Documentation for the Krigifier, Kriging Approximation, and Radial Basis Function Approximation C++ Classes

Anthony Padula


1. Quick Setup

This chapter will describe the quick and hopefully easy way to get these classes running on your system. If you have difficulty with these instructions, we refer you to Chapter 2 for suggestions on things to try. The scripts and makefiles are designed for Linux machines running g++ and g77. Users of other systems should see Chapter 2 for suggestions on modifying the provided files.

1.1 Obtaining the Software

All the necessary software is available at Follow the link to the ``Krigifier Classes'' which should be near the bottom of the page. This will take you to the page where the krigifier and related software is kept. Then you need to download three files krig.tgz, netlibfiles.tgz, and installkrig. Hold down the ``shift'' key and click on the links to these files in the Compressed files section of the web page. Then save the files to the appropriate directory. If you already have gnu zip on your system, then you are ready to install. Otherwise, click on the link to gnu zip and download and install it on your system.

1.2 Easy Install

Once you have obtained the software, go to the directory where you saved the files. Then, at your command line, execute the commands:
chmod 700 installkrig
After the script finishes, the files have been unpacked and the libraries have been built. To save some disk space, we suggest deleting the directories clapack, blas, and libf2c. The files in these directories have been stored in the archives liblapack.a, libblas.a, and libf2c.a, so you don't need the originals anymore. Type:
rm -rf clapack
rm -rf blas
rm -rf libf2c
Be very careful to type these exactly.

1.3 Running the demos

A number of demo programs have been provided. Efforts have been made to comment the code clearly so users can follow the executions. To compile the demos all at once, type
make demos
This will handle all the compilation. To run one of the demos, for example demo2, type
Note that the demos may take some time to run. Be patient. Several of the demos require an input file named krig.dat. An example of this has been provided for you. This file is all of the input. We have provided several extra dat files named Try copying these into krig.dat and rerunning the demo to examine the different results. See section 3.9 for more discussion of the various parameters. We also point you to [2] (particularly Appendix B and Chapter 3) for further discussion. The demos produce output into a file named results?.out. Thus, demo2 outputs to results2.out. The output file is a list of points in three dimensional space. These points are evaluations of a function on a grid. If you have gnuplot, a driver program has been provided to create postscript plots of the demo output. For example, to graph results2.out, type
./plotpoints results2.out
The driver will prompt the user for a title to add to the plot. Type in the desired title and then press ``enter''. This driver generates the file results?.ps, which contains a plot of the points in theresults?.out file. To view these plots using ghostview, type
gv &
This starts ghostview running in a separate window. Alternatively, you may print these plots by typing

1.4 The Demo programs

Several demo programs have been provided. They are very similar. Each shows the use of slightly different options or different classes. The classes are designed as much as possible with a consistent interface.

1.4.1 demo1

It creates a random function, using the parameters specified in "krig.dat", evaluates it at several sites, and uses these values to create an approximation. The approximation is then evaluated systematically and the results are output to the file "results.out"

1.4.2 demo2

We instruct the krigifier to do Latin Hypercube sampling. It creates a random function, using the parameters specified on the function call. It chooses to use a user-defined trend, described in TrendFunction(). It then evaluates the function at several sites, and uses these values to create an approximation, using the Gaussian isotropic correlation function and passing in the known value of theta. The approximation is then evaluated systematically and the results are output to the file ``results2.out'' while simple statistics on the data are output to the screen Differences from ``'':
  1. krigifier parameters passed through function call, rather than being read from a file
  2. krigifier given specific rng seed and stream to use
  3. krigifier uses user-defined trend $10+3 \ensuremath{\Vert x \Vert}^{2} + \ensuremath{\Vert x \Vert}^{5}$
  4. approximation given theta, instead of doing estimation
  5. calls analyzevalues() instead of scanfunction() in order to get more information
  6. Latin Hypercubes are used instead of Uniform Random sampling in the krigifier

1.4.3 demo3

This is an extremely simplistic demo. It creates an randfunc object, randomly generates the function using parameter values from ``krig.dat'', and then evaluates the function at a number of sites, outputing the results to ``results3.out''.

1.4.4 demo4

It creates a random function, using the parameters specified in ``krig.dat'', evaluates it at several sites, and uses these values to create an approximation. The approximation is then evaluated systematically and the results are output to the file ``results4.out'' This demo is very similar to the one in, except that demo4 also evaluates the derivatives of the kriging approximation instead of the approximation function itself. The program keeps track of the point with the smallest function value that it finds and displays this location along with the derivative at this location.

1.4.5 demo5

It creates a random function, using the parameters specified in ``krig.dat'', evaluates it at several sites, and uses these values to create an approximation. The approximation is then evaluated systematically and the results are output to the file ``results5.out'' This is indentical to except that it uses the krigapproxWithGLS class that has the extra quadratic trend, as described in Section 3.5.1.

