Parameter Description


type primme_svds_params

Structure to set the problem matrix and the solver options.


Number of rows of the matrix.


primme_svds_initialize() sets this field to 0;
this field is read by dprimme_svds().

Number of columns of the matrix.


primme_svds_initialize() sets this field to 0;
this field is read by dprimme_svds().
void (*matrixMatvec)(void *x, PRIMME_INT ldx, void *y, PRIMME_INT ldy, int *blockSize, int *transpose, primme_svds_params *primme_svds, int *ierr)

Block matrix-multivector multiplication, \(y = A x\) if transpose is zero, and \(y = A^*x\) otherwise.

  • x – input array.

  • ldx – leading dimension of x.

  • y – output array.

  • ldy – leading dimension of y.

  • blockSize – number of columns in x and y.

  • transpose – if non-zero, the transpose A should be applied.

  • primme_svds – parameters structure.

  • ierr – output error code; if it is set to non-zero, the current call to PRIMME will stop.

If transpose is zero, then x and y are arrays of dimensions nLocal x blockSize and mLocal x blockSize respectively. Elsewhere they have dimensions mLocal x blockSize and nLocal x blockSize. Both arrays are in column-major order (elements in the same column with consecutive row indices are consecutive in memory).

The actual type of x and y matches the type of evecs of the calling dprimme_svds() (or a variant), unless matrixMatvec_type sets another precision.


primme_svds_initialize() sets this field to NULL;
this field is read by dprimme_svds() and zprimme_svds().


Integer arguments are passed by reference to make easier the interface to other languages (like Fortran).

primme_op_datatype matrixMatvec_type

Precision of the vectors x and y passed to matrixMatvec_type.

If it is primme_op_default, the vectors’ type matches the calling dprimme_svds() (or a variant). Otherwise, the precision is half, single, or double, if matrixMatvec_type is primme_half, primme_float or primme_double respectively.


primme_svds_initialize() sets this field to primme_op_default;
this field is read by dprimme_svds(), and if it is primme_op_default it is set to the value that matches the precision of calling function.

New in version 3.0.

void (*applyPreconditioner)(void *x, PRIMME_INT ldx, void *y, PRIMME_INT ldy, int *blockSize, int *mode, primme_svds_params *primme_svds, int *ierr)

Block preconditioner-multivector application, \(y = M^{-1}x\) for finding singular values close to \(\sigma\). Depending on mode, \(M\) is expected to be an approximation of the following operators:

  • primme_svds_op_AtA: \(M \approx A^*Ax - \sigma^2 I\),

  • primme_svds_op_AAt: \(M \approx AA^*x - \sigma^2 I\),

  • primme_svds_op_augmented: \(M \approx \left(\begin{array}{cc} 0 & A^* \\ A & 0 \end{array}\right) - \sigma I\).

  • x – input array.

  • ldx – leading dimension of x.

  • y – output array.

  • ldy – leading dimension of y.

  • blockSize – number of columns in x and y.

  • mode – one of primme_svds_op_AtA, primme_svds_op_AAt or primme_svds_op_augmented.

  • primme_svds – parameters structure.

  • ierr – output error code; if it is set to non-zero, the current call to PRIMME will stop.

If mode is primme_svds_op_AtA, then x and y are arrays of dimensions nLocal x blockSize; if mode is primme_svds_op_AAt, they are mLocal x blockSize; and otherwise they are (mLocal + nLocal) x blockSize. Both arrays are in column-major order (elements in the same column with consecutive row indices are consecutive in memory).

The actual type of x and y matches the type of evecs of the calling dprimme_svds() (or a variant), unless matrixMatvec_type sets another precision.


primme_svds_initialize() sets this field to NULL;
this field is read by dprimme_svds() and zprimme_svds().
primme_op_datatype applyPreconditioner_type

Precision of the vectors x and y passed to applyPreconditioner_type.

If it is primme_op_default, the vectors’ type matches the calling dprimme_svds() (or a variant). Otherwise, the precision is half, single, or double, if applyPreconditioner_type is primme_half, primme_float or primme_double respectively.


primme_svds_initialize() sets this field to primme_op_default;
this field is read by dprimme_svds(), and if it is primme_op_default it is set to the value that matches the precision of calling function.

