FORTRAN 77 Library Interface

The next enumerations and functions are declared in primme_f77.h.

type ptr

Fortran datatype with the same size as a pointer. Use integer*4 when compiling in 32 bits and integer*8 in 64 bits.


subroutine primme_initialize_f77(primme)

Allocate and initialize a PRIMME parameters structure to the default values.

After calling dprimme_f77() (or a variant), call primme_free_f77() to release allocated resources by PRIMME.


primme [ptr] :: (output) parameters structure.


subroutine primme_set_method_f77(method, primme, ierr)

Set PRIMME parameters to one of the preset configurations.

  • method [integer] ::

    (input) preset configuration. One of:


    See primme_preset_method.

  • primme [ptr] :: (input) parameters structure.

  • ierr [integer] :: (output) if 0, successful; if negative, something went wrong.


subroutine primme_free_f77(primme)

Free memory allocated by PRIMME and delete all values set.


primme [ptr] :: (input/output) parameters structure.


subroutine sprimme_f77(evals, evecs, resNorms, primme, ierr)

Solve a real symmetric standard or generalized eigenproblem.

All arrays should be hosted on CPU. The computations are performed on CPU (see magma_sprimme_f77() for using GPUs).

  • evals (*) [real] :: (output) array at least of size numEvals to store the computed eigenvalues; all parallel calls return the same value in this array.

  • evecs (*) [real] :: (input/output) array at least of size nLocal times (numOrthoConst + numEvals) with leading dimension ldevecs to store column-wise the (local part for this process of the) computed eigenvectors.

  • resNorms (*) [real] :: (output) array at least of size numEvals to store the residual norms of the computed eigenpairs; all parallel calls return the same value in this array.

  • primme [ptr] :: parameters structure.

  • ierr [integer] :: (output) error indicator; see Error Codes.

Further descriptions of evals, evecs, and resNorms on notes in subroutine dprimme_f77().

New in version 2.0.


subroutine cprimme_f77(evals, evecs, resNorms, primme, ierr)

Solve a Hermitian standard or generalized eigenproblem.

All arrays should be hosted on CPU. The computations are performed on CPU (see magma_cprimme_f77() for using GPUs).

  • evals (*) [real] :: (output) array at least of size numEvals to store the computed eigenvalues; all parallel calls return the same value in this array.

  • evecs (*) [complex real] :: (input/output) array at least of size nLocal times (numOrthoConst + numEvals) with leading dimension ldevecs to store column-wise the (local part for this process of the) computed eigenvectors.

  • resNorms (*) [real] :: (output) array at least of size numEvals to store the residual norms of the computed eigenpairs; all parallel calls return the same value in this array.

  • primme [ptr] :: (input) parameters structure.

  • ierr [integer] :: (output) error indicator; see Error Codes.

Further descriptions of evals, evecs, and resNorms on notes in subroutine dprimme_f77().

New in version 2.0.


subroutine dprimme_f77(evals, evecs, resNorms, primme, ierr)

Solve a real symmetric standard or generalized eigenproblem.

All arrays should be hosted on CPU. The computations are performed on CPU (see magma_dprimme_f77() for using GPUs).

  • evals (*) [double precision] :: (output) array at least of size numEvals to store the computed eigenvalues; all parallel calls return the same value in this array.

  • evecs (*) [double precision] :: (input/output) array at least of size nLocal times (numOrthoConst + numEvals) with leading dimension ldevecs to store column-wise the (local part for this process of the) computed eigenvectors.

  • resNorms (*) [double precision] :: (output) array at least of size numEvals to store the residual norms of the computed eigenpairs; all parallel calls return the same value in this array.

  • primme [ptr] :: parameters structure.

  • ierr [integer] :: (output) error indicator; see Error Codes.

On input, evecs should start with the content of the numOrthoConst vectors, followed by the initSize vectors.

On return, the i-th eigenvector starts at evecs(( numOrthoConst + i - 1)* ldevecs + 1), with value evals(i) and associated residual 2-norm resNorms(i). The first vector has index i=1. The number of eigenpairs marked as converged (see eps) is returned on initSize. Since version 4.0, if the returned error code is PRIMME_MAIN_ITER_FAILURE, PRIMME may return also unconverged eigenpairs and its residual norms in evecs, evals, and resNorms starting at i = initSize + 1 and going up to either numEvals or the last resNorms(i) with non-negative value.

