Denys Poshyvanyk, Ph.D.

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Research Interests

  • Software engineering, maintenance, and evolution
  • Software analytics
  • Program comprehension
  • Machine learning (deep learning) for SE (DL4SE) and SE for deep learning (SE4DL)
  • Mobile app development, testing, security, and maintenance
  • Mining of software repositories
  • Reverse engineering of source code
  • Traceability link recovery and management

I am the director of the SEMERU group. Visit its website for more details on my research projects.

Awards and Honors

  • 2024 Distinsguished Paper Award at S&P'24
  • 2024 W&M Arts and Sciences Graduate Faculty Mentoring Award
  • 2024 IEEE Fellow
  • 2024 ACM Distinguished Member
  • 2022 Chancellor Professor of Computer Science
  • 2022 ACM Distinguished Speaker
  • 2022 Senior member of ACM and IEEE
  • 2021 Most Influential Paper Award from ICSME'11
  • 2020 Distinguished PC member Award for ASE'20
  • 2020 ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award at ICSE'20
  • 2020 Most Influential Paper Award from ICPC'10
  • 2019 ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award at FSE'19
  • 2019 Best Paper Award at CODAPSY'19
  • 2018 Distinguished Reviewer Award for ASE'18
  • 2018 Class of 1953 Term Distinguished Associate Professor of Computer Science
  • 2018 Best Early Research Achievement (ERA) Paper Award at ICPC'18
  • 2017 ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award at ASE'17
  • 2017 Most Influential Paper Award from ICPC'07
  • 2016 Most Influential Paper Award from ICSM'06
  • 2016 ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award at ICPC'16
  • 2016 Distinguished Reviewer Award for SCAM'16
  • 2016 Plumeri Award for Faculty Excellence, William and Mary
  • 2016 Runner up for the Most Influential Paper Award from ICPC'06
  • 2016/2015 Distinguished Referee for ACM TOSEM
  • 2015 ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award at ESEC/FSE'15
  • 2015 ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award at ICSE'15
  • 2013 ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award at ASE'13
  • 2013 Best Paper Award at ICSM'13
  • 2013 NSF CAREER
  • 2010 Distinguished Paper Award at ICSM'10
  • 2010 Best Paper Award at SCAM'10
  • 2008 Michael E. Conrad Outstanding Graduate Research Publication Award, CS Dept, WSU
  • 2007 Best Paper Award at ICPC’07
  • 2007 Graduate Research Assistant Recognition Award, WSU, Graduate School
  • 2006 Best Paper Award at ICPC’06
  • 2005 Graduate Recognition Award for Exceptional Teaching Service, WSU

Research Grants

NSF Collaborative Research: SHF: Medium: Toward Understandability and Interpretability for Neural Language Models of Source Code
National Science Foundation award CCF-2311469
Poshyvanyk, D. (PI) with Kevin Moran, PI@UCF and Ziyu Yao, PI@GMU
Dates: October 1, 2023 - September 30, 2027
cisco Cisco Systems, “From Vulnerability Reports to Exploits: Which Ones Should We Prioritize and Why”
Poshyvanyk, D. (PI) with Evgenia Smirni and Chris Shenefiel
Dates: August 2023 - December 2023
NSF DASS: Enabling Interactive and Comprehensive Open Source Software License Compliance
National Science Foundation award CCF-2217733
Poshyvanyk, D. (PI) with Oscar Chaparro (co-PI) and Laura Heymann (co-PI)
Dates: October 1, 2022 - September 30, 2025
cisco Cisco Systems, “Neural-based Code Search and Refactoring”
Poshyvanyk, D. (PI)
Dates: October 2022 - September 2023
NSF Collaborative Research: CPS: Medium: Enabling Data-Driven Security and Safety Analyses for Cyber-Physical Systems
National Science Foundation Award CNS-2132281
Poshyvanyk, D. (co-PI) with Adwait Nadkarni (PI) and Moran, K. (PI @GMU)
Dates: January 1, 2022 - December 30, 2024
cisco Cisco Systems, “Automated Code Review for Measuring and Improving Software System Maintainability”
Poshyvanyk, D. (PI)
Dates: June 2021 - May 2022

