll' or one of its dependencies") is true.

(9) logFileContent.Contains("Could not load file or assembly 'file:///" + pluginDirectory + "NonExistingTestElement.dll' or one of its dependencies") is true.

(10) logFileContent.Contains("Could not load file or assembly 'file:///" + pluginDirectory + "NonExistingWordSplitter.dll' or one of its dependencies") is true.

(11) logFileContent.Contains("Type cannot be found: Sando.TestExtensionPoints.NonExistingResultsReorderer") is true.

(12) logFileContent.Contains("Type cannot be found: Sando.TestExtensionPoints.NonExistingQueryWeightsSupplier") is true.

(13) logFileContent.Contains("Type cannot be found: Sando.TestExtensionPoints.NonExistingQueryRewriter") is true.

(14) logFileContent.Contains("Type cannot be found: Sando.TestExtensionPoints.NonExistingIndexFilterManager") is true.

120.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Extensions.ExtensionPointsRepositoryTest.GetParserImplementation_ReturnsParserWhenCalledWithLowerOrUpperCasedExtensionName

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests get parser implementation returns parser when called with lower or upper cased extension name.

This unit test case validates that:
(1) ExtensionPointsRepository.Instance.GetParserImplementation(".h") is not null.

(2) ExtensionPointsRepository.Instance.GetParserImplementation(".H") is not null.

(3) ExtensionPointsRepository.Instance.GetParserImplementation(".cpp") is not null.

(4) ExtensionPointsRepository.Instance.GetParserImplementation(".CPP") is not null.

121.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.Logging.FileLoggerTest.GIVEN_FileLoggerNotInitialize_WHEN_SetupDefautlFileLoggerMethodIsCalled_AND_DefaultLoggerIsUsed_THEN_LogFileShouldBeCreatedAndContainLoggedMessage

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests given file logger not initialize when setup defautl file logger method is called and default logger is used then log file should be created and contain logged message .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) logFiles.Any() is true.

(2) content.Contains("Message from the logger") is true.
   content is obtained from
   1) variable logFiles through slicing path.

122.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.LuceneDirectoryHelperTest.GIVEN_SolutionFullNameIsNul_WHEN_GetOrCreateLuceneDirectoryForSolutionMethodIsCalled_THEN_EmptyStringIsReturned

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle given solution full name is nul when get or create lucene directory for solution method is called then empty string is returned .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) dir is equal to String.Empty.

123.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.LuceneDirectoryHelperTest.GIVEN_SolutionFullNameIsInvalidPath_WHEN_GetOrCreateLuceneDirectoryForSolutionMethodIsCalled_THEN_EmptyStringIsReturned

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle given solution full name is invalid path when get or create lucene directory for solution method is called then empty string is returned .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) dir is equal to String.Empty.

124.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.LuceneDirectoryHelperTest.GIVEN_LuceneDirectoryIsNull_WHEN_GetOrCreateLuceneDirectoryForSolutionMethodIsCalled_THEN_EmptyStringIsReturned

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle given lucene directory is null when get or create lucene directory for solution method is called then empty string is returned .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) dir is equal to String.Empty.

125.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.LuceneDirectoryHelperTest.GIVEN_LuceneDirectoryParentPathIsInvalidPath_WHEN_GetOrCreateLuceneDirectoryForSolutionMethodIsCalled_THEN_EmptyStringIsReturned

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle given lucene directory parent path is invalid path when get or create lucene directory for solution method is called then empty string is returned .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) dir is equal to String.Empty.

126.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.LuceneDirectoryHelperTest.GIVEN_ValidPathAndLuceneDirectory_WHEN_GetOrCreateLuceneDirectoryForSolutionMethodIsCalled_THEN_ValidPathIsReturned

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle given valid path and lucene directory when get or create lucene directory for solution method is called then valid path is returned .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dir) is false.

(2) Directory.Exists(luceneDirectoryPath) is true.

(3) Directory.Exists(solutionDirectoryPath) is true.

127.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.LuceneDirectoryHelperTest.GIVEN_SolutionFullNameIsNul_WHEN_GetOrCreateSrcMlArchivesDirectoryForSolutionMethodIsCalled_THEN_EmptyStringIsReturned

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle given solution full name is nul when get or create src ml archives directory for solution method is called then empty string is returned .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) dir is equal to String.Empty.

128.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.LuceneDirectoryHelperTest.GIVEN_SolutionFullNameIsInvalidPath_WHEN_GetOrCreateSrcMlArchivesDirectoryForSolutionMethodIsCalled_THEN_EmptyStringIsReturned

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle given solution full name is invalid path when get or create src ml archives directory for solution method is called then empty string is returned .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) dir is equal to String.Empty.

129.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.LuceneDirectoryHelperTest.GIVEN_LuceneDirectoryIsNull_WHEN_GetOrCreateSrcMlArchivesDirectoryForSolutionMethodIsCalled_THEN_EmptyStringIsReturned

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle given lucene directory is null when get or create src ml archives directory for solution method is called then empty string is returned .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) dir is equal to String.Empty.

130.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.LuceneDirectoryHelperTest.GIVEN_LuceneDirectoryParentPathIsInvalidPath_WHEN_GetOrCreateSrcMlArchivesDirectoryForSolutionMethodIsCalled_THEN_EmptyStringIsReturned

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle given lucene directory parent path is invalid path when get or create src ml archives directory for solution method is called then empty string is returned .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) dir is equal to String.Empty.

131.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.LuceneDirectoryHelperTest.GIVEN_ValidPathAndLuceneDirectory_WHEN_GetOrCreateSrcMlArchivesDirectoryForSolutionMethodIsCalled_THEN_ValidPathIsReturned

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle given valid path and lucene directory when get or create src ml archives directory for solution method is called then valid path is returned .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dir) is false.

(2) Directory.Exists(srcMlArchivesDirectoryPath) is true.

(3) Directory.Exists(solutionDirectoryPath) is true.

132.  Sando.Core.UnitTests.LuceneDirectoryHelperTest.MakeSureFolderIsHashedOnEntirePath

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests make sure folder is hashed on entire path.

This unit test case validates that:
(1) dir2 is not equal to dir.

133.  Sando.IntegrationTests.Search.AllElementsSearchTest.SearchRespectsAccessLevelCriteriaInternal

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests search respects access level criteria internal .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) "Failed to find relevant search result for search: " + keywords is fail.

(2) AccessLevel.Internal is equal to method.AccessLevel.

(3) "StringBuilder stringBuilder UsageType usageType" is equal to method.Arguments.

(4) method.Body is not null.

(5) 141 is equal to method.DefinitionLineNumber.

(6) method.FullFilePath.EndsWith("\\TestFiles\\MethodElementTestFiles\\Searcher.cs".ToLowerInvariant()) is true.

(7) "SingleUsageTypeCriteriaToString" is equal to method.Name.

(8) ProgramElementType.Method is equal to method.ProgramElementType.

(9) "void" is equal to method.ReturnType.

(10) String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(method.RawSource) is false.

134.  Sando.IntegrationTests.Search.AllElementsSearchTest.SearchRespectsAccessLevelCriteria

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests search respects access level criteria .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) List codeSearchResults = codeSearcher.Search(searchCriteria);(@line 72)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 73

This unit test case validates that:
(1) codeSearchResults.Count is equal to 2.
   codeSearchResults is obtained from
   1) variable codeSearcher through slicing path
   2) variable searchCriteria through slicing path.

(2) "Failed to find relevant search result for search: " + keywords is fail.

(3) AccessLevel.Private is equal to method.AccessLevel.

(4) "StringBuilder stringBuilder bool searchByUsageType" is equal to method.Arguments.

(5) method.Body is not null.

(6) 96 is equal to method.DefinitionLineNumber.

(7) method.FullFilePath.EndsWith("\\TestFiles\\MethodElementTestFiles\\Searcher.cs".ToLowerInvariant()) is true.

(8) "UsageTypeCriteriaToString" is equal to method.Name.

(9) ProgramElementType.Method is equal to method.ProgramElementType.

(10) "void" is equal to method.ReturnType.

(11) String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(method.RawSource) is false.

135.  Sando.IntegrationTests.Search.AllElementsSearchTest.SearchWorksNormallyForTermsWhichEndsWithSpace

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests search works normally for terms which ends with space.

This unit test case validates that:
(1) ex.Message is fail.

136.  Sando.IntegrationTests.Search.AllElementsSearchTest.SearchReturnsElementsUsingCrossFieldMatching

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests search returns elements using cross field matching .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) "Failed to find relevant search result for search: " + keywords is fail.

(2) AccessLevel.Public is equal to method.AccessLevel.

(3) "A B string fileName Image image" is equal to method.Arguments.

(4) method.Body is not null.

(5) method.ClassId != null && method.ClassId != Guid.Empty is true.

(6) "ImageCapture" is equal to method.ClassName.

(7) 83 is equal to method.DefinitionLineNumber.

(8) method.FullFilePath.EndsWith("\\TestFiles\\MethodElementTestFiles\\ImageCapture.cs".ToLowerInvariant()) is true.

(9) "FetchOutputStream" is equal to method.Name.

(10) ProgramElementType.Method is equal to method.ProgramElementType.

(11) "void" is equal to method.ReturnType.

(12) String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(method.RawSource) is false.

137.  Sando.IntegrationTests.Search.LexicalSelfSearchTest.ExactLexMatchSearch1

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests exact lex match search 1 .

138.  Sando.IntegrationTests.Search.LexicalSelfSearchTest.ExactLexMatchSearch2

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests exact lex match search 2 .

139.  Sando.IntegrationTests.Search.LexicalSelfSearchTest.ExactLexMatchSearch3

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests exact lex match search 3 .

140.  Sando.IntegrationTests.Search.LexicalSelfSearchTest.PreferenceForShortestMatch

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle preference for shortest match .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) results.Count >= 3 is true.
   results is obtained from
   1) variable keywords through slicing path
   2) variable predicate through slicing path
   3) variable expectedLowestRank through slicing path.

(2) results[0].Score > results[1].Score is true.
   results is obtained from
   1) variable keywords through slicing path
   2) variable predicate through slicing path
   3) variable expectedLowestRank through slicing path.

(3) results[0].Score > results[2].Score is true.
   results is obtained from
   1) variable keywords through slicing path
   2) variable predicate through slicing path
   3) variable expectedLowestRank through slicing path.

141.  Sando.IntegrationTests.Search.LexicalSelfSearchTest.QuotedExactQueryTest

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests quoted exact query test .

