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Publications (before coming to College of William and Mary)

  1. Lingfei Wu, Max Q.-H. Meng, Zijing Lin,Wu He, ChaoPeng, and Huawei Liang, ˇ°A Practical Evaluation of Radio Signal Strength for Mobile Robot Localizationˇ±, IEEE ROBIO2009, Guilin, China, December, 2009, Accepted. 

  2. Huang Jian, Guo Da Bao, Mei Tao, and Lingfei Wu, ˇ°A Design of Three Axes Force Platform Data Acquisition Based on Multi-thread", Chinese Journal of Electronic Measurement Technology, In press.

  3. Lingfei Wu, Max Q.-H. Meng, Zhenzhong Dong, and Huawei Liang, ˇ°An Empirical Study of DV-Hop Localization Algorithm in Random Sensor Networksˇ±, IEEE ICICTA2009, Zhangjiajie, China, October, 2009.

  4. Lingfei Wu, Max Q.-H. Meng, and Huawei Liang, ˇ°A Beacon Selected Localization Algorithm for Ad-Hoc Networks of Sensorsˇ±, 2009 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, Changchun, China, August, 2009:3091-3096. Best Student Paper Award Finalist (selected 4 finalists from 926 papers in the IEEE ICMA 2009)

  5. Lingfei Wu, Max Q.-H. Meng, Huawei Liang, and Wen Gao, ˇ°Accurate Localization in Combination with Wireless Sensor Networks and Laser Localizationˇ±, 2009 IEEE International Conference on Automation and Logistics, Shenyang, China, August, 2009:146-151.

  6. Lingfei Wu, Max Q.-H. Meng, and Huawei Liang, ˇ°A Collinearity-Based Localization Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networksˇ±, Chinese Journal of Sensors and Actuators, 2009, 22(5):722-727.

  7. Lingfei Wu, Max Q.-H. Meng, Jian Huang, Huawei Liang, and Zijing Lin, ˇ°An Improvement of DV-Hop Algorithm Based on Collinearity,ˇ± 2009 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation, Zhuhai/ Macau, China, June, 2009: 90-95.

  8. Fuqing Wu, Max Q.-H. Meng, Lingfei Wu, Zhuancheng Zhang, and Xijun Chen, ˇ°The Study and Improvement of Memory Management Based on SoSˇ±, 2008 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, Bangkok, Thailand, December, 2008: 2040-2044.