All internal operations are performed at the same precision than evecs unless the user sets internalPrecision otherwise.

The type and precision of the callbacks is also the same as evecs. Although this can be changed. See details for matrixMatvec, massMatrixMatvec, applyPreconditioner, globalSumReal, broadcastReal, and convTestFun.


subroutine zprimme_f77(evals, evecs, resNorms, primme, ierr)

Solve a Hermitian standard or generalized eigenproblem.

All arrays should be hosted on CPU. The computations are performed on CPU (see magma_zprimme_f77() for using GPUs).

  • evals (*) [double precision] :: (output) array at least of size numEvals to store the computed eigenvalues; all parallel calls return the same value in this array.

  • evecs (*) [complex double precision] :: (input/output) array at least of size nLocal times (numOrthoConst + numEvals) with leading dimension ldevecs to store column-wise the (local part for this process of the) computed eigenvectors.

  • resNorms (*) [double precision] :: (output) array at least of size numEvals to store the residual norms of the computed eigenpairs; all parallel calls return the same value in this array.

  • primme [ptr] :: parameters structure.

  • ierr [integer] :: (output) error indicator; see Error Codes.

Further descriptions of evals, evecs, and resNorms on notes in subroutine dprimme_f77().


subroutine magma_sprimme_f77(evals, evecs, resNorms, primme, ierr)

Solve a real symmetric standard or generalized eigenproblem.

Most of the computations are performed on GPU (see sprimme_f77() for using only the CPU).

  • evals (*) [real] :: (output) CPU array at least of size numEvals to store the computed eigenvalues; all parallel calls return the same value in this array.

  • evecs (*) [real] :: (input/output) GPU array at least of size nLocal times (numOrthoConst + numEvals) with leading dimension ldevecs to store column-wise the (local part for this process of the) computed eigenvectors.

  • resNorms (*) [real] :: (output) CPU array at least of size numEvals to store the residual norms of the computed eigenpairs; all parallel calls return the same value in this array.

  • primme [ptr] :: parameters structure.

  • ierr [integer] :: (output) error indicator; see Error Codes.

Further descriptions of evals, evecs, and resNorms on notes in subroutine dprimme_f77().

New in version 3.0.


subroutine magma_cprimme_f77(evals, evecs, resNorms, primme, ierr)

Solve a Hermitian standard or generalized eigenproblem.

Most of the computations are performed on GPU (see cprimme_f77() for using only the CPU).

  • evals (*) [real] :: (output) CPU array at least of size numEvals to store the computed eigenvalues; all parallel calls return the same value in this array.

  • evecs (*) [complex real] :: (input/output) GPU array at least of size nLocal times (numOrthoConst + numEvals) with leading dimension ldevecs to store column-wise the (local part for this process of the) computed eigenvectors.

  • resNorms (*) [real] :: (output) CPU array at least of size numEvals to store the residual norms of the computed eigenpairs; all parallel calls return the same value in this array.

  • primme [ptr] :: (input) parameters structure.

  • ierr [integer] :: (output) error indicator; see Error Codes.

Further descriptions of evals, evecs, and resNorms on notes in subroutine dprimme_f77().

New in version 3.0.


subroutine magma_dprimme_f77(evals, evecs, resNorms, primme, ierr)

Solve a real symmetric standard or generalized eigenproblem.

Most of the computations are performed on GPU (see dprimme_f77() for using only the CPU).

  • evals (*) [double precision] :: (output) CPU array at least of size numEvals to store the computed eigenvalues; all parallel calls return the same value in this array.

  • evecs (*) [double precision] :: (input/output) GPU array at least of size nLocal times (numOrthoConst + numEvals) with leading dimension ldevecs to store column-wise the (local part for this process of the) computed eigenvectors.

  • resNorms (*) [double precision] :: (output) CPU array at least of size numEvals to store the residual norms of the computed eigenpairs; all parallel calls return the same value in this array.

  • primme [ptr] :: parameters structure.

  • ierr [integer] :: (output) error indicator; see Error Codes.

Further descriptions of evals, evecs, and resNorms on notes in subroutine dprimme_f77().

New in version 3.0.


subroutine magma_zprimme_f77(evals, evecs, resNorms, primme, ierr)

Solve a Hermitian standard or generalized eigenproblem.

Most of the computations are performed on GPU (see zprimme_f77() for using only the CPU).

