Original commit message

ChangeScribe message

SOLR-1604: Wildcards, ORs etc inside Phrase Queries or 'ComplexPhraseQueryParser support in Solr'

BUG - FEATURE: <type-ID>

This is a degenerate modifier commit: this change set is composed of empty, incidental, and abstract methods. These methods indicate that a new feature is planned. This commit includes changes to internationalization, properties or configuration files (CHANGES.txt, schema-complex-phrase.xml, solrconfig-query-parser-init.xml). This change set is mainly composed of:

1. Changes to package org.apache.solr.search:

1.1. Add a QParserPlugin extension for complex phrase Q parser plugin. It allows to:

Handle init;

Create parser

Referenced by:

QParserPlugin class

TestComplexPhraseQParserPlugin class

Add a local a QParser extension for complex phrase Q parser. It allows to:

Get set in order;

Instantiate complex phrase Q parser with local params, solr params, solr query request and solr query request;

Parse complex phrase Q parser;

Get default highlight fields

Referenced by:

QParserPlugin class

TestComplexPhraseQParserPlugin class

1.2. Add an AbstractSolrTestCase extension for test complex phrase Q parser plugin. It allows to:

Process test complex phrase Q parser plugin test complex phrase Q parser plugin before class;

Set test complex phrase Q parser plugin;

Tear test complex phrase Q parser plugin;

Handle test default field;

Handle test;

Handle test phrase highlighter;

Handle test multiple fields;

Handle test unordered phrase query;

Handle test hyphen in phrase