142.  Sando.IntegrationTests.Search.LexicalSelfSearchTest.QuotedExactQueryWithQuotesInItMindBlownTest

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests quoted exact query with quotes in it mind blown test.

143.  Sando.IntegrationTests.Search.MethodElementSearchTest.MethodElementReturnedFromSearchContainsAllFields

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle method element returned from search contains all fields .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) 5 is equal to codeSearchResults.Count.

(2) "Failed to find relevant search result for search: " + keywords is fail.
   keywords is obtained from
   1) variable keywords through slicing path.

(3) AccessLevel.Public is equal to method.AccessLevel.

(4) "A B string fileName Image image" is equal to method.Arguments.

(5) method.Body is not null.

(6) method.ClassId != null && method.ClassId != Guid.Empty is true.

(7) "ImageCapture" is equal to method.ClassName.

(8) 83 is equal to method.DefinitionLineNumber.

(9) method.FullFilePath.EndsWith("\\TestFiles\\MethodElementTestFiles\\ImageCapture.cs".ToLowerInvariant()) is true.

(10) "FetchOutputStream" is equal to method.Name.

(11) ProgramElementType.Method is equal to method.ProgramElementType.

(12) "void" is equal to method.ReturnType.

(13) String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(method.RawSource) is false.

144.  Sando.IntegrationTests.Search.MethodElementSearchTest.MethodSearchRespectsAccessLevelCriteria

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle method search respects access level criteria .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) List codeSearchResults = codeSearcher.Search(searchCriteria);(@line 67)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 68

This unit test case validates that:
(1) codeSearchResults.Count is equal to 7.
   codeSearchResults is obtained from
   1) variable codeSearcher through slicing path
   2) variable searchCriteria through slicing path.

(2) "Failed to find relevant search result for search: " + keywords is fail.

(3) AccessLevel.Public is equal to method.AccessLevel.

(4) String.Empty is equal to method.Arguments.

(5) method.Body is not null.

(6) method.ClassId != null && method.ClassId != Guid.Empty is true.

(7) "SimpleSearchCriteria" is equal to method.ClassName.

(8) 31 is equal to method.DefinitionLineNumber.

(9) method.FullFilePath.EndsWith("\\TestFiles\\MethodElementTestFiles\\Searcher.cs".ToLowerInvariant()) is true.

(10) "ToQueryString" is equal to method.Name.

(11) ProgramElementType.Method is equal to method.ProgramElementType.

(12) "void" is equal to method.ReturnType.

(13) String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(method.RawSource) is false.

145.  Sando.IntegrationTests.Search.MethodElementSearchTest.MethodSearchRespectsFileExtensionsCriteria

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle method search respects file extensions criteria .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) var codeSearchResults = codeSearcher.Search(searchCriteria);(@line 99)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 100

This unit test case validates that:
(1) codeSearchResults.Count is equal to 1.
   codeSearchResults is obtained from
   1) variable codeSearcher through slicing path
   2) variable searchCriteria through slicing path.

(2) "Failed to find relevant search result for search: " + keywords is fail.

146.  Sando.IntegrationTests.Search.OpenAndCloseIndexTest.CloseAndReopen

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests close and reopen .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) An assertion in line 22 validating that currentIndexer.GetNumberOfIndexedDocuments() > 5 is true.

147.  Sando.IntegrationTests.Search.RetrievalMetricsTest.TestStemmingForMetricsCalculation

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests stemming for metrics calculation.

This unit test case validates that:
(1) "search" is equal to preMetrics.StemText("searching").

(2) "search" is equal to preMetrics.StemText("search").

(3) "solut close" is equal to preMetrics.StemText("solution closing").

(4) "index" is equal to preMetrics.StemText("indexer").

148.  Sando.IntegrationTests.Search.RetrievalMetricsTest.TestSpecificityMetrics

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests specificity metrics .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) An assertion in line 38 validating that preMetrics.AvgIdf("splitting") > preMetrics.AvgIdf("searching") is true.
(2) An assertion in line 39 validating that preMetrics.AvgIdf("solution closing") > preMetrics.AvgIdf("indexer") is true.

149.  Sando.IntegrationTests.Search.RetrievalMetricsTest.TestSimilarityMetrics

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests similarity metrics .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) An assertion in line 49 validating that preMetrics.AvgSqc("indexer") > preMetrics.AvgSqc("potato chip") is true.
(2) An assertion in line 50 validating that preMetrics.AvgSqc("indexer") > preMetrics.AvgSqc("soda pop") is true.

150.  Sando.IntegrationTests.Search.SelfSearchTest.FindBodyText

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests find body text .

151.  Sando.IntegrationTests.Search.SelfSearchTest.QuotedSearchNoResults

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests quoted search no results .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) _myMessage.Contains("No results") is true.

152.  Sando.IntegrationTests.Search.SelfSearchTest.QuotedNoQuotesWithQuotesInside

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests quoted no quotes with quotes inside.

153.  Sando.IntegrationTests.Search.SelfSearchTest.QueryShouldGetSomeResults

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests query should get some results .

154.  Sando.IntegrationTests.Search.SelfSearchTest.QuotedSearchWithNot

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests quoted search with not.

155.  Sando.IntegrationTests.Search.SelfSearchTest.QuotedSearchBroken

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle quoted search broken .

156.  Sando.IntegrationTests.Search.SelfSearchTest.QuotedWithoutQuotes

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests quoted self search test without quotes.

157.  Sando.IntegrationTests.Search.SelfSearchTest.QuotedSearchWithSpacesBroken

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle quoted search with spaces broken .

158.  Sando.IntegrationTests.Search.SelfSearchTest.ExcludeTestIfClassNameHasTest

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests exclude test if class name has test .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) false is true.

159.  Sando.IntegrationTests.Search.SelfSearchTest.ElementNameSearchesInTop3

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle element name searches in top 3 .

160.  Sando.IntegrationTests.Search.SelfSearchTest.UnderscoreSearch

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests underscore search .

161.  Sando.IntegrationTests.Search.SelfSearchTest.FileTypeWithTerm

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests file type with term.

162.  Sando.IntegrationTests.Search.SelfSearchTest.FileTypeH

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests file type h .

163.  Sando.IntegrationTests.Search.SelfSearchTest.FileTypeSearch

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests file type search .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) false is true.

164.  Sando.IntegrationTests.Search.SelfSearchTest.TestSandoSearch

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests sando search .

165.  Sando.IntegrationTests.Search.SelfSearchTest.TestNoteSandoSearch

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests note sando search .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) "Should not find anything that matches for this test: " + keywords is fail.
   keywords is obtained from
   1) variable keywords through slicing path.

166.  Sando.IntegrationTests.Search.SelfSearchTest.TestSolutionOpened

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests solution opened .

167.  Sando.IntegrationTests.Search.SelfSearchTest.TestSeveralSearchesOnSandoCodeBase

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests several searches on sando code base.

168.  Sando.IntegrationTests.Search.StemmingSearchTest.SearchIsUsingStemming

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests search is using stemming .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) 8 is equal to codeSearchResults.Count.

(2) "Failed to find relevant search result for search: " + keywords is fail.
   keywords is obtained from
   1) variable keywords through slicing path.

(3) AccessLevel.Public is equal to classElement.AccessLevel.

(4) String.Empty is equal to classElement.ExtendedClasses.

(5) 10 is equal to classElement.DefinitionLineNumber.

(6) classElement.FullFilePath.EndsWith("\\TestFiles\\StemmingTestFiles\\FileNameTemplate.cs".ToLowerInvariant()) is true.

(7) "FileNameTemplate" is equal to classElement.Name.

(8) ProgramElementType.Class is equal to classElement.ProgramElementType.

(9) String.Empty is equal to classElement.ImplementedInterfaces.

(10) String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(classElement.RawSource) is false.

(11) "Failed to find relevant search result for search: " + keywords is fail.
   keywords is obtained from
   1) variable keywords through slicing path.

(12) AccessLevel.Public is equal to methodElement.AccessLevel.

(13) "string extension" is equal to methodElement.Arguments.

(14) methodElement.Body is not null.

(15) methodElement.ClassId != null && methodElement.ClassId != Guid.Empty is true.

(16) "FileNameTemplate" is equal to methodElement.ClassName.

(17) 17 is equal to methodElement.DefinitionLineNumber.

(18) methodElement.FullFilePath.EndsWith("\\TestFiles\\StemmingTestFiles\\FileNameTemplate.cs".ToLowerInvariant()) is true.

(19) "Parse" is equal to methodElement.Name.

(20) ProgramElementType.Method is equal to methodElement.ProgramElementType.

(21) "ImagePairNames" is equal to methodElement.ReturnType.

(22) String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(methodElement.RawSource) is false.

(23) "Failed to find relevant search result for search: " + keywords is fail.
   keywords is obtained from
   1) variable keywords through slicing path.

(24) AccessLevel.Private is equal to methodElement.AccessLevel.

(25) "ImagePairNames startNames" is equal to methodElement.Arguments.

(26) methodElement.Body is not null.

(27) methodElement.ClassId != null && methodElement.ClassId != Guid.Empty is true.

(28) "FileNameTemplate" is equal to methodElement.ClassName.

(29) 53 is equal to methodElement.DefinitionLineNumber.

(30) methodElement.FullFilePath.EndsWith("\\TestFiles\\StemmingTestFiles\\FileNameTemplate.cs".ToLowerInvariant()) is true.

(31) "TryAddTemplatePrompt" is equal to methodElement.Name.

(32) ProgramElementType.Method is equal to methodElement.ProgramElementType.

(33) String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(methodElement.RawSource) is false.

(34) "Failed to find relevant search result for search: " + keywords is fail.
   keywords is obtained from
   1) variable keywords through slicing path.

(35) AccessLevel.Private is equal to fieldElement.AccessLevel.

(36) fieldElement.ClassId != null && methodElement.ClassId != Guid.Empty is true.

(37) "FileNameTemplate" is equal to fieldElement.ClassName.

(38) 12 is equal to fieldElement.DefinitionLineNumber.

(39) fieldElement.FullFilePath.EndsWith("\\TestFiles\\StemmingTestFiles\\FileNameTemplate.cs".ToLowerInvariant()) is true.

(40) "fileName" is equal to fieldElement.Name.

(41) ProgramElementType.Field is equal to fieldElement.ProgramElementType.

(42) "string" is equal to fieldElement.FieldType.

(43) String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(methodElement.RawSource) is false.