  • evals (*) [double precision] :: (output) CPU array at least of size numEvals to store the computed eigenvalues; all parallel calls return the same value in this array.

  • evecs (*) [complex double precision] :: (input/output) GPU array at least of size nLocal times (numOrthoConst + numEvals) with leading dimension ldevecs to store column-wise the (local part for this process of the) computed eigenvectors.

  • resNorms (*) [double precision] :: (output) CPU array at least of size numEvals to store the residual norms of the computed eigenpairs; all parallel calls return the same value in this array.

  • primme [ptr] :: (input) parameters structure.

  • ierr [integer] :: (output) error indicator; see Error Codes.

Further descriptions of evals, evecs, and resNorms on notes in subroutine dprimme_f77().

New in version 3.0.


subroutine cprimme_normal_f77(evals, evecs, resNorms, primme, ierr)

Solve a normal standard eigenproblem, which may not be Hermitian.

All arrays should be hosted on CPU. The computations are performed on CPU (see magma_cprimme_normal_f77() for using GPUs).

  • evals (*) [real] :: (output) array at least of size numEvals to store the computed eigenvalues; all parallel calls return the same value in this array.

  • evecs (*) [complex real] :: (input/output) array at least of size nLocal times (numOrthoConst + numEvals) with leading dimension ldevecs to store column-wise the (local part for this process of the) computed eigenvectors.

  • resNorms (*) [real] :: (output) array at least of size numEvals to store the residual norms of the computed eigenpairs; all parallel calls return the same value in this array.

  • primme [ptr] :: (input) parameters structure.

  • ierr [integer] :: (output) error indicator; see Error Codes.

Further descriptions of evals, evecs, and resNorms on notes in subroutine dprimme_f77().

New in version 3.0.


subroutine zprimme_normal_f77(evals, evecs, resNorms, primme, ierr)

Solve a normal standard eigenproblem, which may not be Hermitian.

All arrays should be hosted on CPU. The computations are performed on CPU (see magma_zprimme_normal_f77() for using GPUs).

  • evals (*) [double precision] :: (output) array at least of size numEvals to store the computed eigenvalues; all parallel calls return the same value in this array.

  • evecs (*) [complex double precision] :: (input/output) array at least of size nLocal times (numOrthoConst + numEvals) with leading dimension ldevecs to store column-wise the (local part for this process of the) computed eigenvectors.

  • resNorms (*) [double precision] :: (output) array at least of size numEvals to store the residual norms of the computed eigenpairs; all parallel calls return the same value in this array.

  • primme [ptr] :: parameters structure.

  • ierr [integer] :: (output) error indicator; see Error Codes.

Further descriptions of evals, evecs, and resNorms on notes in subroutine dprimme_f77().

New in version 3.0.


subroutine magma_cprimme_normal_f77(evals, evecs, resNorms, primme, ierr)

Solve a normal standard eigenproblem, which may not be Hermitian.

Most of the arrays are stored on GPU, and also most of the computations are done on GPU (see cprimme_normal_f77() for using only the CPU).

  • evals (*) [real] :: (output) CPU array at least of size numEvals to store the computed eigenvalues; all parallel calls return the same value in this array.

  • evecs (*) [complex real] :: (input/output) GPU array at least of size nLocal times (numOrthoConst + numEvals) with leading dimension ldevecs to store column-wise the (local part for this process of the) computed eigenvectors.

  • resNorms (*) [real] :: (output) CPU array at least of size numEvals to store the residual norms of the computed eigenpairs; all parallel calls return the same value in this array.

  • primme [ptr] :: (input) parameters structure.

  • ierr [integer] :: (output) error indicator; see Error Codes.

Further descriptions of evals, evecs, and resNorms on notes in subroutine dprimme_f77().

New in version 3.0.


subroutine magma_zprimme_normal_f77(evals, evecs, resNorms, primme, ierr)

Solve a normal standard eigenproblem, which may not be Hermitian.

Most of the arrays are stored on GPU, and also most of the computations are done on GPU (see zprimme_normal_f77() for using only the CPU).

  • evals (*) [double precision] :: (output) CPU array at least of size numEvals to store the computed eigenvalues; all parallel calls return the same value in this array.

  • evecs (*) [complex double precision] :: (input/output) GPU array at least of size nLocal times (numOrthoConst + numEvals) with leading dimension ldevecs to store column-wise the (local part for this process of the) computed eigenvectors.