1.4.6 demo6

This is an extremely simplistic demo, much like demo3 It estimates the quadratic function using the glsapprox class, as described in Section 3.5.1. It then evaluates the estimate at a number of sites, outputing the results to "results6.out"

1.5 Graphical Interface

If you have the wish interpreter (version 8.0, or else some other tk/tcl interpreter) on your system, you can use the graphical interface provided to run the krigifier. To do this type
make kriggui
You will be presented with a window full of sliders. Move the sliders to set the desired parameters, and then push the Plot button. The program will then generate a function. When it is done generating, it will beep and display a message stating that it is finished. A gv window will automatically be opened and a graph of the function displayed. You may then change the parameter settings , reset the seed to -1, and hit Plot again to generate a new function. When the new function has been generated, push the redisplay button beside the plot in ghostview, in order to view the new plot. If you get an error like
execve viewer:  No such file or directory
you will need to go into the file and modify the line
// The full pathname of your postscript viewer
char viewer[20] = "/usr/bin/X11/gv";
Change the ``/usr/bin/X11/gv'' to be the pathname for your postscript viewer. It is likely stored in /usr/bin, /usr/local/bin, /bin, or some such directory. Further, we have a kill(gvid,SIGHUP); command in our code to tell gv to update the picture from the file. You should change the flag at the top of the file to be bool redisplay = false and then push the equivalent of the redisplay button on your viewer. Currently, the program creates several temporary files. It creates ``kriggui.out'' and ``''. If you don't want to keep the last picture you created, be sure to delete these files later. If you would like to save a picture, we suggest copying the ``'' file to another name so that it doesn't get overwritten.

1.5.1 Features

A number of features have been provided for your convenience. File menu

The File menu at the top of the window has several useful commands. You may exit the program by choosing Exit at the bottom of the menu. The button labeled Sound at the top of the menu toggles the beeps on and off. Then, you may Save and Load parameter settings from text files. Notice that the format of these files differ from that in the .dat files, like ``krig.dat'' mentioned earlier. Thus, do not try to interchange these files. The order of inputs in the GUI data files is: An example, using the default settings of the gui, is contained in the file ``gui.dat''. There is now a feature to convert between the two styles of data files. These functions can be accessed from the File menu. At the first prompt, enter the name of the file in which the data is currently. Then, at the second prompt, enter the name of the file to which to write. Each time, hit OK when you are finished entering the file name. To quit conversion, hit Cancel. For more help with converting files, please see the run-time Help menu.

1.5.2 Random Seeds

Initially, the seed displayed is -1. This causes the program to take a seed from the system clock and use it to generate a function. This seed is then displayed for your benefit so that you may later reproduce functions if desired. In the beginning, we recommend you type -1 in the seed box each time, so that the program will continue to take seeds from the system clock. However, should you find a function you would like to be able to reproduce, be sure to note the seed and stream. If you later want to generate the same function, you must set the parameters to the same value and type the appropriate seed and stream into the boxes. For example, we are quite fond of the function given in the ``gui.dat'' file. You may load this file using the Load feature. Notice how the seed 962042702 and stream 42 are displayed in the boxes. Were these changed, a different function would be produced.

2. Troubleshooting

If you have difficulty in installing or executing the code, there are several things which may be wrong. We have suggestions that may help the problem.

2.1 Installation

Sometimes the provided script will not work completely. In these cases, the last thing displayed should be some sort of manual page or command options list. In this section we give several suggestions for fixing this problem.

2.1.1 Unpacking

The files provided have been run through gunzip and tar to compress them. You can unpack these files by typing
gtar zxvf krig.tgz
gtar zxvf netlibfiles.tgz
If this fails, and it complains that it doesn't recognize the command gtar, then try instead
gunzip krig.tgz
tar xvf krig.tar
gunzip netlibfiles.tgz
tar xvf netlibfiles.tar
If this still fails, you should obtain the unzipping programs from, and then try again.

2.1.2 Alternate compilers

If you use a compiler other than gcc and g77, you will need to modify both the installkrig script and the Makefile. Open the script in a text editor, like emacs or vi, and replace the references to gcc and g77 with ones to your C and FORTRAN compiler. Then save and try running the script again. If it still fails, you will also need to modify the makefile that is provided along with libf2c. You can do this by changing to the directory libf2c. There are several makefiles here, and a README file. Read the README, select the appropriate makefile, and modify it according to the instructions given. One modification we have figured out is that on a Solaris system, you need to change the line in makefile.u that reads
ld -r -x -o $*.xxx $*.o
to be instead
ld -r -o $*.xxx $*.o
This is described in the comments to the makefile. If such modifications do not work, we suggest talking to your local systems adminstrator and request that they install CLAPACK, BLAS, and/or F2C. You could also ask that they get the free g++, gcc, and g77 from the Free Software Foundation at

2.2 Compilation

If you have difficulties getting the demos to compile, there are a couple things to try

2.2.1 Alternate compilers

If you use a C++ compiler other than g++, you will need to edit the Makefile. This is easily done. Open the Makefile in your text editor, and find the line that reads
Change the ``g++'' to be the name of your C++ compiler. You may also need to change the line below that reads
CCFLAGS=-g -Wall -O
We have flags there for the debugger and optimization. We suggest turning the default optimization on your compiler on with the appropriate flag. If you don't have a C++ compiler, obtain the g++ compiler from the Free Software Foundation at

