Automatically Documenting Unit Test Cases

This web page is a companion to our ICST 2016 paper submission entitled "Automatically Documenting Unit Test Cases".

1. What is UnitTestScribe?

UnitTestScribe combines static analysis, natural language processing, backward slicing, and code summarization techniques in order to automatically generate expressive natrual language descriptions concisely documenting the purpose of unit test methods.

The following diagram depicts the UnitTestScribe components:

Click to zoom in

2. User Study - UnitTestScribe

2.1 Suvery 1

Demographic Plots for participants (212 developers) in our first survey are shown in following figures:
Click to zoom in

Click to zoom in

Click to zoom in

Survey 2

Results(from group 2) generated by Qualtrics are available at here.

3. UnitTestScribe Descriptions and subject application data


  • Boyang Li - The College of William and Mary, VA, USA.
    E-mail: boyang at cs dot wm dot edu
  • Christopher Vendome - The College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA, USA.
    E-mail: cvendome at cs dot wm dot edu
  • Mario Linares-Vásquez - The College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA, USA.
    E-mail: mlinarev at cs dot wm dot edu
  • Denys Poshyvanyk - The College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA, USA
    E-mail: denys at cs dot wm dot edu
  • Nicholas A. Kraft - ABB Corporate Research Center, Raleigh, NC, USA.
    E-mail: nicholas.a.kraft at us dot abb dot com