169.  Sando.IntegrationTests.Search.TestFilesSearchingTest.FieldSearchWithUnderscore

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests field search with underscore.

170.  Sando.IntegrationTests.SandoServiceTest.TestMethod1

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests method 1 .

171.  Sando.IntegrationTests.SandoServiceTests.SearchTest

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests search test .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) TestHelpers.WaitForServiceToFinish(TestHelpers.SrcMLTestScaffold.Service,5000) is true.

(2) results.Count > 0 is true.

(3) results.First().Name.Equals("GamePadNode") is true.

(4) false is true.

172.  Sando.IntegrationTests.SandoServiceTests.RecommendationsTest

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle recommendations test .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) TestHelpers.WaitForServiceToFinish(TestHelpers.SrcMLTestScaffold.Service,5000) is true.

(2) recommender.GenerateRecommendations("play").Length > 0 is true.

(3) recommender.GenerateRecommendations("play").Query.Equals("Player") is true.

(4) false is true.

173.  Sando.IntegrationTests.SandoServiceTests.SummarizationTest

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle summarization test .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) TestHelpers.WaitForServiceToFinish(TestHelpers.SrcMLTestScaffold.Service,10000) is true.

(2) highlight.Contains("public PC|~S~|Play|~E~|er PC|~S~|Play|~E~|er") is true.

(3) highlight.Contains("get") is false.

(4) highlight.Contains("return pc|~S~|Play|~E~|er;") is true.

174.  Sando.Recommender.UnitTests.CamelIdSplitterTests.SplitTest

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests split test .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) var actual = splitter.Split("DBGetHydro");(@line 14)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 16

This unit test case validates that:
(1) actual is equal to expected.
   actual is obtained from
   1) variable splitter through slicing path.

175.  Sando.Recommender.UnitTests.CamelIdSplitterTests.SplitTest_lowercase

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests split test lowercase .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) var actual = splitter.Split("lowercase");(@line 22)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 24

This unit test case validates that:
(1) actual is equal to expected.
   actual is obtained from
   1) variable splitter through slicing path.

176.  Sando.Recommender.UnitTests.CamelIdSplitterTests.SplitTest_uppercase

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests split test uppercase .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) var actual = splitter.Split("CONSTVAL");(@line 30)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 32

This unit test case validates that:
(1) actual is equal to expected.
   actual is obtained from
   1) variable splitter through slicing path.

177.  Sando.Recommender.UnitTests.CamelIdSplitterTests.SplitTest_UppercaseUnderscore

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests split test uppercase underscore .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) var actual = splitter.Split("CONST_VAL");(@line 38)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 40

This unit test case validates that:
(1) actual is equal to expected.
   actual is obtained from
   1) variable splitter through slicing path.

178.  Sando.Recommender.UnitTests.CamelIdSplitterTests.SplitTest_BadCamelCase

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests split test bad camel case .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) var actual = splitter.Split("XMLparser");(@line 46)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 48

This unit test case validates that:
(1) actual is equal to expected.
   actual is obtained from
   1) variable splitter through slicing path.

179.  Sando.Recommender.UnitTests.SwumDataRecordTests.TestRoundTrip

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests round trip .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) SwumDataRecordsAreEqual(sdr,actual) is true.

180.  Sando.Recommender.UnitTests.SwumDataRecordTests.QueryRecommenderTest

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests query recommender test .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) int(10 / QueryRecommender.Distance("Add","findAndAddRelevantFilesToIndexState")) < int(10 / QueryRecommender.Distance("Add","addError")) is true.

(2) QueryRecommender.Distance("AddFiles","Add") < QueryRecommender.Distance("AddFiles","AddAndDoOtherStuff") is true.

(3) QueryRecommender.Distance("AddFiles","AddFile") < QueryRecommender.Distance("AddFiles","AddFilesYeah") is true.

(4) QueryRecommender.Distance("Add","AddFilesAndDoStuff") < QueryRecommender.Distance("Add","FilesAndDoStuffAdd") is true.

181.  Sando.Recommender.UnitTests.SwumDataRecordTests.TestRoundTrip_FileNames

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests round trip file names .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) SwumDataRecordsAreEqual(sdr,actual) is true.

182.  Sando.Recommender.UnitTests.SwumManagerTests.TestReadingRealCache

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests reading real cache .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) var datas = manager.GetSwumData();(@line 32)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 33

This unit test case validates that:
(1) datas.Count > 400 is true.

(2) data.Value.SwumNode != null is true.

183.  Sando.Recommender.UnitTests.SwumManagerTests.TestCacheRoundTrip

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests cache round trip .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) An assertion in line 46 validating that manager.GetSwumData().Count is equal to beforeCount.

184.  Sando.Recommender.UnitTests.SwumManagerTests.TestAddSourceFile

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests add source file .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) An assertion in line 52 validating that manager.GetSwumData().Any() is false.
(2) An assertion in line 54 validating that manager.GetSwumData().Keys.Count is equal to 5.
(3) An assertion in line 55 validating that manager.GetSwumForSignature("static bool containsNewLine( Reader::Location begin, Reader::Location end )") is not null.
(4) An assertion in line 56 validating that manager.GetSwumForSignature("static std::string codePointToUTF8(unsigned int cp)") is not null.
(5) An assertion in line 57 validating that manager.GetSwumForSignature("Reader::Reader()") is not null.
(6) An assertion in line 58 validating that manager.GetSwumForSignature("bool Reader::parse( const std::string &document, Value &root, bool collectComments )") is not null.
(7) An assertion in line 59 validating that manager.GetSwumForSignature("bool Reader::parse( std::istream& sin, Value &root, bool collectComments )") is not null.

185.  Sando.Recommender.UnitTests.SwumManagerTests.TestAddSourceFile_DoubleExtension

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests add source file double extension .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) An assertion in line 64 validating that manager.GetSwumData().Any() is false.
(2) An assertion in line 66 validating that manager.GetSwumData().Keys.Count is equal to 5.
(3) An assertion in line 67 validating that manager.GetSwumForSignature("static bool containsNewLine( Reader::Location begin, Reader::Location end )") is not null.
(4) An assertion in line 68 validating that manager.GetSwumForSignature("static std::string codePointToUTF8(unsigned int cp)") is not null.
(5) An assertion in line 69 validating that manager.GetSwumForSignature("Reader::Reader()") is not null.
(6) An assertion in line 70 validating that manager.GetSwumForSignature("bool Reader::parse( const std::string &document, Value &root, bool collectComments )") is not null.
(7) An assertion in line 71 validating that manager.GetSwumForSignature("bool Reader::parse( std::istream& sin, Value &root, bool collectComments )") is not null.

186.  Sando.Recommender.UnitTests.SwumManagerTests.TestAddSourceFile_CSharp_Property

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests add source file c sharp property .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) An assertion in line 76 validating that manager.GetSwumData().Any() is false.
(2) An assertion in line 78 validating that manager.GetSwumData().Keys.Count is equal to 3.
(3) An assertion in line 79 validating that manager.GetSwumForSignature("public TestClass()") is not null.
(4) An assertion in line 80 validating that manager.GetSwumForSignature("public void DoStuff(string theStuff, int count)") is not null.
(5) An assertion in line 81 validating that manager.GetSwumForSignature("private int PrivateStuff(int count)") is not null.

187.  Sando.Recommender.UnitTests.SwumManagerTests.TestRemoveSourceFile

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests remove source file .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) An assertion in line 88 validating that manager.GetSwumForSignature("char* MyFunction(int foo)") is not null.
(2) An assertion in line 90 validating that manager.GetSwumForSignature("char* MyFunction(int foo)") is null.

188.  Sando.Recommender.UnitTests.SwumManagerTests.TestUpdateSourceFile

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests update source file .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) An assertion in line 97 validating that manager.GetSwumData().Count is equal to 2.
(2) An assertion in line 98 validating that manager.GetSwumForSignature("char* MyFunction(int foo)") is not null.
(3) An assertion in line 102 validating that manager.GetSwumData().Count is equal to 2.
(4) An assertion in line 103 validating that manager.GetSwumForSignature("char* MyFunction(int foo)") is null.
(5) An assertion in line 104 validating that manager.GetSwumForSignature("char* UpdatedMyFunction(int foo)") is not null.

189.  Sando.Recommender.UnitTests.SwumManagerTests.TestConcurrentReadWrite

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests concurrent read write .

190.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.Searching.Results.CsSimpleTest.CSSimple_OneFile_Passing

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle cs simple one file passing .

191.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.Searching.ProgramElementReaderTest.ProgramElementReader_ReadProgramElementFromDocumentReturnValidClassElementForValidDocument

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests program element reader read program element from document return valid class element for valid document.

This unit test case validates that:
(1) returnedElement is not null.
   returnedElement is obtained from
   1) variable element through slicing path.

(2) element.AccessLevel == returnedElement.AccessLevel is true.

(3) element.DefinitionLineNumber == returnedElement.DefinitionLineNumber is true.

(4) element.ExtendedClasses == returnedElement.ExtendedClasses is true.

(5) StandardizeFilePath(element.FullFilePath) == returnedElement.FullFilePath is true.

(6) element.ImplementedInterfaces == returnedElement.ImplementedInterfaces is true.

(7) element.Name == returnedElement.Name is true.

(8) element.Namespace == returnedElement.Namespace is true.

(9) element.ProgramElementType == returnedElement.ProgramElementType is true.

(10) element.RawSource == returnedElement.RawSource is true.

192.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.Searching.ProgramElementReaderTest.ProgramElementReader_ReadProgramElementFromDocumentReturnValidCommentElementForValidDocument

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests program element reader read program element from document return valid comment element for valid document.

This unit test case validates that:
(1) returnedElement is not null.
   returnedElement is obtained from
   1) variable element through slicing path.

(2) "not stored in index" == returnedElement.Body is true.

(3) element.DefinitionLineNumber == returnedElement.DefinitionLineNumber is true.

(4) StandardizeFilePath(element.FullFilePath) == returnedElement.FullFilePath is true.

(5) element.Name == returnedElement.Name is true.

(6) element.ProgramElementType == returnedElement.ProgramElementType is true.

(7) element.RawSource == returnedElement.RawSource is true.

193.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.Searching.ProgramElementReaderTest.ProgramElementReader_ReadProgramElementFromDocumentReturnValidEnumElementForValidDocument

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests program element reader read program element from document return valid enum element for valid document.

This unit test case validates that:
(1) returnedElement is not null.
   returnedElement is obtained from
   1) variable element through slicing path.