  • resNorms (*) [double precision] :: (output) CPU array at least of size numEvals to store the residual norms of the computed eigenpairs; all parallel calls return the same value in this array.

  • primme [ptr] :: (input) parameters structure.

  • ierr [integer] :: (output) error indicator; see Error Codes.

Further descriptions of evals, evecs, and resNorms on notes in subroutine dprimme_f77().

New in version 3.0.


subroutine primme_set_member_f77(primme, label, value)

Set a value in some field of the parameter structure.



Don’t use this subroutine inside PRIMME’s callback functions, e.g., matrixMatvec or applyPreconditioner, or in functions called by these functions.


subroutine primmetop_get_member_f77(primme, label, value)

Get the value in some field of the parameter structure.

  • primme [ptr] :: (input) parameters structure.

  • label [integer] :: (input) field where to get value. One of the detailed in subroutine primmetop_set_member_f77().

  • value ::

    (output) value of the field.

    If the type of the option is integer (int, PRIMME_INT, size_t), the type of value should be as long as PRIMME_INT, which is integer*8 by default.


Don’t use this subroutine inside PRIMME’s callback functions, e.g., matrixMatvec or applyPreconditioner, or in functions called by these functions. In those cases use primme_get_member_f77().


When label is one of PRIMME_matrixMatvec, PRIMME_applyPreconditioner, PRIMME_commInfo, PRIMME_matrix and PRIMME_preconditioner, the returned value is a C pointer (void*). Use Fortran pointer or other extensions to deal with it. For instance:

use iso_c_binding
MPI_Comm comm

call primme_set_member_f77(primme, PRIMME_commInfo, comm)
subroutine par_GlobalSumDouble(x,y,k,primme)
use iso_c_binding
implicit none
MPI_Comm, pointer :: comm
type(c_ptr) :: pcomm

call primme_get_member_f77(primme, PRIMME_commInfo, pcomm)
call c_f_pointer(pcomm, comm)
call MPI_Allreduce(x,y,k,MPI_DOUBLE,MPI_SUM,comm,ierr)

Most users would not need to retrieve these pointers in their programs.


subroutine primmetop_get_prec_shift_f77(primme, index, value)

Get the value in some position of the array ShiftsForPreconditioner.

  • primme [ptr] :: (input) parameters structure.

  • index [integer] :: (input) position of the array; the first position is 1.

  • value :: (output) value of the array at that position.


subroutine primme_get_member_f77(primme, label, value)

Get the value in some field of the parameter structure.

  • primme [ptr] :: (input) parameters structure.

  • label [integer] :: (input) field where to get value. One of the detailed in subroutine primmetop_set_member_f77().

  • value ::

    (output) value of the field.

    If the type of the option is integer (int, PRIMME_INT, size_t), the type of value should be as long as PRIMME_INT, which is integer*8 by default.


Use this subroutine exclusively inside PRIMME’s callback functions, e.g., matrixMatvec or applyPreconditioner, or in functions called by these functions. Otherwise, e.g., from the main program, use the subroutine primmetop_get_member_f77().


When label is one of PRIMME_matrixMatvec, PRIMME_applyPreconditioner, PRIMME_commInfo, PRIMME_matrix and PRIMME_preconditioner, the returned value is a C pointer (void*). Use Fortran pointer or other extensions to deal with it. For instance:

use iso_c_binding
MPI_Comm comm

call primme_set_member_f77(primme, PRIMME_commInfo, comm)
subroutine par_GlobalSumDouble(x,y,k,primme)
use iso_c_binding
implicit none
MPI_Comm, pointer :: comm
type(c_ptr) :: pcomm

call primme_get_member_f77(primme, PRIMME_commInfo, pcomm)
call c_f_pointer(pcomm, comm)
call MPI_Allreduce(x,y,k,MPI_DOUBLE,MPI_SUM,comm,ierr)

Most users would not need to retrieve these pointers in their programs.


subroutine primme_get_prec_shift_f77(primme, index, value)

Get the value in some position of the array ShiftsForPreconditioner.

  • primme [ptr] :: (input) parameters structure.

  • index [integer] :: (input) position of the array; the first position is 1.

  • value :: (output) value of the array at that position.


Use this subroutine exclusively inside the subroutine matrixMatvec, massMatrixMatvec, or applyPreconditioner. Otherwise use the subroutine primmetop_get_prec_shift_f77().