2.2.2 Make

Make is a standard UNIX utility for handling compilation efficiently. If you do not have make you will have to do the compilation manually. The simplest approach is to find the line in the Makefile, and base your commands on that. For example, where the Makefile says
demo1: krigify.o demo1.o rngs.o rvgs.o krig.o\
	gamma.o ParamEstimate.o DirectSearch.o\
	PatternSearch.o CompassSearch.o approx.o
	$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) demo1.o krig.o krigify.o rngs.o rvgs.o\
	gamma.o ParamEstimate.o PatternSearch.o CompassSearch.o\
	approx.o DirectSearch.o $(LIBS) -o demo1
you should type on the command line, all on one line
g++ -g -Wall -o rngs.c rvgs.c -L./ -lLAPACK -lBLAS -lf2c -o demo1
Generally, fill in the macros with the given text at the top of the file, i.e. replace $(CC) with g++. Then for most files replace the ``.o'' at the end with a ``.cc''. A few certain files get a ``.c'' instead. Look at the list of files in your directory to determine which ones. Worst case, you can just compile all of the ``.cc'' and ``.c'' files together with one of the ``demo?.cc'' files.

2.2.3 Compiler errors

If you have the compiler working, but it reports errors that it cannot fix, then there is a little more difficulty in straightening thing out. The first thing to do is to check to see if you are using the most recent version of the compiler. If not, request that it be upgraded. In particular, our implementation makes use of templates, which are a newer feature. We have noticed some portabilty difficulty with the new try/catch style of memory allocation. We are using g++ version 2.95.2. We have found that if you are using an older version of the compiler, you may encounter errors similar to
``try'' is a reserved word.  Exception handling not enabled.
In this case, you will need to add the flag -DDOLD_ALLOC to the compile command. The easiest way to do this is to edit the Makefile and change the line
CCFLAGS=-g -Wall -O
to read instead
If you still encounter difficulties, you should then also add the flag -DOLD_LIBC, thus making the line in the Makefile read
These flags have the same effect as putting a
#define DOLD_ALLOC
#define OLD_LIBC
in your code. They instruct our code to use the older libraries and the old style dynamic allocation (= new then assert ) instead of the newer try/catch. If the compiler is up to date, then the problems are harder to fix. At this point it becomes necessary to tinker with the code itself. Often times there are slight differences in syntax or semantics between compilers. Our code was written on a Linux system with Intel Pentium II and III chips. We used the g++ compiler version 2.95.2. The best suggestion we can offer is to find someone who is familiar with cross-compiler difficulties who might recognize the problem.

2.3 Run-time difficulties

We have tested all the code to some extent. However, we have not been exhaustive. The code is fairly robust, and will warn you some if you give it bad input. The demos are straightforward, and users are encouraged to modify them to try out the advanced features described in the next chapter.

2.3.1 ``Warning: A is not positive definite ...''

If you see a message that complains ``CHOLESKY : WARNING - A is not positive definite at row 72'' or something similar, it's okay. This is to be expected sometimes. We have used the Cholesky decomposition in our implementation, which requires the matrix to be positive definite. Although the matrices are theoretically positive definite, they are often not numerically positive definite. When the Cholesky decomposition fails, this error message is printed. The program will then try alternate methods which are slower, but will always work. This is a feature, not a bug.

2.3.2 Long execution times

One other issue to be aware of - these algorithms can take a significant period of time to run on large matrices. The complexity is $O(n^{3})$ where $n$ is the number of interpolated points. Extensive efforts have been made to do computations efficiently, but the matrix factorizations in particular take a long time on large matrices. You should use the optimization features of your compiler. If this still takes too long, consider decreasing $n$.

2.3.3 Plotting troubles

Occasionally, we've run into an error while using plotpoints. The error reads something to the effect of
Warning: Can not contour non-grid data
What this means is that the data in the file you gave as input to plotpoints is bad. This ussually seems to be the result of either running out of disk-quota or else it comes from terminating a program early. You should check your disk space. If you need to free up space, do so. Then execute the main program again to regenerate the set of data. Then try plotpoints once more. If this still fails, we suggest examining the data set, and trying to determine where the error in the output lies. Sometimes, you will get an error like
line 0: undefined variable: eps
This means that your version of gnuplot does not support encapsulated postscript. Make certain you are not using the -e flag. If you still have difficulties, you can always delete the word ``eps'' in the one place in plotpoints.c that it appears. It's around line 69.

2.4 System-level Customization

You may already have CLAPACK, the BLAS, or the f2c libraries installed on your system. In this case, we recommend using the existing libraries instead of the files we provided. You can place symbolic links (using ln -s /wherever/your/files/are/kept/libfile.a ourlibname.a) named appropriately (libLAPACK.a, libBLAS.a, or libf2c.a) in your directory. Otherwise, you can modify the Makefile by changing the LIBS macro to be
LIBS=-L/wherever/your/files/are/kept/ -lyourlibs
where your library files would be named libyourlibs.a in the example given above.

