@article{qun_tsn05, author = {Qun Li and Daniela Rus}, title = {Navigation Protocols in Sensor Networks}, journal = {{ACM} Transactions on Sensor Networks}, year = {2005}, month = {Aug.}, volume = {1}, number = {1}, pages = {3--35}, publisher = {ACM}, earlier = {}, later = {}, url = {} } Abstract We develop distributed algorithms for adaptive sensor networks that respond to directing a target through a region of space. We model this problem as an on-line distributed motion planning problem. Each sensor node senses values in its perception space and has the ability to trigger exceptions events we call ``danger'' and model as ``obstacles''. The danger/obstacle landscape changes over time. We present algorithms for computing distributed maps in perception space and for using these maps to compute adaptive paths for a mobile node that can interact with the sensor network. We give the analysis to the protocol and report on hardware experiments using a physical sensor network consisting of Mote sensors. We also show how to reduce searching space and communication cost using Voronoi diagram.