SHF: Small: Towards a Holistic Causal Model for Continuous Software Traceability
National Science Foundation Award CCF-2007246
Poshyvanyk, D. (PI) with Moran, K. (PI @GMU)
Dates: October 1, 2020 - September 30, 2023

NSF Collaborative Research: SHF: Medium: Bug Report Management 2.0
National Science Foundation Award CCF-1955853
Poshyvanyk, D. (PI) with Chaparro, O.(PI @W&M), Moran, K. (PI @GMU), and Marcus, A. (PI @UTD)
Dates: October 1, 2020 - September 30, 2024
NSF EAGER: Mapping Future Synergies between Deep Learning and Software Engineering
National Science Foundation Award CCF-1927679
Poshyvanyk, D. (PI) with Moran, K. (co-PI@W&M)
Dates: July 15, 2019 - August 30, 2020
cisco Cisco Systems, “Identifying and Tracing Security-related Requirements”
Poshyvanyk, D. (PI) with Moran, K (co-PI @W&M)
Dates: August 2019 - August 2020
NSF SHF: Small: Natural GUI-Based Testing of Mobile Apps via Mining Software Repositories
National Science Foundation Award CCF-1815186
Poshyvanyk, D. (PI)
Dates: October 2018 - August 2022
NSF SaTC: CORE: Small: Enabling Systematic Evaluation of the Soundness of Android Security Analysis Techniques
National Science Foundation Award CNS-1815336
Poshyvanyk, D. (co-PI) with Adwait Nadkarni (PI)
Dates: September 2018 - August 2023
cisco Cisco Systems, “Enabling Software Security Assurance via a Formal Causal Inference Model of Traceability”
Poshyvanyk, D. (PI)
Dates: March 2018 - March 2019
cisco Cisco Systems, “Enabling Integrity and Security Assurance via Traceability in the Context of Agile Processes”
Poshyvanyk, D. (PI)
Dates: September 2016 - September 2017
NSF SHF: Small: Deep Learning Software Repositories
National Science Foundation Award CCF-1525902
Poshyvanyk, D. (PI)
Dates: September 2015 - August 2018

CI-EN: RUI: Collaborative Research: TraceLab and Beyond - Building a Shared Research Environment for Reproducible Software Engineering Experiments
National Science Foundation Award CNS-1510239
Poshyvanyk, D. (PI @ W&M), Huang, J.(PI @ DePaul), McMillan, C. (PI @ND), and Huffman Hayes, J., (PI @UK)
Dates: June 2015 - May 2018


NSF CAREER: Enabling License Compliance Analysis and Verification for Evolving Software
National Science Foundation Award CCF-1253837
Poshyvanyk, D. (PI)
Dates: September 2013 - August 2018


Collaborative Research: Linking Evolving Software Requirements and Acceptance Tests
National Science Foundation Award CCF-1218129
Poshyvanyk, D. (PI), Grechanik, M. (PI @ UIC)
Dates: September 2012 - August 2016


Collaborative Research: An Inductive Framework to Support Software Maintenance
National Science Foundation Award CCF-1016868
Poshyvanyk, D. (PI), Kagdi, H. (PI @ WSSU)
Dates: August 2010 - July 2014


MRI-R2: Development of a Software Traceability Instrument to Facilitate and Empower Traceability Research and Technology Transfer
National Science Foundation Award CNS-0959924
Huang, J.(PI @ DePaul), Maletic, J. (co-PI @ KSU), Poshyvanyk, D. (co-PI@W&M)
Dates: June 2010 - September 2013


Collaborative Research: Creating and Evolving Software via Searching, Selecting and Synthesizing Relevant Source Code
National Science Foundation Award CCF-0916260
Poshyvanyk, D. (PI), Grechanik, M. (PI @ UIC)
Dates: September 2009 - August 2013

AFOSR Software Plans: Multi-Dimensional Separation of Concerns
Air Force Office of Scientific Research Award - FA9550-07-1-0030
Poshyvanyk, D. (PI), Coppit, D. (former PI)
Dates: December 2006 - November 2009