(2) element.AccessLevel == returnedElement.AccessLevel is true.

(3) element.DefinitionLineNumber == returnedElement.DefinitionLineNumber is true.

(4) StandardizeFilePath(element.FullFilePath) == returnedElement.FullFilePath is true.

(5) element.Name == returnedElement.Name is true.

(6) element.Namespace == returnedElement.Namespace is true.

(7) element.ProgramElementType == returnedElement.ProgramElementType is true.

(8) element.RawSource == returnedElement.RawSource is true.

(9) "not stored in index" == returnedElement.Body is true.

194.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.Searching.ProgramElementReaderTest.ProgramElementReader_ReadProgramElementFromDocumentReturnValidFieldElementForValidDocument

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests program element reader read program element from document return valid field element for valid document.

This unit test case validates that:
(1) returnedElement is not null.
   returnedElement is obtained from
   1) variable element through slicing path.

(2) element.AccessLevel == returnedElement.AccessLevel is true.

(3) element.ClassId == returnedElement.ClassId is true.

(4) element.ClassName == returnedElement.ClassName is true.

(5) element.DefinitionLineNumber == returnedElement.DefinitionLineNumber is true.

(6) element.FieldType == returnedElement.FieldType is true.

(7) StandardizeFilePath(element.FullFilePath) == returnedElement.FullFilePath is true.

(8) element.Name == returnedElement.Name is true.

(9) element.ProgramElementType == returnedElement.ProgramElementType is true.

(10) element.RawSource == returnedElement.RawSource is true.

195.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.Searching.ProgramElementReaderTest.ProgramElementReader_ReadProgramElementFromDocumentReturnValidMethodElementForValidDocument

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests program element reader read program element from document return valid method element for valid document.

This unit test case validates that:
(1) returnedElement is not null.
   returnedElement is obtained from
   1) variable element through slicing path.

(2) element.AccessLevel == returnedElement.AccessLevel is true.

(3) element.Arguments == returnedElement.Arguments is true.

(4) "not stored in index" == returnedElement.Body is true.

(5) element.ClassId == returnedElement.ClassId is true.

(6) element.ClassName == returnedElement.ClassName.ToSandoDisplayable() is true.

(7) element.DefinitionLineNumber == returnedElement.DefinitionLineNumber is true.

(8) StandardizeFilePath(element.FullFilePath) == returnedElement.FullFilePath is true.

(9) element.Name == returnedElement.Name is true.

(10) element.ProgramElementType == returnedElement.ProgramElementType is true.

(11) element.ReturnType == returnedElement.ReturnType is true.

(12) element.RawSource == returnedElement.RawSource is true.

196.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.Searching.ProgramElementReaderTest.ProgramElementReader_ReadProgramElementFromDocumentReturnValidPropertyElementForValidDocument

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests program element reader read program element from document return valid property element for valid document.

This unit test case validates that:
(1) returnedElement is not null.
   returnedElement is obtained from
   1) variable element through slicing path.

(2) element.AccessLevel == returnedElement.AccessLevel is true.

(3) "not stored in index" == returnedElement.Body is true.

(4) element.ClassId == returnedElement.ClassId is true.

(5) element.ClassName == returnedElement.ClassName is true.

(6) element.DefinitionLineNumber == returnedElement.DefinitionLineNumber is true.

(7) StandardizeFilePath(element.FullFilePath) == returnedElement.FullFilePath is true.

(8) element.Name == returnedElement.Name is true.

(9) element.ProgramElementType == returnedElement.ProgramElementType is true.

(10) element.PropertyType == returnedElement.PropertyType is true.

(11) element.RawSource == returnedElement.RawSource is true.

197.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.Searching.Criteria.SearchCriteriaTest.SearchCriteria_EqualsReturnTrueWhenObjectIsComparedToItsOwn

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests search criteria equals return true when object is compared to its own.

This unit test case validates that:
(1) simpleSearchCriteria.Equals(simpleSearchCriteria) is true.

198.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.Searching.Criteria.SearchCriteriaTest.SearchCriteria_EqualsReturnTrueWhenObjectsHaveTheSameData

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests search criteria equals return true when objects have the same data .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) simpleSearchCriteria1.Equals(simpleSearchCriteria2) is true.

199.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.Searching.Criteria.SearchCriteriaTest.SearchCriteria_EqualsReturnFalseWhenObjectsHaveDifferentData

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests search criteria equals return false when objects have different data .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) simpleSearchCriteria1.Equals(simpleSearchCriteria2) is false.

200.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.Searching.Criteria.SimpleSearchCriteriaTest.SimpleSearchCriteria_ToQueryStringCreatesValidQueryStringForEmptySearchCriteria

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle simple search criteria to query string creates valid query string for empty search criteria .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) String.Empty is equal to queryString.

201.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.Searching.Criteria.SimpleSearchCriteriaTest.SimpleSearchCriteria_ExactMatchToQueryString

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle simple search criteria exact match to query string .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) string queryString = simpleSearchCriteria.ToQueryString();(@line 35)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 37

This unit test case validates that:
(1) queryString.Contains("Source:*ServiceLocator.Resolve\\(\\);*") is true.
   queryString is obtained from
   1) variable simpleSearchCriteria through slicing path.

202.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.Searching.Criteria.SimpleSearchCriteriaTest.SimpleSearchCriteria_BasicQueryWeightsInFinnish

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle simple search criteria basic query weights in finnish .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) string queryString = simpleSearchCriteria.ToQueryString();(@line 46)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 47
(2) queryString = simpleSearchCriteria.ToQueryString();(@line 50)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 52

This unit test case validates that:
(1) queryString.Contains("ImplementedInterfaces:hi^0.2 ") is true.
   queryString is obtained from
   1) variable simpleSearchCriteria through slicing path.

(2) 0.2.ToString().Equals("0,2") is true.

(3) queryString.Contains("ImplementedInterfaces:hi^0.2 ") is true.
   queryString is obtained from
   1) variable simpleSearchCriteria through slicing path.

203.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.Searching.Criteria.SimpleSearchCriteriaTest.SimpleSearchCriteria_QuotedToQueryString

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle simple search criteria quoted to query string .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) string queryString = simpleSearchCriteria.ToQueryString();(@line 60)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 61

This unit test case validates that:
(1) queryString.Contains("Source:*ServiceLocator.Resolve\\(\\);*") is true.
   queryString is obtained from
   1) variable simpleSearchCriteria through slicing path.

204.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.Searching.Criteria.SimpleSearchCriteriaTest.SimpleSearchCriteria_QuotedNoWeirdCharsToQueryString

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle simple search criteria quoted no weird chars to query string .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) string queryString = simpleSearchCriteria.ToQueryString();(@line 69)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 70

This unit test case validates that:
(1) queryString.Contains("Source:*ServiceLocatorResolve*") is true.
   queryString is obtained from
   1) variable simpleSearchCriteria through slicing path.

205.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.Searching.Criteria.SimpleSearchCriteriaTest.SimpleSearchCriteria_QuotedWithSpaces

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle simple search criteria quoted with spaces .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) string queryString = simpleSearchCriteria.ToQueryString();(@line 78)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 79

This unit test case validates that:
(1) queryString.Contains("Source:*foreach\\(var?term?in?SearchTerms\\)*") is true.
   queryString is obtained from
   1) variable simpleSearchCriteria through slicing path.

206.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.Searching.Criteria.SimpleSearchCriteriaTest.SimpleSearchCriteria_ToQueryStringThrowsWhenSearchingByAccessLevelWithNoAccessLevelCriteria

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle simple search criteria to query string throws when searching by access level with no access level criteria .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) contractFailed is true.

207.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.Searching.Criteria.SimpleSearchCriteriaTest.SimpleSearchCriteria_ToQueryStringThrowsWhenSearchingByLocationWithNoLocationCriteria

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle simple search criteria to query string throws when searching by location with no location criteria .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) contractFailed is true.

208.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.Searching.Criteria.SimpleSearchCriteriaTest.SimpleSearchCriteria_ToQueryStringThrowsWhenSearchingByProgramElementTypeWithNoProgramElementTypeCriteria

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle simple search criteria to query string throws when searching by program element type with no program element type criteria .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) contractFailed is true.

209.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.Searching.Criteria.SimpleSearchCriteriaTest.SimpleSearchCriteria_ToQueryStringThrowsWhenSearchingByUsageTypeWithNoUsageTypeCriteria

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle simple search criteria to query string throws when searching by usage type with no usage type criteria .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) contractFailed is true.

210.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.Searching.Criteria.SimpleSearchCriteriaTest.SimpleSearchCriteria_ToQueryStringCreatesValidAccessLevelsQueryString_SingleCondition

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle simple search criteria to query string creates valid access levels query string single condition .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) "(" + SandoField.AccessLevel.ToString() + ":private)" is equal to queryString.

(2) query is not null.

(3) ex.Message is fail.

211.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.Searching.Criteria.SimpleSearchCriteriaTest.SimpleSearchCriteria_ToQueryStringCreatesValidAccessLevelsQueryString_MultipleConditions

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle simple search criteria to query string creates valid access levels query string multiple conditions .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) "(" + SandoField.AccessLevel.ToString() + ":protected OR " + SandoField.AccessLevel.ToString() + ":public)" is equal to queryString.

(2) query is not null.

(3) ex.Message is fail.

212.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.Searching.Criteria.SimpleSearchCriteriaTest.SimpleSearchCriteria_ToQueryStringCreatesValidFileExtensionsQueryString_SingleCondition

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle simple search criteria to query string creates valid file extensions query string single condition .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) "(" + SandoField.FileExtension.ToString() + ":\".cs\")" is equal to queryString.

(2) query is not null.

(3) ex.Message is fail.

213.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.Searching.Criteria.SimpleSearchCriteriaTest.SimpleSearchCriteria_ToQueryStringCreatesFileExtensionsQueryString_MultipleConditions

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle simple search criteria to query string creates file extensions query string multiple conditions .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) "(" + SandoField.FileExtension.ToString() + ":\".cs\" OR " + SandoField.FileExtension.ToString() + ":\".h\")" is equal to queryString.

(2) query is not null.

(3) ex.Message is fail.

214.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.Searching.Criteria.SimpleSearchCriteriaTest.SimpleSearchCriteria_ToQueryStringCreatesValidLocationsQueryString_SingleCondition

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle simple search criteria to query string creates valid locations query string single condition .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) "(" + SandoField.FullFilePath.ToString() + ":\"C:/Project/*.cs\")" is equal to queryString.

