Original commit message

ChangeScribe message

exposing appId and appSecret properties

BUG - FEATURE: <type-ID>

This is a state access modifier commit: this change set is composed only of accessor methods, and these methods provide a client with information, but the data members are not modified. This change set is mainly composed of:

1. Changes to package org.springframework.social.facebook.connect:

1.1. Modifications to FacebookServiceProvider.java:

1.1.1. Add return statement at getAppSecret() method

1.1.2. Remove line comment at getAppSecret() method

1.1.3. Remove return statement at getAppSecret() method

1.1.4. Modify constructor invocation super("facebook", connectionRepository, new OAuth2Template(clientId, clientSecret, "https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/authorize?client_id={client_id}&redirect_uri={redirect_uri}&scope={scope}", "https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token")); at FacebookServiceProvider(String,String,ConnectionRepository) method

1.1.5. Add return statement at getAppId() method

1.1.6. Remove line comment at getAppId() method

1.1.7. Remove return statement at getAppId() method

1.1.8. Add (Object state) appId attribute

1.1.9. Add (Object state) appSecret attribute