3. Advanced Features

Many of the advanced features are consistent between the randfunc, krigapprox, and rbfapprox classes. Thus, we will describe them by feature instead of by class, and make careful notes of where the differences are. These classes are written in C++, using the modified TNT libraries Vector<> and Matrix<> classes as modified by Chris Siefert [3].

3.1 Description of the classes

3.1.1 The Krigifier: a random function generator

The krigifier can generate a random function from one of several families of functions, which can then be evaluated at one or more points in the space. The idea for the krigifier is based on the underlying fiction of the stochastic process used in kriging. By modeling this stochastic process, we can create pseudo-random functions, which can then be used as tests for algorithms. The algorithm for the krigifier is described in Padula [2]. For more detail on the mathematics behind the krigifier, we suggest referring to Trosset [4]

3.1.2 The Kriging Approximator

The kriging approximation works on a given set of initial locations and functions values for those locations. The class creates an approximation, which can then be evaluated at one or more points in the space. This class is designed to behave much like the krigifier, except it is given the data to interpolate instead of randomly generating it. The krigapprox class is a direct implementation of the kriging methodology described in Padula [2]. It estimates the needed parameters based on the data, then constructs the correlation matrix $R$ and calculates and stores the vector $v = \ensuremath{y^{T}}
\ensuremath{R^{-1}}$. Then, given a point at which to evaluate the approximation, it calculates the vector $D(x)$, multiplies by $v$, and adds in the value of the trend. The trend is estimated using linear least squares.

3.1.3 The Radial Basis Function Approximator

The radial basis function approximator takes input, similar to the input given the kriging approximation, builds the approximation based on the input, and can then be evaluated at desired locations. The algorithm differs from the kriging approximator, mainly in the type of basis functions. Further, whereas the kriging estimates a covariance structure from the data, the radial basis function msut be given the necessary parameters. However, it is quite robust, and one set of parameters works fairly well for many different data sets.

3.2 General Usage Instructions

The method of using these classes is very similar. First you should include the appropriate header file(s), for example, #include "krigify.h". Then, in your code, there are generally three steps:
  1. Declare an instance of the class. This is done by a statement like
    randfunc MyRandomFunction;
    This is just like declaring an integer. Your first put the type of the object - in this case randfunc - and then put what you would like to name the variable.
  2. Give the class input You should then run one of the setvalues functions. Input can be read from the keyboard, a file, or can be passed as parameters.
    MyRandomFunction.setvalues();   // Read from keyboard
    MyRBFApproximation.setvalues( "infile.dat" );  // Read from file
    MyKrigingApproximation.setvalues(Points, Values, 1);  // Read from given parameters
  3. Evaluate the function You can then evaluate the function by calling evalf().
    y = MyRandomFunction.evalf(x);
    Here, $x$ is a Vector<double> as described in ``vec.h''. The value $y$ returned is a double.
Notice that when reading in data from a file or the keyboard, vectors are input by typing the values with spaces between them. For example, $(2.3, 3.4,
13.654)$ would be input as

\begin{displaymath}2.3\ 3.4\ 13.654\end{displaymath}

Matrices are input by treating each row as a vector. For example, we could enter an upper-triangular matrix as

\begin{displaymath}1\ 2\ 3\ 0\ 4\ 5\ 0\ 0\ 6\end{displaymath}

or equivalently

&1\ 2\ 3& \\
&0\ 4\ 5& \\
&0\ 0\ 6& \\

3.3 Files

All necessary files are currently stored on Virginia Torczon's web site, They can be downloaded from there. There are a number of shared files used by all three classes. They are: The krigifier requires several additional files In addition to the shared files, the kriging approximation requires Finally, the radial basis function approximation needs You also need links to the necessary library files. The libraries used are the CLAPACK and the BLAS. This also requires using the F2C libraries.

3.4 Correlation and Basis Functions

These classes all work off a choice of a basis function. In the kriging, we call it a correlation function. In all of the classes, users can select one of the built in basis functions, or they can specify their own.

3.4.1 Optional Correlation Functions

In the randfunc and krigapprox classes, the member function chooseCorrelationFamily( int choice ) may be called to choose among the hard wired correlation functions. Currently, the options are:
choice = 0
User specified function (See below)
choice = 1
Gaussian isotropic $ e^{ -\theta * \Vert y-x
\Vert ^{\alpha} }$
choice = 2
Gaussian product $\prod_{j=1}^{P} e^{-\theta_j * \vert s_j
- t_j\vert^{\alpha}}$
choice = 3
Product of Linear $ \prod_{j=1}^{p} (1-\theta_j*\vert s_j - t_j\vert)$
choice = 5
Matérn correlation function

\begin{displaymath}\prod_{j=1}^{p} ((\theta_j * \vert y_j - x_j\vert^{\alpha_j})...
...\alpha_j))) *
K_{\alpha_j}( \theta_j * \vert y_j - x_j\vert )\end{displaymath}