(2) query is not null.

(3) ex.Message is fail.

215.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.Searching.Criteria.SimpleSearchCriteriaTest.SimpleSearchCriteria_ToQueryStringCreatesValidLocationsQueryString_MultipleConditions

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle simple search criteria to query string creates valid locations query string multiple conditions .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) "(" + SandoField.FullFilePath.ToString() + ":\"C:/Project/*.cs\" OR " + SandoField.FullFilePath.ToString() + ":\"C:/Project2/*.cs\")" is equal to queryString.

(2) query is not null.

(3) ex.Message is fail.

216.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.Searching.Criteria.SimpleSearchCriteriaTest.SimpleSearchCriteria_ToQueryStringCreatesValidProgramElementTypesQueryString_SingleCondition

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle simple search criteria to query string creates valid program element types query string single condition .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) "(" + SandoField.ProgramElementType.ToString() + ":class)" is equal to queryString.

(2) query is not null.

(3) ex.Message is fail.

217.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.Searching.Criteria.SimpleSearchCriteriaTest.SimpleSearchCriteria_ToQueryStringCreatesValidProgramElementTypesQueryString_MultipleConditions

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle simple search criteria to query string creates valid program element types query string multiple conditions .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) "(" + SandoField.ProgramElementType.ToString() + ":property OR " + SandoField.ProgramElementType.ToString() + ":enum OR " + SandoField.ProgramElementType.ToString() + ":class)" is equal to queryString.

(2) query is not null.

(3) ex.Message is fail.

218.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.Searching.Criteria.SimpleSearchCriteriaTest.SimpleSearchCriteria_ToQueryStringCreatesValidUsageTypesQueryString_NoCondition

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle simple search criteria to query string creates valid usage types query string no condition .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) actual is equal to queryString.

(2) query is not null.

(3) ex.Message is fail.

219.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.Searching.Criteria.SimpleSearchCriteriaTest.SimpleSearchCriteria_ToQueryStringCreatesValidUsageTypesQueryString_SingleCondition

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle simple search criteria to query string creates valid usage types query string single condition .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) "(" + SandoField.ExtendedClasses.ToString() + ":SimpleClass^0.2)" is equal to queryString.

(2) query is not null.

(3) ex.Message is fail.

220.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.Searching.Criteria.SimpleSearchCriteriaTest.SimpleSearchCriteria_ToQueryStringCreatesValidUsageTypesQueryString_MultipleConditions

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle simple search criteria to query string creates valid usage types query string multiple conditions .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) "(" + SandoField.Name.ToString() + ":SimpleClass^3 OR " + SandoField.ExtendedClasses.ToString() + ":SimpleClass^0.2 OR " + SandoField.Namespace.ToString() + ":SimpleClass^0.05)" is equal to queryString.

(2) query is not null.

(3) ex.Message is fail.

221.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.Searching.Criteria.SimpleSearchCriteriaTest.SimpleSearchCriteria_ToQueryStringCreatesValidUsageTypesQueryString_MultipleSearchTerms

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle simple search criteria to query string creates valid usage types query string multiple search terms .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) actual is equal to queryString.

(2) query is not null.

(3) ex.Message is fail.

222.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.Searching.Criteria.SimpleSearchCriteriaTest.SimpleSearchCriteria_ToQueryStringCreatesValidQueryString_QuotedSearchTerm

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle simple search criteria to query string creates valid query string quoted search term .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) "(" + SandoField.Name.ToString() + ":*Class?Simple*^3)" is equal to queryString.

(2) query is not null.

(3) ex.Message is fail.

223.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.Searching.Criteria.SimpleSearchCriteriaTest.SimpleSearchCriteria_ToQueryStringCreatesValidQueryString_AllConditions

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle simple search criteria to query string creates valid query string all conditions .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) "(" + SandoField.AccessLevel.ToString() + ":protected OR " + SandoField.AccessLevel.ToString() + ":public) AND " + "(" + SandoField.ProgramElementType.ToString() + ":property OR " + SandoField.ProgramElementType.ToString() + ":enum OR " + SandoField.ProgramElementType.ToString() + ":class) AND " + "(" + SandoField.FileExtension.ToString() + ":\".cs\" OR " + SandoField.FileExtension.ToString() + ":\".h\") AND " + "(" + SandoField.FullFilePath.ToString() + ":\"C:/Project/*.cs\" OR " + SandoField.FullFilePath.ToString() + ":\"C:/Project2/*.cs\") AND " + "(" + SandoField.Name.ToString() + ":SimpleClass^3 OR " + SandoField.ExtendedClasses.ToString() + ":SimpleClass^0.2 OR " + SandoField.Namespace.ToString() + ":SimpleClass^0.05)" is equal to queryString.

(2) query is not null.

(3) ex.Message is fail.

224.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.Searching.Criteria.SimpleSearchCriteriaTest.SimpleSearchCriteria_ToQueryStringCreatesValidQueryString_SpecialCharacters

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle simple search criteria to query string creates valid query string special characters .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) queryString is equal to "(Body:*\\+?\\-?\\&\\&?\\|\\|?\\!?\\(?\\)?\\{?\\}?\\[?\\]?\\^?\\~?\\:?*^4)".
   queryString is obtained from
   1) variable simpleSearchCriteria through slicing path.

(2) query is not null.

(3) ex.Message is fail.

225.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.Documents.CustomElementTest.LuceneDocToCustomProgramElement

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests lucene doc to custom program element.

This unit test case validates that:
(1) myCustomProgramElementForTesting != null is true.
   myCustomProgramElementForTesting is obtained from
   1) variable customSandoDocument through slicing path.

(2) myCustomProgramElementForTesting.A.Equals("A's value") is true.
   myCustomProgramElementForTesting is obtained from
   1) variable customSandoDocument through slicing path.

(3) myCustomProgramElementForTesting.B.Equals("B's value") is true.
   myCustomProgramElementForTesting is obtained from
   1) variable customSandoDocument through slicing path.

(4) myCustomProgramElementForTesting.C.Equals("C's value") is true.
   myCustomProgramElementForTesting is obtained from
   1) variable customSandoDocument through slicing path.

226.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.Documents.CustomElementTest.CustomDocumentToLuceneDocument

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle custom document to lucene document .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) luceneDocumentWithCustomFields != null is true.
   luceneDocumentWithCustomFields is obtained from
   1) variable customSandoDocument through slicing path.

227.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.Documents.CustomElementTest.GetCustomDocumentFromFactoryTest

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests get custom document from factory test.

This unit test case validates that:
(1) element != null is true.

228.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.Documents.CustomElementTest.RoundTrip

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests round trip .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) field1.StringValue().Equals(field2.StringValue()) is true.
   field1 is obtained from
   1) variable element through slicing path
   2) variable property through slicing path.

229.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.Documents.CustomFieldTest.LuceneDocToCustomProgramElementForMethod

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests lucene doc to custom program element for method.

This unit test case validates that:
(1) myCustomProgramElementForTesting != null is true.
   myCustomProgramElementForTesting is obtained from
   1) variable document through slicing path.

(2) myCustomProgramElementForTesting.Boom.Equals("Ba dow") is true.
   myCustomProgramElementForTesting is obtained from
   1) variable document through slicing path.

230.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.Documents.CustomFieldTest.CustomDocumentToLuceneDocumentForMethod

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle custom document to lucene document for method .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) luceneDocumentWithCustomFields != null is true.
   luceneDocumentWithCustomFields is obtained from
   1) variable customSandoDocument through slicing path.

(2) luceneDocumentWithCustomFields.GetField("Boom") != null is true.
   luceneDocumentWithCustomFields is obtained from
   1) variable customSandoDocument through slicing path.

(3) luceneDocumentWithCustomFields.GetField("Boom").StringValue().Equals("Ba dow") is true.
   luceneDocumentWithCustomFields is obtained from
   1) variable customSandoDocument through slicing path.

231.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.Documents.CustomFieldTest.LuceneDocToCustomProgramElementForClass

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests lucene doc to custom program element for class.

This unit test case validates that:
(1) myCustomProgramElementForTesting != null is true.
   myCustomProgramElementForTesting is obtained from
   1) variable document through slicing path.

(2) myCustomProgramElementForTesting.Bam.Equals("Zaow") is true.
   myCustomProgramElementForTesting is obtained from
   1) variable document through slicing path.

232.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.Documents.CustomFieldTest.CustomDocumentToLuceneDocumentForClass

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle custom document to lucene document for class .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) luceneDocumentWithCustomFields != null is true.
   luceneDocumentWithCustomFields is obtained from
   1) variable customSandoDocument through slicing path.

(2) luceneDocumentWithCustomFields.GetField("Bam") != null is true.
   luceneDocumentWithCustomFields is obtained from
   1) variable customSandoDocument through slicing path.

(3) luceneDocumentWithCustomFields.GetField("Bam").StringValue().Equals("Zaow") is true.
   luceneDocumentWithCustomFields is obtained from
   1) variable customSandoDocument through slicing path.

233.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.Documents.SandoDocumentStringExtensionTest.SandoDocumentStringExtension_ToSandoSearchableReturnsValidString

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests sando document string extension to sando searchable returns valid string.

This unit test case validates that:
(1) "SetFileExtension" + SandoDocumentStringExtension.Delimiter + "Set File Extension" is equal to testString.ToSandoSearchable().

(2) "donothing" is equal to testString.ToSandoSearchable().

(3) String.Empty is equal to testString.ToSandoSearchable().

234.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.Documents.SandoDocumentStringExtensionTest.SandoDocumentStringExtension_ToSandoDisplayableReturnsValidString

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests sando document string extension to sando displayable returns valid string.

This unit test case validates that:
(1) "SetFileExtension" is equal to testString.ToSandoDisplayable().

(2) "donothing" is equal to testString.ToSandoDisplayable().

(3) String.Empty is equal to testString.ToSandoDisplayable().

235.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.DocumentFactoryTest.DocumentFactory_CreateReturnsClassDocumentForValidClassElement

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests document factory create returns class document for valid class element.

This unit test case validates that:
(1) sandoDocument != null is true.

(2) sandoDocument is ClassDocument is true.

(3) ex.Message + ". " + ex.StackTrace is fail.

236.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.DocumentFactoryTest.DocumentFactory_CreateReturnsStructDocumentForValidStructElement

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests document factory create returns struct document for valid struct element.

This unit test case validates that:
(1) sandoDocument != null is true.

(2) sandoDocument is StructDocument is true.