New in version 3.0.

int numProcs

Number of processes calling dprimme_svds() or zprimme_svds() in parallel.


primme_svds_initialize() sets this field to 1;
this field is read by dprimme_svds() and zprimme_svds().
int procID

The identity of the local process within a parallel execution calling dprimme_svds() or zprimme_svds(). Only the process with id 0 prints information.


primme_svds_initialize() sets this field to 0;
dprimme_svds() sets this field to 0 if numProcs is 1;
this field is read by dprimme_svds() and zprimme_svds().

Number of local rows on this process. The value depends on how the matrix and preconditioner is distributed along the processes.


primme_svds_initialize() sets this field to -1;
dprimme_svds() sets this field to m if numProcs is 1;
this field is read by dprimme_svds() and zprimme_svds().

See also: matrixMatvec and applyPreconditioner.


Number of local columns on this process. The value depends on how the matrix and preconditioner is distributed along the processes.


primme_svds_initialize() sets this field to -1;
dprimme_svds() sets this field to to n if numProcs is 1;
this field is read by dprimme_svds() and zprimme_svds().
void *commInfo

A pointer to whatever parallel environment structures needed. For example, with MPI, it could be a pointer to the MPI communicator. PRIMME does not use this. It is available for possible use in user functions defined in matrixMatvec, applyPreconditioner, globalSumReal, and broadcastReal.


primme_svds_initialize() sets this field to NULL;
void (*globalSumReal)(double *sendBuf, double *recvBuf, int *count, primme_svds_params *primme_svds, int *ierr)

Global sum reduction function. No need to set for sequential programs.

  • sendBuf – array of size count with the local input values.

  • recvBuf – array of size count with the global output values so that the i-th element of recvBuf is the sum over all processes of the i-th element of sendBuf.

  • count – array size of sendBuf and recvBuf.

  • primme_svds – parameters structure.

  • ierr – output error code; if it is set to non-zero, the current call to PRIMME will stop.

The actual type of sendBuf and recvBuf depends on which function is being calling. For dprimme_svds() and zprimme_svds() it is double, and for sprimme_svds() and cprimme_svds() it is float. Note that count is the number of values of the actual type.


primme_svds_initialize() sets this field to an internal function;
dprimme_svds() sets this field to an internal function if numProcs is 1 and globalSumReal is NULL;
this field is read by dprimme_svds() and zprimme_svds().

When MPI is used, this can be a simply wrapper to MPI_Allreduce() as shown below:

void par_GlobalSumForDouble(void *sendBuf, void *recvBuf, int *count,
                         primme_svds_params *primme_svds, int *ierr) {
   MPI_Comm communicator = *(MPI_Comm *) primme_svds->commInfo;
   if (sendBuf == recvBuf) {
     *ierr = MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE, recvBuf, *count, MPIU_REAL, MPI_SUM, communicator) != MPI_SUCCESS;
   } else {
     *ierr = MPI_Allreduce(sendBuf, recvBuf, *count, MPIU_REAL, MPI_SUM, communicator) != MPI_SUCCESS;

When calling sprimme_svds() and cprimme_svds() replace MPI_DOUBLE by `MPI_FLOAT.

primme_op_datatype globalSumReal_type

Precision of the vectors sendBuf and recvBuf passed to globalSumReal.

If it is primme_op_default, the vectors’ type matches the calling dprimme_svds() (or a variant). Otherwise, the precision is half, single, or double, if globalSumReal_type is primme_half, primme_float or primme_double respectively.


primme_svds_initialize() sets this field to primme_op_default;
this field is read by dprimme_svds(), and if it is primme_op_default it is set to the value that matches the precision of calling function.

New in version 3.0.

void (*broadcastReal)(void *buffer, int *count, primme_svds_params *primme_svds, int *ierr)

Broadcast function from process with ID zero. It is optional in parallel executions, and not needed for sequential programs.

  • buffer – array of size count with the local input values.

  • count – array size of sendBuf and recvBuf.

  • primme_svds – parameters structure.

  • ierr – output error code; if it is set to non-zero, the current call to PRIMME will stop.