where $K_{\nu }(x)$ is the degree $\nu$ modified Bessel function of the third order. The default choice is Gaussian isotropic, so you really only need to run this function in order to choose one of the other families. Notice that choices 2 and 3 take a vector of theta and a single alpha, while choice 5 takes a vector of theta and a vector of alpha. Also, with choice 5, the alpha values MUST be all integers. Your input when running setvalues() must be appropriate to the correlation function. In the krigifier, newrand() must be called after changing the correlation function (note that the setvalues() function calls newrand(). Otherwise, in both the krigifier and the kriging approximation you should call setvalues(). If you don't, your results will be nonsense. We suggest that the order of function calls be, for example:
randfunc TestFunction(); 
TestFunction.chooseCorrelationFamily( 2); 
TestFunction.setvalues( filename );
NOTE: IN THE KRIGING APPROXIMATION, PARAMETER ESTIMATION ONLY WORKS ON THE GAUSSIAN CORRELATION FUNCTIONS. This means you do not need to give the correlation function parameters $\alpha$ and $\theta$ for choices 1 and 2. Otherwise, the user must supply the needed parameters when using the other correlation functions.

3.4.2 User-Defined Correlation Functions

This is an alternative to the previous function. It allows the user to pass in a correlation function of their own. The correlation function must accept two equal length vectors as input and is expected to return a double through the third output parameter. This sets the choice to option 0, and choosing another choice later will use a different correlation function without overwriting the pointer. Thus, you may switch back and forth between a hard-wired function and a user specified function by indicating a new choice as directed above. An example of this would be the calls:
randfunc TestFunction(); 
TestFunction.chooseCorrelationFamily( myCorrelationFunction ); 
TestFunction.setvalues( filename );
You might define a correlation function as such:
 void myCorrelationFunction( const Vector<double>&,
                             const Vector<double>& y, 
                             double & result  ){ 

 // Compute the correlation here

       result = computedCorrelation; 
} // end myCorrelationFunction
The important, necessary features are accepting two equal length vectors and returning a double via the parameter result. These are expected by the randfunc class and it will not function properly otherwise. NOTE: NOT EVERY ARITHMETIC FUNCTION WORKS AS A CORRELATION FUNCTION. Correlation functions are expected to return values between 0 and 1. A value close to 1 indicates a strong correlation, meaning that the function values at the two points should be close together. A value of 1 implies that the function values should be identical. A value of 0 means that the function values are completely unrelated. A useful thing to note - the Vector<double> class has functions dim() and size(), both of which return the size of the vector. Thus, it is unnecessary to pass the size as a parameter of the correlation function. Further, one may use either FORTRAN or C style array referencing. See the file vec.h for more details. Also, when using a user defined correlation function, the user is responsible for storing the parameters of the function, as the data members of the randfunc class are protected.

3.4.3 Optional Radial Basis Functions

Similarly, you can select among the radial basis functions provided in the rbfapprox class. The function chooseRBF(int choice, double c, double beta, long deg) allows the user to pick a non-default basis function. The parameter choice specifies which function. The default is choice = 7. The choices of functions are:
User specified function (See below 3.4.4)
Thin-plate splines: $g(r) = r^{beta}$ where $beta>0$ and $beta$ not even.
Gaussian: $g(r) = e^{-c*(r^2)}$ where $c>0$.
Multiquadrics $g(r) = (c^2 + r^2)^{beta/2}$ where $beta>-d$ and $beta$ not even, $d > beta/2$.
Thin-plate splines $g(r) = (-1)^{(beta/2)+1}*r^{beta}*\log (r)$ for $beta$ even.
Sobolew splines $g(r) = (2 \pi^{c})*K(nu,2 \pi r)*(r^{nu})/gamma(c)$ where $nu = c-d/2$, $c > d/2$.
Thin-plate splines $g(r) = (cr)^2 \log(cr)$. The literature suggests $c=1$.
Madych & Nelson II [1] pg 221 $g(r) =
where $K_{\nu }(x)$ is the degree $\nu$ modified Bessel function of the third order. This function automatically constructs the new approximation. setvalues() must have been run prior to using chooseRBF().

3.4.4 User-Defined Basis Functions

You may use the function chooseRBF( void *RBFtoUse, long deg) to tell the approximation to use some other basis function. The first parameter is the name of the user-defined function. The second parameter is the degree as defined in section 3.9.3. Such functions should take two parameters. The first is to input the value $r = \ensuremath{\Vert x-y \Vert}$. The second is a reference parameter to return the result. For example, the prototype for the user-defined function might be
void myRBF(double /*input */ r, double\& /*output */ result);
and then the calling sequence could be
rbfapprox testrbf;
testrbf.chooseRBF( myRBF, deg);
This sets the choice to option 0, and choosing another choice later will use a different correlation function without overwriting the pointer. Thus, you may switch back and forth between a hard-wired function and a user specified function by indicating a new choice as directed above. NOTE: NOT EVERY ARITHMETIC FUNCTION WORKS AS A RADIAL BASIS FUNCTION Be sure to choose deg appropriately for your function. If you are unsure, use deg = p to be safe.