(3) ex.Message + ". " + ex.StackTrace is fail.

237.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.DocumentFactoryTest.DocumentFactory_CreateReturnsCommentDocumentForValidCommentElement

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests document factory create returns comment document for valid comment element.

This unit test case validates that:
(1) sandoDocument != null is true.

(2) sandoDocument is CommentDocument is true.

(3) ex.Message + ". " + ex.StackTrace is fail.

238.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.DocumentFactoryTest.DocumentFactory_CreateReturnsEnumDocumentForValidEnumElement

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests document factory create returns enum document for valid enum element.

This unit test case validates that:
(1) sandoDocument != null is true.

(2) sandoDocument is EnumDocument is true.

(3) ex.Message + ". " + ex.StackTrace is fail.

239.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.DocumentFactoryTest.DocumentFactory_CreateReturnsFieldDocumentForValidFieldElement

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests document factory create returns field document for valid field element.

This unit test case validates that:
(1) sandoDocument != null is true.

(2) sandoDocument is FieldDocument is true.

(3) ex.Message + ". " + ex.StackTrace is fail.

240.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.DocumentFactoryTest.DocumentFactory_CreateReturnsMethodDocumentForValidMethodElement

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests document factory create returns method document for valid method element.

This unit test case validates that:
(1) sandoDocument != null is true.

(2) sandoDocument is MethodDocument is true.

(3) ex.Message + ". " + ex.StackTrace is fail.

241.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.DocumentFactoryTest.DocumentFactory_CreateReturnsPropertyDocumentForValidPropertyElement

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests document factory create returns property document for valid property element.

This unit test case validates that:
(1) sandoDocument != null is true.

(2) sandoDocument is PropertyDocument is true.

(3) ex.Message + ". " + ex.StackTrace is fail.

242.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.DocumentFactoryTest.DocumentFactory_CreateThrowsContractExceptionIfProgramElementIsNull

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests document factory create throws contract exception if program element is null .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) contractFailed is true.

243.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.DocumentFactoryTest.DocumentFactory_CreateThrowsContractExceptionIfUnsportedProgramElementSubclassObjectPassed

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle document factory create throws contract exception if unsported program element subclass object passed .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) contractFailed is true.

244.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.DocumentIndexerTest.DocumentIndexer_ConstructorDoesNotThrowWhenValidData

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests document indexer constructor does not throw when valid data .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) ex.Message + ". " + ex.StackTrace is fail.

245.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.DocumentIndexerTest.DocumentIndexer_AddDocumentDoesNotThrowWhenValidData

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests document indexer add document does not throw when valid data .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) sandoDocument is not null.
   sandoDocument is obtained from
   1) variable classElement through slicing path.

(2) sandoDocument.GetDocument() is not null.
   sandoDocument is obtained from
   1) variable classElement through slicing path.

(3) ex.Message + ". " + ex.StackTrace is fail.

246.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.DocumentIndexerTest.DocumentIndexer_AddDocumentThrowsWhenProgramElementIsNull

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests document indexer add document throws when program element is null .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) _contractFailed is true.

247.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.DocumentIndexerTest.DocumentIndexer_DeleteDocuments

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests document indexer delete documents .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) int numDocs = _documentIndexer.GetNumberOfIndexedDocuments();(@line 78)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 79
(2) int docs = _documentIndexer.GetNumberOfIndexedDocuments();(@line 81)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 82

This unit test case validates that:
(1) numDocs == 1 is true.

(2) docs == 0 is true.

(3) ex.Message + ". " + ex.StackTrace is fail.

248.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.DocumentIndexerTest.GIVEN_DocumentIndexer_WHEN_IndexSearcherIsClosed_AND_SearchFailed_THEN_IndexSearcherIsRecreated_AND_SearchReturnsResults

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests given document indexer when index searcher is closed and search failed then index searcher is recreated and search returns results .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) ex.Message + ". " + ex.StackTrace is fail.

249.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.DocumentIndexerTest.GIVEN_DocumentIndexer_WHEN_IndexSearcherIsClosed_THEN_IndexSearcherIsRecreatedInBackgroundThread_AND_SearchReturnsResults

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests given document indexer when index searcher is closed then index searcher is recreated in background thread and search returns results.

This unit test case validates that:
(1) ex.Message + ". " + ex.StackTrace is fail.

250.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.IndexFiltering.IndexFilterManagerTest.IndexFilterManager_ShouldFileBeIndexedReturnsFalseIfExtensionRuleMatches

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle index filter manager should file be indexed returns false if extension rule matches .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) var actual = indexFilterManager.ShouldFileBeIndexed(fullFilePath);(@line 31)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 32

This unit test case validates that:
(1) actual is equal to expected.
   actual is obtained from
   1) variable indexFilterSettings through slicing path
   2) variable logger through slicing path
   3) variable testFileName through slicing path.

251.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.IndexFiltering.IndexFilterManagerTest.IndexFilterManager_ShouldFileBeIndexedReturnsTrueIfNoExtensionRuleMatches

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle index filter manager should file be indexed returns true if no extension rule matches .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) var actual = indexFilterManager.ShouldFileBeIndexed(fullFilePath);(@line 54)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 55

This unit test case validates that:
(1) actual is equal to expected.
   actual is obtained from
   1) variable indexFilterSettings through slicing path
   2) variable logger through slicing path
   3) variable testFileName through slicing path.

252.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.IndexFiltering.IndexFilterManagerTest.IndexFilterManager_ShouldFileBeIndexedReturnsFalseIfFileNameRuleMatches

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle index filter manager should file be indexed returns false if file name rule matches .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) var actual = indexFilterManager.ShouldFileBeIndexed(fullFilePath);(@line 77)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 78

This unit test case validates that:
(1) actual is equal to expected.
   actual is obtained from
   1) variable indexFilterSettings through slicing path
   2) variable logger through slicing path
   3) variable testFileName through slicing path.

253.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.IndexFiltering.IndexFilterManagerTest.IndexFilterManager_ShouldFileBeIndexedReturnsTrueIfNoFileNameRuleMatches

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle index filter manager should file be indexed returns true if no file name rule matches .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) var actual = indexFilterManager.ShouldFileBeIndexed(fullFilePath);(@line 100)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 101

This unit test case validates that:
(1) actual is equal to expected.
   actual is obtained from
   1) variable indexFilterSettings through slicing path
   2) variable logger through slicing path
   3) variable testFileName through slicing path.

254.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.IndexFiltering.IndexFilterManagerTest.IndexFilterManager_ShouldFileBeIndexedReturnsFalseIfDirectoryRuleMatches

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle index filter manager should file be indexed returns false if directory rule matches .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) var actual = indexFilterManager.ShouldFileBeIndexed(fullFilePath);(@line 125)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 126

This unit test case validates that:
(1) actual is equal to expected.
   actual is obtained from
   1) variable indexFilterSettings through slicing path
   2) variable logger through slicing path
   3) variable testFileName through slicing path.

255.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.IndexFiltering.IndexFilterManagerTest.IndexFilterManager_ShouldFileBeIndexedReturnsTrueIfNoDirectoryRuleMatches

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle index filter manager should file be indexed returns true if no directory rule matches .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) var actual = indexFilterManager.ShouldFileBeIndexed(fullFilePath);(@line 151)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 152

This unit test case validates that:
(1) actual is equal to expected.
   actual is obtained from
   1) variable indexFilterSettings through slicing path
   2) variable logger through slicing path
   3) variable testFileName through slicing path.

256.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.IndexFiltering.IndexFilterManagerTest.IndexFilterManager_ShouldFileBeIndexedReturnsFalseIfPathExpressionsRuleMatches

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle index filter manager should file be indexed returns false if path expressions rule matches .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) var actual = indexFilterManager.ShouldFileBeIndexed(fullFilePath);(@line 177)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 178

This unit test case validates that:
(1) actual is equal to expected.
   actual is obtained from
   1) variable indexFilterSettings through slicing path
   2) variable logger through slicing path
   3) variable testFileName through slicing path.

257.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.IndexFiltering.IndexFilterManagerTest.IndexFilterManager_ShouldFileBeIndexedReturnsTrueIfNoPathExpressionsRuleMatches

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle index filter manager should file be indexed returns true if no path expressions rule matches .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) var actual = indexFilterManager.ShouldFileBeIndexed(fullFilePath);(@line 203)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 204

This unit test case validates that:
(1) actual is equal to expected.
   actual is obtained from
   1) variable indexFilterSettings through slicing path
   2) variable logger through slicing path
   3) variable testFileName through slicing path.

258.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.IndexFiltering.IndexFilterManagerTest.IndexFilterManager_ShouldFileBeIndexedReturnsFalseIfPathRegularExpressionsRuleMatches

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle index filter manager should file be indexed returns false if path regular expressions rule matches .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) var actual = indexFilterManager.ShouldFileBeIndexed(fullFilePath);(@line 229)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 230

This unit test case validates that:
(1) actual is equal to expected.
   actual is obtained from
   1) variable indexFilterSettings through slicing path
   2) variable logger through slicing path
   3) variable testFileName through slicing path.

259.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.IndexFiltering.IndexFilterManagerTest.IndexFilterManager_ShouldFileBeIndexedReturnsTrueIfNoPathRegularExpressionsRuleMatches

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle index filter manager should file be indexed returns true if no path regular expressions rule matches .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) var actual = indexFilterManager.ShouldFileBeIndexed(fullFilePath);(@line 255)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 256

This unit test case validates that:
(1) actual is equal to expected.
   actual is obtained from
   1) variable indexFilterSettings through slicing path
   2) variable logger through slicing path
   3) variable testFileName through slicing path.

260.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.QueryMetricsTest.QueryMetrics_QueryTypeTest

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests query metrics query type test .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) "Plain,Plain" is equal to QueryMetrics.ExamineQuery("a b").ToString().

(2) "Quoted,Quoted,Quoted" is equal to QueryMetrics.ExamineQuery("\"a b c\"").ToString().

(3) "CamelcaseUnderscore,Plain" is equal to QueryMetrics.ExamineQuery("a_aAa b").ToString().

(4) "Quoted,Camelcase" is equal to QueryMetrics.ExamineQuery("\" a\" bBb").ToString().

(5) "Plain,Plain" is equal to QueryMetrics.ExamineQuery("a\" \"b").ToString().

(6) "Plain,QuotedUnderscore,Plain" is equal to QueryMetrics.ExamineQuery("a\" B_b_b_B \"c").ToString().