The actual type of buffer matches the type of svecs of the calling dprimme_svds() (or a variant), unless globalSumReal_type sets another precision.


primme_svds_initialize() sets this field to NULL;
this field is read by dprimme_svds().

When MPI is used, this can be a simply wrapper to MPI_Bcast() as shown below:

void broadcastForDouble(void *buffer, int *count,
                        primme_svds_params *primme_svds, int *ierr) {
   MPI_Comm communicator = *(MPI_Comm *) primme_svds->commInfo;
   if(MPI_Bcast(buffer, *count, MPI_DOUBLE, 0 /* root */,
                 communicator) == MPI_SUCCESS) {
      *ierr = 0;
   } else {
      *ierr = 1;

When calling sprimme_svds() and cprimme_svds() replace MPI_DOUBLE by `MPI_FLOAT.

New in version 3.0.

int numSvals

Number of singular triplets wanted.


primme_svds_initialize() sets this field to 1;
this field is read by primme_svds_set_method() (see Preset Methods) and dprimme_svds().
primme_op_datatype broadcastReal_type

Precision of the vector buffer` passed to broadcastReal.

If it is primme_op_default, the vectors’ type matches the calling dprimme_svds() (or a variant). Otherwise, the precision is half, single, or double, if broadcastReal_type is primme_half, primme_float or primme_double respectively.


primme_svds_initialize() sets this field to primme_op_default;
this field is read by dprimme_svds(), and if it is primme_op_default it is set to the value that matches the precision of calling function.

New in version 3.0.

primme_op_datatype internalPrecision

Internal working precision.

If it is primme_op_default, most of the vectors are stored with the same precision as the calling dprimme_svds() (or a variant), and most of the computations are done in that precision too. Otherwise, the working precision is changed to half, single, or double, if internalPrecision is primme_half, primme_float or primme_double respectively.


primme_svds_initialize() sets this field to primme_op_default;
this field is read by dprimme_svds().

New in version 3.0.

primme_svds_target target

Which singular values to find:


Smallest singular values; targetShifts is ignored.


Largest singular values; targetShifts is ignored.


Closest in absolute value to the shifts in targetShifts.


this field is read by dprimme_svds() and zprimme_svds().
int numTargetShifts

Size of the array targetShifts. Used only when target is primme_svds_closest_abs. The default values is 0.


primme_svds_initialize() sets this field to 0;
this field is read by dprimme_svds() and zprimme_svds().
double *targetShifts

Array of shifts, at least of size numTargetShifts. Used only when target is primme_svds_closest_abs.

Singular values are computed in order so that the i-th singular value is the closest to the i-th shift. If numTargetShifts < numSvals, the last shift given is used for all the remaining i’s.


primme_svds_initialize() sets this field to NULL;
this field is read by dprimme_svds() and zprimme_svds().


Eventually this is used by dprimme_svds() and zprimme_svds(). Please see considerations of targetShifts.

int printLevel

The level of message reporting from the code. All output is written in outputFile.

One of:

  • 0: silent.

  • 1: print some error messages when these occur.

  • 2: as in 1, and info about targeted singular triplets when they are marked as converged:

    #Converged $1 sval[ $2 ]= $3 norm $4 Mvecs $5 Time $7 stage $10

    or locked:

    #Lock striplet[ $1 ]= $3 norm $4 Mvecs $5 Time $7 stage $10
  • 3: as in 2, and info about targeted singular triplets every outer iteration:

    OUT $6 conv $1 blk $8 MV $5 Sec $7 SV $3 |r| $4 stage $10

    Also, if using PRIMME_DYNAMIC, show JDQMR/GD+k performance ratio and the current method in use.

  • 4: as in 3, and info about targeted singular triplets every inner iteration:

    INN MV $5 Sec $7 Sval $3 Lin|r| $9 SV|r| $4 stage $10
  • 5: as in 4, and verbose info about certain choices of the algorithm.

Output key:

$1: Number of converged triplets up to now.
$2: The index of the triplet currently converged.
$3: The singular value.
$4: Its residual norm.
$5: The current number of matrix-vector products.
$6: The current number of outer iterations.
$7: The current elapsed time.
$8: Index within the block of the targeted triplet.
$9: QMR norm of the linear system residual.
$10: stage (1 or 2)

In parallel programs, when printLevel is 0 to 4 only procID 0 produces output. For printLevel 5 output can be produced in any of the parallel calls.


primme_svds_initialize() sets this field to 1;
this field is read by dprimme_svds() and zprimme_svds().