3.5 Trends

In the krigifier the user may specify a non-quadratic trend through use of the setTrend() function. The trend function requires two parameters, a const Vector<double>& for input of the point at which the trend should be evaluated, and a double & for returning the result. An example of this would be:
void myTrend( const Vector<double>& x, double& result) {
     long p = x.size();

     result = 0;
     for(int i = 0; i<p; i++)
	     result = result+x[i];

} // end myTrend()
You can specify a trend like this:
randfunc TestFunction();
TestFunction.setTrend( myTrend );
TestFunction.setvalues( filename );
result = TestFunction.evalf( x);
This will replace the default quadratic trend. The setvalues() functions will then no longer attempt to read in the parameters of the quadratic trend. Thus, you cannot use the same data file for both quadratic trended functions and functions with user-defined trends. Randomly Generating Quadratic Trends

One new feature of the krigifier is the ability to randomly generate quadratic trends. This is done by calling the function
TestFunction.generateTrend(tau2, &beta0);
This function should be called after calling the setvalues function. It overwrites the read in quadratic trend with a randomly generated one of the form

\begin{displaymath}beta0 + \ensuremath{(x - x0)^{T}}beta2 (x-x0) \end{displaymath}

where $x0$ is chosen uniformly from the hypercube $[ lower +
(upper-lower)/4, upper - (upper-lower)/4 ]$ and $beta2 = \frac{1}{p+1}
\ensuremath{Y^{T}}Y$ where the matrix $Y = [ y_{i,j} ] $ is compsed of $y \sim
\mbox{Normal}(0, tau2 )$. Generally, we can think of $beta0$ as specifying the height of the minimum of the trend, and $tau2$ as the curvature of the quadratic trend. Larger values of $tau2$ result in steeper trends. When choosing a value for $tau2$ you will need to consider the current values of $sigma2$ and the size of the space. The same $tau2$ will produce very different looking results in different size spaces.

3.5.1 Kriging with Quadratic trends

As a new feature, there is a way for users to perform kriging and estimate an underlying quadratic trend. Normally, the kriging works with a constant trend. To do the quadratic trend instead, you will need the files gls.h and Include gls.h in your source, and then instead of declaring a krigapprox object as you would have done, you should declare a krigapproxWithGLS object like this
krigapproxWithGLS MyKrigingApproximation;
After this, everything else works as normal.

3.6 Initial Designs for the Krigifier

By default, the krigifier uses uniform random sampling to generate the set of initial design sites. We have also provided the option to use other initial designs

3.6.1 Optional Initial Designs

The member function chooseInitialDesign( int choice ) may be called to choose among the hard wired initial designs. Currently, the options are:
choice = 0
User specified design (See below)
choice = 1
Uniform Random Sampling, $x \sim
\mbox{Uniform}(\mbox{lower}, \mbox{upper})$.
choice = 2
Latin Hypercubes
The default choice is Uniform Random Sampling, so you really only need to run this function in order to choose one of the other designs. newrand() must be called after changing the initial design, either directly or via setvalues(). Otherwise your results will be nonsense. We suggest that the order of function calls be, for example:
randfunc TestFunction(); 
TestFunction.chooseInitialDesign( 2); 
TestFunction.setvalues( filename );

3.6.2 User-Defined Initial Designs

There is an alternative to the previous function. This allows the user to specify an alternative initial design. The initial design must accept four inputs:
the dimension of the space
the number of initial design sites (how many points in the space)
the vector of lower bounds (rectangular spaces)
the vector of upper bounds
The output parameter $X$ is then the matrix in which the points will be stored. $X$ is an $n \times p$ matrix, with one point in each row. This sets the choice to option 0, and choosing another choice later will use a different correlation functiondesign without overwriting the pointer. Thus, you may switch back and forth between a hard-wired designs and a user specified design by indicating a new choice as directed above. An example of this would be the calls:
randfunc TestFunction(); 
TestFunction.chooseInitialDesign( myInitialDesign ); 
TestFunction.setvalues( filename );
You might define a design function as such:
 void myInitialDesign( const long p, const long n, 
                       const Vector<double>& lower, 
		       const Vector<double>& upper,
		       Matrix<double>& X) { 

 // Compute the design matrix here

       X = theNewDesignMatrix; 
} // end myInitialDesign
The important, necessary features are accepting two long integers, and two equal length vectors and returning a matrix of doubles via the parameter result. These are expected by the randfunc class and it will not function properly otherwise.

3.7 Data retrieval functions

There are a variety of accessor functions to retrieve the values of some of the private data members of the various classes. The ones available for all the classes are:
long getp();
long getn();
In the krigifier, there is also
double getbeta0();
Vector<double> getbeta1();
Matrix<double> getbeta2();
Vector<double> getx0();
double getalpha();
double gettheta();
Matrix<double> getX();
Vector<double> getv();
Vector<double> getlower();
Vector<double> getupper();
long getSeed();
int getStream();
The kriging approximation has
Vector<double> getv();
Vector<double> gettheta()
The RBF approximation has
double getc()
double getbeta()
Thus any of the initial inputs as well as some of the computed values can be retrieved.