(7) "Quoted,AcronymUnderscore" is equal to QueryMetrics.ExamineQuery("\"a\" BBB_b").ToString().

(8) "MinusCamelcase,CamelcaseAcronym" is equal to QueryMetrics.ExamineQuery("-Abb aAAAc").ToString().

261.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.QueryMetricsTest.QueryMetrics_DiceCoefficientTest

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests query metrics dice coefficient test .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) QueryMetrics.DiceCoefficient("a b","b c") - 0.50 < 0.001 is true.

(2) QueryMetrics.DiceCoefficient("a b c d e f g h","a b c d e f g") - 0.933 < 0.001 is true.

(3) QueryMetrics.DiceCoefficient("\"a\" BBB_b","BB BBB BBB_b") - 0.40 < 0.001 is true.

(4) QueryMetrics.DiceCoefficient(String.Empty,String.Empty) == 0.0 is true.

262.  Sando.Indexer.UnitTests.QueryParsingAndConvertingTests.TestIfQueryParsesToEmptySearchTerm

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests if query parses to empty search term.

This unit test case validates that:
(1) simple.SearchTerms.Where().ToList().Count >= 1 is false.
   simple is obtained from
   1) variable description through slicing path.

263.  Sando.SearchEngine.UnitTests.CodeSearcherFixture.TestCreateCodeSearcher

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests create code searcher .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) The unit test does not throw an exception.

264.  Sando.SearchEngine.UnitTests.CodeSearcherFixture.PerformBasicSearch

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests perform basic search .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) List result = cs.Search("SimpleName");(@line 39)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 40

This unit test case validates that:
(1) result.Count > 0 is true.
   result is obtained from
   1) variable indexerSearcher through slicing path.

265.  Sando.SearchEngine.UnitTests.CodeSearcherFixture.TestCreateCodeSearcher

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests create code searcher .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) The unit test does not throw an exception.

266.  Sando.SearchEngine.UnitTests.CodeSearcherFixture.PerformBasicSearch

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests perform basic search .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) List result = cs.Search("SimpleName");(@line 39)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 40

This unit test case validates that:
(1) result.Count > 0 is true.
   result is obtained from
   1) variable indexerSearcher through slicing path.

267.  Sando.Parser.UnitTests.CommentTest.SummarizeCommentTest

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests summarize comment test .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) "TODO - should fix this if it happens too often".Equals(commentSummary) is true.

268.  Sando.Parser.UnitTests.CommentTest.SummarizeOneLineTest

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests summarize one line test .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) "TODO - should fix this if it happens too often".Equals(commentSummary) is true.

269.  Sando.Parser.UnitTests.CommentTest.SummarizeMultiLineTest

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests summarize multi line test .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) "Used for the culture in SR".Equals(commentSummary) is true.

270.  Sando.Parser.UnitTests.CommentTest.SummarizeDashTest

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests summarize dash test .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) "This code was generated by:".Equals(commentSummary) is true.

271.  Sando.Parser.UnitTests.CommentTest.SummarizeNoSpaceTest

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests summarize no space test .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) "Save the plug-in's settings.".Equals(commentSummary) is true.

272.  Sando.Parser.UnitTests.CommentTest.SummarizeSpaceTest

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests summarize space test .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) "Specifies the size, in bytes, of the structure. The caller must set this to Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(CURSORINFO)).".Equals(commentSummary) is true.

273.  Sando.Parser.UnitTests.CppParserTest.ParseCPPSourceTest

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests parse cpp source test .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) var elements = parser.Parse(sourceFile);(@line 30)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 31

This unit test case validates that:
(1) elements is not null.
   elements is obtained from
   1) variable sourceFile through slicing path.

(2) 6 is equal to elements.Count.

274.  Sando.Parser.UnitTests.CppParserTest.ParseCPPSourceWithErrorsTest

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests parse cpp source with errors test.

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) var elements = parser.Parse(sourceFile);(@line 45)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 46

This unit test case validates that:
(1) elements is not null.
   elements is obtained from
   1) variable sourceFile through slicing path.

(2) 5 is equal to elements.Count.

275.  Sando.Parser.UnitTests.CppParserTest.ParseCPPHeaderTest

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests parse cpp header test .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) var elements = parser.Parse("TestFiles\\Event.H.txt");(@line 58)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 59

This unit test case validates that:
(1) elements is not null.

(2) 8 is equal to elements.Count.

(3) "Event" is equal to classElem.Name.

(4) 12 is equal to classElem.DefinitionLineNumber.

(5) AccessLevel.Public is equal to classElem.AccessLevel.

(6) String.Empty is equal to classElem.Namespace.

(7) classElem.FullFilePath.EndsWith("TestFiles\\Event.H.txt") is true.
   classElem is obtained from
   1) variable pe through slicing path.

(8) "EventType" is equal to enumElem.Name.

(9) 6 is equal to enumElem.DefinitionLineNumber.

(10) String.Empty is equal to enumElem.Namespace.


(12) AccessLevel.Public is equal to enumElem.AccessLevel.

(13) enumElem.FullFilePath.EndsWith("TestFiles\\Event.H.txt") is true.
   enumElem is obtained from
   1) variable pe through slicing path.

(14) hasClass is true.

(15) hasEnum is true.

276.  Sando.Parser.UnitTests.CppParserTest.ParseAboutDlgTest

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests parse about dlg test .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) var elements = parser.Parse("TestFiles\\AboutDlg.cpp");(@line 93)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 94

This unit test case validates that:
(1) elements is not null.

277.  Sando.Parser.UnitTests.CppParserTest.ParseUndefinedNameEnumTest

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests parse undefined name enum test .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) var elements = parser.Parse("TestFiles\\PlayMp3Dlg.h.txt");(@line 102)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 103

This unit test case validates that:
(1) elements is not null.

(2) "" is equal to enumElem.Name.

(3) 30 is equal to enumElem.DefinitionLineNumber.

(4) "IDD IDD_PLAYMP3_DIALOG" is equal to enumElem.Body.

(5) AccessLevel.Public is equal to enumElem.AccessLevel.

(6) enumElem.FullFilePath.EndsWith("TestFiles\\PlayMp3Dlg.h.txt") is true.
   enumElem is obtained from
   1) variable pe through slicing path.

(7) hasEnum is true.

278.  Sando.Parser.UnitTests.CppParserTest.ParseAnotherEnumTest

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests parse another enum test .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) var elements = parser.Parse("TestFiles\\xmlMatchedTagsHighlighter.cpp");(@line 124)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 125

This unit test case validates that:
(1) elements is not null.

279.  Sando.Parser.UnitTests.CppParserTest.TrickyFileTest

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle tricky file test .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) var elements = parser.Parse("TestFiles\\Parameters.h");(@line 132)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 133

This unit test case validates that:
(1) elements is not null.

280.  Sando.Parser.UnitTests.CppParserTest.WeirdStructTest

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle weird struct test .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) var elements = parser.Parse(WeirdStructFile);(@line 150)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 151

This unit test case validates that:
(1) elements.Count == 2 is true.
   elements is obtained from
   1) variable WeirdStructFile through slicing path.

(2) structElement is not null.
   structElement is obtained from
   1) variable pe through slicing path.

(3) "LangMenuItem" is equal to structElement.Name.

(4) structId is equal to methodElement.ClassId.
   structId is obtained from
   1) variable pe through slicing path.

(5) hasStruct is true.

281.  Sando.Parser.UnitTests.CppParserTest.ParseCppConstructorTest

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests parse cpp constructor test .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) var elements = parser.Parse("TestFiles\\Event.H.txt");(@line 180)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 181

This unit test case validates that:
(1) elements is not null.

(2) "Event" is equal to protoElement.Name.

(3) 15 is equal to protoElement.DefinitionLineNumber.

(4) hasConstructor is true.

282.  Sando.Parser.UnitTests.CppParserTest.ParseBigFileTest

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests parse big file test .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) _processFileInBackground.IsBusy == false is true.

283.  Sando.Parser.UnitTests.CppParserTest.ParseCppSourceWithAlternativeParserTest

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests parse cpp source with alternative parser test.

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) var elements = parser.Parse(sourceFile);(@line 222)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 223

This unit test case validates that:
(1) elements is not null.
   elements is obtained from
   1) variable sourceFile through slicing path.

(2) 6 is equal to elements.Count.

(3) programElement as MyMethodElementUnresolvedType.CustomStuffHere.Equals("WHOA") is true.

(4) foundOne is true.

284.  Sando.Parser.UnitTests.CSharpParserTest.GenerateSrcMLShortestFileTest

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests generate src ml shortest file test .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) var srcML = parser.Parse("TestFiles\\ShortestCSharpFile.txt");(@line 26)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 27

This unit test case validates that:
(1) srcML != null is true.

285.  Sando.Parser.UnitTests.CSharpParserTest.ParsePossiblyFailingFile

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests parse possibly failing file .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) var elements = parser.Parse("TestFiles\\MESTParsingFile.txt");(@line 34)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 35, line 36

This unit test case validates that:
(1) elements is not null.

(2) elements.Count > 0 is true.

286.  Sando.Parser.UnitTests.CSharpParserTest.ParseMethodTest

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests parse method test .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) var elements = parser.Parse("TestFiles\\ShortCSharpFile.txt");(@line 44)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 45, line 46

This unit test case validates that:
(1) elements is not null.

(2) elements.Count > 0 is true.

287.  Sando.Parser.UnitTests.CSharpParserTest.ParseMethodWithAlternativeParserTest

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests parse method with alternative parser test.

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) var elements = parser.Parse("TestFiles\\ShortCSharpFile.txt");(@line 55)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 56, line 57

This unit test case validates that:
(1) elements is not null.

(2) elements.Count > 0 is true.

(3) programElement as MyCSharpMethodElement.CustomCrazyStuff.Equals("wow") is true.

(4) seenOne is true.

288.  Sando.Parser.UnitTests.CSharpParserTest.RunIterativeMethodTest

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests run iterative method test .

289.  Sando.Parser.UnitTests.CSharpParserTest.ParseClassTest

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests parse class test .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) var elements = parser.Parse("TestFiles\\ShortCSharpFile.txt");(@line 119)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 120, line 121

This unit test case validates that:
(1) elements is not null.

(2) elements.Count > 0 is true.

(3) 14 is equal to classElem.DefinitionLineNumber.

(4) AccessLevel.Public is equal to classElem.AccessLevel.

(5) "Sando.Parser" is equal to classElem.Namespace.