Convergence history for plotting may be produced simply by:

grep OUT outpufile | awk '{print $8" "$14}' > out
grep INN outpufile | awk '{print $3" "$11}' > inn

Or in gnuplot:

plot 'out' w lp, 'inn' w lp
double aNorm

An estimate of the 2-norm of \(A\), which is used in the default convergence criterion (see eps).

If aNorm is less than or equal to 0, the code uses the largest absolute Ritz value seen. On return, aNorm is then replaced with that value.


primme_svds_initialize() sets this field to 0.0;
this field is read and written by dprimme_svds() and zprimme_svds().
double eps

If convTestFun is NULL, a triplet \((u,\sigma,v)\) is marked as converged when \(\sqrt{\|A v - \sigma u\|^2 + \|A^* u - \sigma v\|^2}\) is less than eps * aNorm, or close to the minimum tolerance that the selected method can achieve in the given machine precision. See Preset Methods.

The default value is machine precision times \(10^4\).


primme_svds_initialize() sets this field to 0.0;
this field is read by dprimme_svds() and zprimme_svds().
FILE *outputFile

Opened file to write down the output.


primme_svds_initialize() sets this field to the standard output;
int locking

If set to 1, the underneath eigensolvers will use hard locking. See locking.


primme_svds_initialize() sets this field to -1;
this field is read by dprimme_svds() and zprimme_svds().
int initSize

On input, the number of initial vector guesses provided in svecs argument in dprimme_svds() and zprimme_svds().

On output, initSize holds the number of converged triplets. Without locking all numSvals approximations are in svecs but only the first initSize are converged.

During execution, it holds the current number of converged triplets.


primme_svds_initialize() sets this field to 0;
this field is read and written by dprimme_svds() and zprimme_svds().
int numOrthoConst

Number of vectors to be used as external orthogonalization constraints. The left and the right vector constraints are provided as input of the svecs argument in sprimme_svds() or other variant, and must be orthonormal.

PRIMME SVDS finds new triplets orthogonal to these constraints (equivalent to solving the problem \((I-UU^*)A(I-VV^*)\) where \(U\) and \(V\) are the given left and right constraint vectors). This is a handy feature if some singular triplets are already known, or for finding more triplets after a call to dprimme_svds() or zprimme_svds(), possibly with different parameters (see an example in TEST/exsvd_zseq.c).


primme_svds_initialize() sets this field to 0;
this field is read by dprimme_svds() and zprimme_svds().
int maxBasisSize

The maximum basis size allowed in the main iteration. This has memory implications.


primme_svds_initialize() sets this field to 0;
this field is read and written by primme_svds_set_method() (see Preset Methods);
this field is read by dprimme_svds() and zprimme_svds().
int maxBlockSize

The maximum block size the code will try to use.

The user should set this based on the architecture specifics of the target computer, as well as any a priori knowledge of multiplicities. The code does not require that maxBlockSize > 1 to find multiple triplets. For some methods, keeping to 1 yields the best overall performance.


primme_svds_initialize() sets this field to 1;
this field is read and written by primme_svds_set_method() (see Preset Methods);
this field is read by dprimme_svds() and zprimme_svds().
PRIMME_INT maxMatvecs

Maximum number of matrix vector multiplications (approximately half the number of preconditioning operations) that the code is allowed to perform before it exits.


primme_svds_initialize() sets this field to INT_MAX;
this field is read by dprimme_svds() and zprimme_svds().

The PRIMME_INT iseed[4] is an array with the seeds needed by the LAPACK dlarnv and zlarnv.