3.8 Utility functions

I have included with the classes several non-member functions that may be useful to a user. Notice that the rbf and kriging approximation are derived classes, with the approx class as a parent. Thus, wherever you see approx, it means you may pass in either a krigapprox object or a rbfapprox object.

3.8.1 reportsample()

For the krigifier, we have
double reportsample(randfunc& Func, Vector<double> x, ostream& outf)
This function acts similarly to the member function evalf(). It returns the value of the function at $x$, and also makes an entry in the output file. The function outputs the elements of x in order of increasing dimension, ie. $x[0], x[1], \ldots, x[p]$, with a blank space between each number. It then outputs the value of the function at $x$, followed by an end-line. Thus, the line in the output file would look like:

\begin{displaymath}1.0\ 2.0\ 3.0\ 4.0\ 5.0\ 6.0\ 21.0\end{displaymath}

if $x == (1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0)$ and $f(x) == 21.0$. Similarly, for the approximations, we have
double reportsample( approx\& Func, Vector<double>\& x, ostream\& outf); }
This operates in exactly the same manner as the previous function.

3.8.2 scanfunction()

We have a set of functions that output a sample of the given object at a number of points. The differences between the krigifier versions and the approximation versions is that the krigifier stores its own bounds. Thus, in the approximation versions, there are two additional parameters for passing in the lower and upper bound vectors.
void scanfunction(randfunc& Func, ostream& outf, int pointsperaxis)
void scanfunction( approx& Func, ostream& outf, long pointsperaxis,
                   Vector<double>& lower, Vector<double>& upper);
scanfunction() takes as input the object to be sampled and an ofstream to output the values. It should work for any value of p. It select pointsperaxis evenly spaced values on each axis, and samples the function at every combination of values. The points are spaced on a grid determined by the upper and lower bounds. The output for each sampled point is done by reportsample(), and the format of the output is the same as above, with one point to each line. Output from scanfunction() is suitable for being sent to gnuplot if $p \leq 2$.
void scanfunction( randfunc& Func, ostream& outf);
void scanfunction( approx& Func, ostream& outf, 
		   Vector<double>& lower, Vector<double>& upper);
This is simply a backwards compatible version that uses a default 25 points per axis.
void scanplane( randfunc& Func, ofstream& outf, int pointsperaxis);
void scanplane( approx& Func, ofstream& outf, int pointsperaxis, 
  		Vector<double>& lower, Vector<double>& upper);
This is a slightly faster version of scanfunction() that ONLY works on $p=2$ functions. It outputs in a nice format for reading or sending to gnuplot.

3.8.3 analyzevalues()

void analyzevalues(randfunc& Func, ofstream& outf, int pointsperaxis);
void analyzevalues(  approx& Func, ofstream& outf, int pointsperaxis,
		     Vector<double>& lower, Vector<double>& upper);
Works much like scanfunction(), except that it reports simple statistics on the points sampled to standard I/O, such as maximum value, minimum value, average value, and the approximate location of the 25th and 75th percentiles. It divides each axis into pointsperaxis evenly spaced points, and samples at each permutation of values. Warning: This function stores all sampled points in memory. In higher dimensions, this may fill up the available memory. Use at your own risk. If you experience memory problems, try setting pointsperaxis to a smaller value.
void analyzevalues( randfunc& Func, ofstream& outf);
void analyzevalues( approx  & Func, ofstream& outf,
		    Vector<double>& lower, Vector<double>& upper);
A default version that divides each axis into 25 evenly spaced points, and samples at each permutation of values.

3.8.4 storeApprox()

For the approximations, we have implemented a way to store their values to a file in the same format it would have been read in. This provides a method for storing approximations for later use.
void storeApprox( ostream\& outf );
This is a member function of the class, so you might call it as

3.8.5 newrand()

In the krigifier, there are two functions provided so that we may reuse an object multiple times without re-inputting the parameters. To get a new set of initial sites using the same parameters, one may use the newrand() function:
This generates a new $X$ and new $v$. If you wish to use the same initial sites but generate new values for them, ie keep $X$ and create a new $v$, use the newrandsameX() function instead. You may also call setvalues() again and input a new set of parameters; The class then generates new random components automatically.

3.9 Description of Parameters

For each of the classes there are a number of necessary parameters. We describe them here for the benefit of new users. All parameters are double precision floating-point numbers unless otherwise indicated.