(6) classElem.FullFilePath.EndsWith("TestFiles\\ShortCSharpFile.txt") is true.
   classElem is obtained from
   1) variable pe through slicing path.

(7) seenClass is true.

290.  Sando.Parser.UnitTests.CSharpParserTest.BasicParserTest

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle basic parser test .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) var elements = parser.Parse("TestFiles\\ShortCSharpFile.txt");(@line 146)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 147, line 148

This unit test case validates that:
(1) elements is not null.

(2) elements.Count > 0 is true.

(3) programElement.RawSource != null is true.

(4) hasClass && hasMethod is true.

291.  Sando.Parser.UnitTests.CSharpParserTest.EnumParserTest

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests enum parser test .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) "LanguageEnum" is equal to enumElem.Name.

(2) 7 is equal to enumElem.DefinitionLineNumber.

(3) "Sando.Parser" is equal to enumElem.Namespace.

(4) "Java C CSharp" is equal to enumElem.Body.

(5) AccessLevel.Public is equal to enumElem.AccessLevel.

(6) enumElem.FullFilePath.EndsWith("TestFiles\\ShortCSharpFile.txt") is true.
   enumElem is obtained from
   1) variable programElement through slicing path.

(7) hasEnum is true.

292.  Sando.Parser.UnitTests.CSharpParserTest.CSharpStructParserTest

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle c sharp struct parser test .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) "SimpleStruct" is equal to structElem.Name.

(2) 6 is equal to structElem.DefinitionLineNumber.

(3) "SimpleNamespace" is equal to structElem.Namespace.

(4) AccessLevel.Internal is equal to structElem.AccessLevel.

(5) structElem.FullFilePath.EndsWith("TestFiles\\Struct1.cs.txt") is true.
   structElem is obtained from
   1) variable programElement through slicing path.

(6) hasStruct is true.

293.  Sando.Parser.UnitTests.CSharpParserTest.CSharpRegionTest

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle c sharp region test .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) var elements = parser.Parse("TestFiles\\RegionTest.txt");(@line 211)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 212, line 213

This unit test case validates that:
(1) elements is not null.

(2) elements.Count == 2 is true.

(3) hasClass && hasMethod is true.

294.  Sando.Parser.UnitTests.CSharpParserTest.MethodLinksToClassTest

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle method links to class test .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) ImageCaptureClassElement.Id is equal to method.ClassId.
   ImageCaptureClassElement is obtained from
   1) variable pe through slicing path.

(2) ImageCaptureClassElement.Name is equal to method.ClassName.
   ImageCaptureClassElement is obtained from
   1) variable pe through slicing path.

(3) foundMethod is true.

295.  Sando.Parser.UnitTests.CSharpParserTest.ParseConstructorTest

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests parse constructor test .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) var elements = parser.Parse("TestFiles\\ShortCSharpFile.txt");(@line 274)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 275

This unit test case validates that:
(1) elements is not null.

(2) "SrcMLGenerator" is equal to methodElement.Name.

(3) 21 is equal to methodElement.DefinitionLineNumber.

(4) AccessLevel.Public is equal to methodElement.AccessLevel.

(5) hasConstructor is true.

296.  Sando.Parser.UnitTests.CSharpParserTest.GIVEN_file_with_readonly_and_static_elements_WHEN_parse_method_is_called_THEN_valid_access_levels_are_retrieved

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle given file with readonly and static elements when parse method is called then valid access levels are retrieved .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) var elements = parser.Parse("TestFiles\\ShortCSharpFile.txt");(@line 298)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 301, line 305

This unit test case validates that:
(1) readonlyField is not null.

(2) AccessLevel.Internal is equal to readonlyField.AccessLevel.

(3) staticMethod is not null.

(4) AccessLevel.Public is equal to staticMethod.AccessLevel.

297.  Sando.Parser.UnitTests.InheritanceParserTest.ParseProperties

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests parse properties .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) seenClass is true.

(2) countProperties == 6 is true.

298.  Sando.Parser.UnitTests.InheritanceParserTest.ParseMultipleParents

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests parse multiple parents .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) numParents == 4 is true.
   numParents is obtained from
   1) variable programElement through slicing path.

(2) seenClass is true.

299.  Sando.Parser.UnitTests.InheritanceParserTest.ClassInheritanceTest

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests class inheritance test .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) var elements = parser.Parse("TestFiles\\InheritanceCSharpFile.txt");(@line 72)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 73, line 74

This unit test case validates that:
(1) elements is not null.

(2) elements.Count > 0 is true.

(3) 8 is equal to classElem.DefinitionLineNumber.

(4) AccessLevel.Public is equal to classElem.AccessLevel.

(5) "Sando.Indexer.Exceptions" is equal to classElem.Namespace.

(6) "SandoException" is equal to classElem.ExtendedClasses.

(7) seenClass is true.

300.  Sando.Parser.UnitTests.ParserUtilsTests.ParseStringLiterals

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests parse string literals .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) method.Body.Contains("Testingphraseola") is true.

301.  Sando.Parser.UnitTests.ParserUtilsTests.ParseVariableDeclarations

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests parse variable declarations .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) method.Body.Contains("waddow") is true.

302.  Sando.Parser.UnitTests.ParserUtilsTests.ParseParameters

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests parse parameters .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) method.Arguments.Contains("parameterFilename") is true.

(2) method.Arguments.Contains("String") is true.

303.  Sando.Parser.UnitTests.TextFileParserTest.ParseXAMLFile

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests parse xaml file .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) var elements = parser.Parse("..\\..\\Parser\\Parser.UnitTests\\TestFiles\\SearchViewControl.xaml.txt");(@line 18)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 19, line 20

This unit test case validates that:
(1) elements is not null.
   elements is obtained from
   1) variable parser through slicing path.

(2) elements.Count is equal to 205.
   elements is obtained from
   1) variable parser through slicing path.

(3) element.Name is equal to "".

304.  Sando.Parser.UnitTests.TextFileParserTest.ParseTxtFile

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests parse txt file .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) var elements = parser.Parse("..\\..\\Parser\\Parser.UnitTests\\TestFiles\\LongFile.txt");(@line 36)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 37
(2) elements = parser.Parse("..\\..\\Parser\\Parser.UnitTests\\TestFiles\\NotSoLongFile.txt");(@line 39)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 40, line 41

This unit test case validates that:
(1) elements is not null.
   elements is obtained from
   1) variable parser through slicing path.

(2) 987386 is equal to elements.Count.

(3) elements is not null.
   elements is obtained from
   1) variable parser through slicing path.

(4) elements.Count is equal to 23945.
   elements is obtained from
   1) variable parser through slicing path.

305.  Sando.Parser.UnitTests.TextFileParserTest.ParseXAMLFile2

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests parse xaml file 2 .

This unit test case includes following focal methods:
(1) var elements = parser.Parse("..\\..\\Parser\\Parser.UnitTests\\TestFiles\\SearchViewControl.xaml.txt");(@line 50)
This focal method is related to assertions at line 51, line 52

This unit test case validates that:
(1) elements is not null.
   elements is obtained from
   1) variable parser through slicing path.

(2) elements.Count is equal to 84.
   elements is obtained from
   1) variable parser through slicing path.

(3) element.Name is equal to "Auto 0 -5,0,0,0 2 0".

306.  Sando.Parser.UnitTests.XAMLFileParserTest.TestLengthOfEachXamlElement

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests length of each xaml element.

This unit test case validates that:
(1) element.RawSource.Split(new string,StringSplitOptions.None).Count() <= XAMLFileParser.LengthLimit is true.

307.  Sando.Parser.UnitTests.XAMLFileParserTest.PerformanceTest

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle performance test .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds < 50 is true.

308.  Sando.Configuration.UnitTests.ConfigurationTest.GetValueTest

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests get value test .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) Configuration.GetValue(settingName) == settingValue is true.

309.  Sando.DependencyInjectionUnitTests.ServiceLocatorTest.GIVEN_RegisteredType_WHEN_ResolveMethodIsCalledTwiceWithinTheSameThread_THEN_TheSameObjectIsReturnedForEachCall

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests given registered type when resolve method is called twice within the same thread then the same object is returned for each call.

This unit test case validates that:
(1) ReferenceEquals(_instance1,_instance2) is true.

310.  Sando.DependencyInjectionUnitTests.ServiceLocatorTest.GIVEN_RegisteredType_WHEN_ResolveMethodIsCalledTwiceOnceInDifferentThread_THEN_TheSameObjectIsReturnedForEachCall

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests given registered type when resolve method is called twice once in different thread then the same object is returned for each call.

This unit test case validates that:
(1) ReferenceEquals(_instance1,_instance2) is true.

311.  Sando.DependencyInjectionUnitTests.ServiceLocatorTest.GIVEN_RegisteredType_WHEN_ResolveMethodIsCalledTwiceFromDifferentThreads_THEN_TheSameObjectIsReturnedForEachCall

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests given registered type when resolve method is called twice from different threads then the same object is returned for each call.

This unit test case validates that:
(1) ReferenceEquals(_instance1,_instance2) is true.

312.  Sando.DependencyInjectionUnitTests.ServiceLocatorTest.GIVEN_RegisteredInstanceWasCalledWithDifferentNames_WHEN_ResolveMethodIsCalledWithDifferentNames_THEN_DifferentObjectIsReturnedForEachCall

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests given registered instance was called with different names when resolve method is called with different names then different object is returned for each call.

This unit test case validates that:
(1) _instance1 is InterfImpl1 is true.

(2) _instance2 is InterfImpl2 is true.

(3) ReferenceEquals(_instance1,_instance2) is false.

313.  Sando.DependencyInjectionUnitTests.ServiceLocatorTest.GIVEN_NoInstanceRegisterForGivenType_WHEN_ResolveOptionalMethodIsCalled_THEN_NullIsReturned

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle given no instance register for given type when resolve optional method is called then null is returned .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) _instance1 is null.

314.  Sando.DependencyInjectionUnitTests.ServiceLocatorTest.GIVEN_RegisteredInstanceForGivenType_WHEN_ResolveOptionalMethodIsCalled_THEN_ObjectIsReturned

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle given registered instance for given type when resolve optional method is called then object is returned .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) _instance1 is not null.

315.  Translation.UnitTests.TranslatorTest.Translator_GetTranslationReturnsValidTranslationForValidCode

Code with line numbers

This unit test case method tests handle translator get translation returns valid translation for valid code .

This unit test case validates that:
(1) Translator.GetTranslation(TranslationCode.TestResource) == "Test resource" is true.