The default value is an array with values -1, -1, -1 and -1. In that case, iseed is set based on the value of procID to avoid every parallel process generating the same sequence of pseudorandom numbers.


primme_svds_initialize() sets this field to [-1, -1, -1, -1];
this field is read and written by dprimme_svds() and zprimme_svds().
void *matrix

This field may be used to pass any required information in the matrix-vector product matrixMatvec.


primme_svds_initialize() sets this field to NULL;
void *preconditioner

This field may be used to pass any required information in the preconditioner function applyPreconditioner.


primme_svds_initialize() sets this field to NULL;
int precondition

Set to 1 to use preconditioning. Make sure applyPreconditioner is not NULL then!


primme_svds_initialize() sets this field to 0;
this field is read and written by primme_svds_set_method() (see Preset Methods);
this field is read by dprimme_svds() and zprimme_svds().
primme_svds_op_operator method

Select the equivalent eigenvalue problem that will be solved:

  • primme_svds_op_AtA: \(A^*Ax = \sigma^2 x\),

  • primme_svds_op_AAt: \(AA^*x = \sigma^2 x\),

  • primme_svds_op_augmented: \(\left(\begin{array}{cc} 0 & A^* \\ A & 0 \end{array}\right) x = \sigma x\).

The options for this solver are stored in primme.


primme_svds_initialize() sets this field to primme_svds_op_none;
this field is read and written by primme_svds_set_method() (see Preset Methods);
this field is read by dprimme_svds() and zprimme_svds().
primme_svds_op_operator methodStage2

Select the equivalent eigenvalue problem that will be solved to refine the solution. The allowed options are primme_svds_op_none to not refine the solution and primme_svds_op_augmented to refine the solution by solving the augmented problem with the current solution as the initial vectors. See method.

The options for this solver are stored in primmeStage2.


primme_svds_initialize() sets this field to primme_svds_op_none;
this field is read and written by primme_svds_set_method() (see Preset Methods);
this field is read by dprimme_svds() and zprimme_svds().
primme_params primme

Parameter structure storing the options for underneath eigensolver that will be called at the first stage. See method.


primme_svds_initialize() initialize this structure;
this field is read and written by primme_svds_set_method() (see Preset Methods);
this field is read and written by dprimme_svds() and zprimme_svds().
primme_params primmeStage2

Parameter structure storing the options for underneath eigensolver that will be called at the second stage. See methodStage2.


primme_svds_initialize() initialize this structure;
this field is read and written by primme_svds_set_method() (see Preset Methods);
this field is read and written by dprimme_svds() and zprimme_svds().
void (*convTestFun)(double *sval, void *leftsvec, void *rightsvec, double *rNorm, int *isconv, primme_svds_params *primme_svds, int *ierr)

Function that evaluates if the approximate triplet has converged. If NULL, it is used the default convergence criteria (see eps).

  • sval – the approximate singular value to evaluate.

  • leftsvec – one dimensional array of size mLocal containing the approximate left singular vector; it can be NULL.

  • rightsvec – one dimensional array of size nLocal containing the approximate right singular vector; it can be NULL.

  • resNorm – the norm of the residual vector.

  • isconv – (output) the function sets zero if the pair is not converged and non zero otherwise.

  • primme_svds – parameters structure.

  • ierr – output error code; if it is set to non-zero, the current call to PRIMME will stop.

The actual type of leftsvec and rightsvec matches the type of svecs of the calling dprimme_svds() (or a variant), unless convTestFun_type sets another precision.


When solving the augmented problem (for the method primme_svds_augmented and at the second stage in the method primme_svds_hybrid), the given residual vector norm resNorm is an approximation of the actual residual. Also leftsvec and rightsvec may not have length 1.


svds_primme_initialize() sets this field to NULL;
this field is read and written by dprimme_svds().
primme_op_datatype convTestFun_type

Precision of the vectors leftsvec and rightsvec passed to convTestFun.

If it is primme_op_default, the type matches the calling dprimme_svds() (or a variant). Otherwise, the precision is half, single, or double, if convTestFun_type is primme_half, primme_float or primme_double respectively.


primme_svds_initialize() sets this field to primme_op_default;
this field is read by dprimme_svds(), and if it is primme_op_default it is set to the value that matches the precision of calling function.

New in version 3.0.

void *convtest

This field may be used to pass any required information to the function convTestFun.


primme_svds_initialize() sets this field to NULL;
void (*monitorFun)(void *basisSvals, int *basisSize, int *basisFlags, int *iblock, int *blockSize, void *basisNorms, int *numConverged, void *lockedSvals, int *numLocked, int *lockedFlags, void *lockedNorms, int *inner_its, void *LSRes, const char *msg, double *time, primme_event *event, int *stage, primme_svds_params *primme_svds, int *ierr)

Convergence monitor. Used to customize how to report solver information during execution (stage, iteration number, matvecs, time, residual norms, targets, etc).