3.9.1 Krigifier Parameters

the dimension of the space of interest. It can also be viewed as the number of variable in the system. $p$ must be an positive integer.
the number of initial design sites. Large values of $n$ tend to give messier functions with large numbers of local maxima and minima. $n$ must be a positive integer.
the constant term of the quadratic trend.
a column vector of coefficients of the linear terms. The vector must be $p$-dimensional.
a matrix of coefficients of the quadratic terms. The matrix is $p \times p$.
a $p$-dimensional column vector. It indicates the center of the quadratic trend.
Thus, the quadratic term is of the form:

\begin{displaymath}beta0 + \ensuremath{(x-x0)^{T}}*beta1 + \ensuremath{(x-x0)^{T}}*beta2*(x-x0)\end{displaymath}

where $x$ is the column vector of variables.
alpha, theta, sigma2
They are the parameters of the covariance function. The default covariance function we used was

\begin{displaymath}Cov(x,y) = sigma2*Cor(x,y) \end{displaymath}

where the default $Cor(x,y)$ is the Gaussian isotropic correlation function

\begin{displaymath}Cor(x,y) = e^{ -theta *( \Vert y-x \Vert^{alpha}) }\end{displaymath}

Users can select other correlation functions, but we recommend becoming comfortable with the defaults before doing so. See Section 3.4.1 for details.
the $p$-dimensional vector of lower bounds of the rectangular design space.
the $p$-dimensional vector of upper bounds.
Notice that the krigifier is designed to work in rectangular spaces. If the desired space is not rectangular, we suggest choosing lower and upper bounds to form a rectangular space that encloses the desired volume. This may place some design sites outside the desired volume, but will still result in a random function defined where it is needed.

3.9.2 Kriging Approximation Parameters

To create a kriging approximationm, you will need several inputs
Matrix<double> Points
This is the $n \times p$ matrix of points. These are your $x$ locations.
Vector<double> Values
These are the corresponding function values $y$. Thus $f(Points[i, \cdot]) = Values[i]$.
int choice
The choice of correlation function. Defaults to 1. See 3.4.1 for more details on the functions available
double theta[]
An array of numbers. This depends on the choice of correlation function. Generally, the array should contain all the values of $\theta$, followed by all the values of $\alpha$. There can be either 1 or p values $\theta_{i}$ and 1 or p values of $\alpha_{i}$.

3.9.3 RBF Approximation Parameters

To create a rbf approximation, you will need several parameters.
Matrix<double> Points
This is the $n \times p$ matrix of points. These are your $x$ locations.
Vector<double> Values
These are the corresponding function values $y$. Thus $f(Points[i, \cdot]) = Values[i]$.
long deg
This is the degree of the polynomial basis. If you set $deg < 0$, it will use no basis. Then $deg = 0$ uses only a constant term. Finally $0 < deg \leq p$ uses $deg$ number of first degree monomials and a constant term. We recommend choosing $deg = -1,0, \mbox{or } p$.
int choice
The flag for which radial basis function to use. This should be an integer between 0 and 7. See section 3.4.3
double c, beta
These are the parameters for the radial basis function. Not every basis function needs both, but values should always be passed in.

3.10 Derivatives

The krigifier and kriging approximations can provide you with derivatives of the function at a specified point. The function call is much like a call to evalf. The function returns the vector gradient of the function at the point given.
Vector<double> evalderiv( const Vector<double>& point);
In the kriging approximation, this is the derivative of the approximation function, not an approximation of the derivative of the original function. While for large enough sample, these derivatives should be close, for small data sets, there is no guarantee that the values are anywhere close, and thus this function is not a substitute for derivative information about the original function. Note however that while derivatives have been implemented for all choices of correlation function, we are still testing the implementations. Correlation functions 1,2,and 3 are known to work. These are the Gaussian Isotropic, Gaussian Product, and Product Linear Correlation functions. The other ones are still being tested, so use them at your own risk. Further, notice that several correlation functions are not differentiable everywhere. For example, if you choose $\alpha =
1$ then the Gaussian correlation functions are not differentiable at the interpolated points. The derivative functions handle taking the derivative of the trend as well, and adding it in appropriately. Howeve, when using a user-defined trend, the derivative function will only return the derivative of the kriging. You must add the derivative of the user-defined trend to this value in order to get the derivative of the function. This is because

\begin{displaymath}\hat{f}(x) = \mu(x) + \ensuremath{y^{T}}b \end{displaymath}

implies that

\begin{displaymath}\nabla \hat{f}(x) = \nabla \mu(x) + \nabla \ensuremath{y^{T}}b.\end{displaymath}


W. R. Madych and S.A. Nelson.
Multivariate interpolation and conditionally positive definite functions ii.
Mathematics of Computation, 54(189):211-230, 1990.

Anthony D. Padula.
Interpolation and pseudorandom function generation.
Honors Thesis, Department of Mathematics, College of William & Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia 23187-8795, May 2000.

Christopher M. Siefert.
Model-assisted pattern search.
Honors Thesis, Department of Computer Science, College of William & Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia 23187-8795, May 2000.

Michael W Trosset.
The krigifier: A procedure for generating pseudorandom nonlinear objective functions for computational experimentation.
Interim Report 35, ICASE, 1999.

About this document ...

Documentation for the Krigifier, Kriging Approximation, and Radial Basis Function Approximation C++ Classes

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