  • basisSvals – array with approximate singular values of the basis.

  • basisSize – size of the arrays basisSvals, basisFlags and basisNorms.

  • basisFlags – state of every approximate triplet in the basis.

  • iblock – indices of the approximate triplet in the block.

  • blockSize – size of array iblock.

  • basisNorms – array with residual norms of the triplets in the basis.

  • numConverged – number of triplets converged in the basis plus the number of the locked triplets (note that this value isn’t monotonic).

  • lockedSvals – array with the locked triplets.

  • numLocked – size of the arrays lockedSvals, lockedFlags and lockedNorms.

  • lockedFlags – state of each locked triplets.

  • lockedNorms – array with residual norms of the locked triplets.

  • inner_its – number of performed QMR iterations in the current correction equation.

  • LSRes – residual norm of the linear system at the current QMR iteration.

  • msg – output message or function name.

  • time – time duration.

  • event – event reported.

  • stage0 for first stage, 1 for second stage.

  • primme_svds – parameters structure; the counter in stats are updated with the current number of matrix-vector products, iterations, elapsed time, etc., since start.

  • ierr – output error code; if it is set to non-zero, the current call to PRIMME will stop.

This function is called at the next events:

  • *event == primme_event_outer_iteration: every outer iterations.

    It is provided basisSvals, basisSize, basisFlags, iblock and blockSize.

    basisNorms[iblock[i]] has the residual norms for the selected triplets in the block. PRIMME avoids computing the residual of soft-locked triplets, basisNorms[i] for i<iblock[0]. So those values may correspond to previous iterations. The values basisNorms[i] for i>iblock[blockSize-1] are not valid.

    If locking is enabled, lockedSvals, numLocked, lockedFlags and lockedNorms are also provided.

    inner_its and LSRes are not provided.

  • *event == primme_event_inner_iteration: every QMR iteration.

    basisSvals[0] and basisNorms[0] provides the approximate singular value and the residual norm of the triplet which is improved in the current correction equation. If convTest is primme_adaptive or primme_adaptive_ETolerance, basisSvals[0], and basisNorms[0] are updated every QMR iteration.

    inner_its and LSRes are also provided.

    lockedSvals, numLocked, lockedFlags, and lockedNorms may not be provided.

  • *event == primme_event_converged: a new triplet in the basis passed the convergence criterion

    iblock[0] is the index of the newly converged triplet in the basis which will be locked or soft locked. The following are provided: basisSvals, basisSize, basisFlags and blockSize[0]==1.

    lockedSvals, numLocked, lockedFlags and lockedNorms may not be provided.

    inner_its and LSRes are not provided.

  • *event == primme_event_locked: a new triplet added to the locked singular vectors.

    lockedSvals, numLocked, lockedFlags and lockedNorms are provided. The last element of lockedSvals, lockedFlags and lockedNorms corresponds to the recent locked triplet.

    basisSvals, numConverged, basisFlags and basisNorms may not be provided.

    inner_its and LSRes are not be provided.

  • *event == primme_event_message: output message

    msg is the message to print.

    The rest of the arguments are not provided.

The values of basisFlags and lockedFlags are:

  • 0: unconverged.

  • 1: internal use; only in basisFlags.

  • 2: passed convergence test (see eps).

  • 3: converged because the solver may not be able to reduce the residual norm further.

The actual type of basisEvals, basisNorms, lockedEvals, lockedNorms and LSRes matches the type of evecs of the calling dprimme_svds() (or a variant), unless monitorFun_type sets another precision.


primme_svds_initialize() sets this field to NULL;
dprimme_svds() sets this field to an internal function if it is NULL;
this field is read by dprimme_svds() and zprimme_svds().

Changed in version 3.0.

primme_op_datatype monitorFun_type

Precision of the vectors basisEvals, basisNorms, lockedEvals, lockedNorms and LSRes passed to monitorFun.

If it is primme_op_default, the vectors’ type matches the calling dprimme_svds() (or a variant). Otherwise, the precision is half, single, or double, if monitorFun_type is primme_half, primme_float or primme_double respectively.


primme_svds_initialize() sets this field to primme_op_default;
this field is read by dprimme_svds(), and if it is primme_op_default it is set to the value that matches the precision of calling function.

New in version 3.0.

void *monitor

This field may be used to pass any required information to the function monitorFun.


primme_svds_initialize() sets this field to NULL;
PRIMME_INT stats.numOuterIterations

Hold the number of outer iterations.


primme_svds_initialize() sets this field to 0;
PRIMME_INT stats.numRestarts

Hold the number of restarts.


primme_svds_initialize() sets this field to 0;
PRIMME_INT stats.numMatvecs

Hold how many vectors the operator in matrixMatvec has been applied on.


primme_svds_initialize() sets this field to 0;
PRIMME_INT stats.numPreconds

Hold how many vectors the operator in applyPreconditioner has been applied on.


primme_svds_initialize() sets this field to 0;
PRIMME_INT stats.numGlobalSum

Hold how many times globalSumReal has been called. The value is available during execution and at the end.


primme_svds_initialize() sets this field to 0;
written by dprimme_svds().

New in version 3.0.

double stats.volumeGlobalSum

Hold how many REAL have been reduced by globalSumReal. The value is available during execution and at the end.


primme_svds_initialize() sets this field to 0;
written by dprimme_svds().

New in version 3.0.

PRIMME_INT stats.numBroadcast

Hold how many times broadcastReal has been called. The value is available during execution and at the end.


primme_svds_initialize() sets this field to 0;
written by dprimme_svds().

New in version 3.0.

double stats.volumeBroadcast

Hold how many REAL have been broadcast by broadcastReal. The value is available during execution and at the end.


primme_svds_initialize() sets this field to 0;
written by dprimme_svds().

New in version 3.0.

PRIMME_INT stats.numOrthoInnerProds

Hold how many inner products with vectors of length mLocal and nLocal have been computed during orthogonalization. The value is available during execution and at the end.


primme_svds_initialize() sets this field to 0;
written by dprimme_svds().

New in version 3.0.

double stats.elapsedTime

Hold the wall clock time spent by the call to dprimme_svds() or zprimme_svds().


primme_svds_initialize() sets this field to 0;
double stats.timeMatvec

Hold the wall clock time spent by matrixMatvec. The value is available at the end of the execution.


primme_svds_initialize() sets this field to 0;
written by dprimme_svds().

New in version 3.0.

double stats.timePrecond

Hold the wall clock time spent by applyPreconditioner. The value is available at the end of the execution.


primme_svds_initialize() sets this field to 0;
written by dprimme_svds().

New in version 3.0.

double stats.timeOrtho

Hold the wall clock time spent by orthogonalization. The value is available at the end of the execution.


primme_svds_initialize() sets this field to 0;
written by dprimme_svds().

New in version 3.0.

double stats.timeGlobalSum

Hold the wall clock time spent by globalSumReal. The value is available at the end of the execution.


primme_svds_initialize() sets this field to 0;
written by dprimme_svds().

New in version 3.0.

double stats.timeBroadcast

Hold the wall clock time spent by broadcastReal. The value is available at the end of the execution.


primme_svds_initialize() sets this field to 0;
written by dprimme_svds().

New in version 3.0.

PRIMME_INT stats.lockingIssue

It is set to a nonzero value if some of the returned triplets do not pass the convergence criterion. See convTestFun and eps.


primme_svds_initialize() sets this field to 0;
written by dprimme_svds().

New in version 3.0.

void *queue

Pointer to the accelerator’s data structure.

If the main call is dprimme_svds_magma() or a variant, this field should have the pointer to an initialized magma_queue_t.

See example examples/ex_svds_dmagma.c.


primme_svds_initialize() sets this field to NULL;
this field is read by dprimme_svds_magma().

New in version 3.0.

Preset Methods

enum primme_svds_preset_method
enumerator primme_svds_default

Set as primme_svds_hybrid.

enumerator primme_svds_normalequations

Solve the equivalent eigenvalue problem \(A^*A V = \Sigma^2 V\) and computes \(U\) by normalizing the vectors \(AV\). If m is smaller than n, \(AA^*\) is solved instead.

With primme_svds_normalequations primme_svds_set_method() sets method to primme_svds_op_AtA if m is larger or equal than n, and to primme_svds_op_AAt otherwise; and methodStage2 is set to primme_svds_op_none.

The minimum residual norm that this method can achieve is \(\|A\|\epsilon\sigma^{-1}\), where \(\epsilon\) is the machine precision and \(\sigma\) the required singular value.

enumerator primme_svds_augmented

Solve the equivalent eigenvalue problem \(\left(\begin{array}{cc} 0 & A^* \\ A & 0 \end{array}\right) X = \sigma X\) with \(X = \left(\begin{array}{cc}V\\U\end{array}\right)\).

With primme_svds_augmented primme_svds_set_method() sets method to primme_svds_op_augmented and methodStage2 to primme_svds_op_none.

The minimum residual norm that this method can achieve is \(\|A\|\epsilon\), where \(\epsilon\) is the machine precision. However it may not return triplets with singular values smaller than \(\|A\|\epsilon\).

enumerator primme_svds_hybrid

First solve the equivalent normal equations (see primme_svds_normalequations) and then refine the solution solving the augmented problem (see primme_svds_augmented).

With primme_svds_normalequations primme_svds_set_method() sets method to primme_svds_op_AtA if m is larger or equal than n, and to primme_svds_op_AAt otherwise; and methodStage2 is set to primme_svds_op_augmented.

The minimum residual norm that this method can achieve is \(\|A\|\epsilon\), where \(\epsilon\) is the machine precision. However it may not return triplets with singular values smaller than \(\|A\|\epsilon\) if eps is smaller than \(\|A\|\epsilon\sigma^{-1}\).

Error Codes

The functions dprimme_svds() and zprimme_svds() return one of the following error codes. Some of the error codes have a macro associated which is indicated in brackets.

  • 0: success; usually all requested singular triplets have converged.

  • -1: (PRIMME_UNEXPECTED_FAILURE) unexpected internal error; please consider to set printLevel to a value larger than 0 to see the call stack and to report these errors because they may be bugs.

  • -2: (PRIMME_MALLOC_FAILURE) failure in allocating memory; it can be either CPU or GPU.

  • -3: (PRIMME_MAIN_ITER_FAILURE) maximum number of matvecs maxMatvecs reached.

  • -4: primme_svds is NULL.

  • -5: Wrong value for m or n or mLocal or nLocal.

  • -6: Wrong value for numProcs.

  • -7: matrixMatvec is not set.

  • -8: applyPreconditioner is not set but precondition == 1.

  • -9: numProcs >1 but globalSumReal is not set.

  • -10: Wrong value for numSvals, it’s larger than min(m, n).

  • -11: Wrong value for numSvals, it’s smaller than 1.

  • -13: Wrong value for target.

  • -14: Wrong value for method.

  • -15: Not supported combination of method and methodStage2.

  • -16: Wrong value for printLevel.

  • -17: svals is not set.

  • -18: svecs is not set.

  • -19: resNorms is not set.

  • -40: (PRIMME_LAPACK_FAILURE) some LAPACK function performing a factorization returned an error code; set printLevel > 0 to see the error code and the call stack.

  • -41: (PRIMME_USER_FAILURE) some of the user-defined functions (matrixMatvec, applyPreconditioner, …) returned a non-zero error code; set printLevel > 0 to see the call stack that produced the error.

  • -42: (PRIMME_ORTHO_CONST_FAILURE) the provided orthogonal constraints (see numOrthoConst) are not full rank.

  • -43: (PRIMME_PARALLEL_FAILURE) some process has a different value in an input option than the process zero, or it is not acting coherently; set printLevel > 0 to see the call stack that produced the error.

  • -44: (PRIMME_FUNCTION_UNAVAILABLE) PRIMME was not compiled with support for the requesting precision or for GPUs.

  • -100 up to -199: eigensolver error from first stage; see the value plus 100 in Error Codes.

  • -200 up to -299: eigensolver error from second stage; see the value plus 200 in Error Codes.