MATLAB Interface

function [varargout] = primme_svds(varargin)

primme_svds() finds a few singular values and vectors of a matrix A by calling PRIMME. A is typically large and sparse.

S = primme_svds(A) returns a vector with the 6 largest singular values of A.

S = primme_svds(AFUN,M,N) accepts the function handle AFUN to perform the matrix vector products with an M-by-N matrix A. AFUN(X,'notransp') returns A*X while AFUN(X,'transp') returns A’*X. In all the following, A can be replaced by AFUN,M,N.

S = primme_svds(A,k) computes the k largest singular values of A.

S = primme_svds(A,k,sigma) computes the k singular values closest to the scalar shift sigma.

  • If sigma is a vector, find the singular value S(i) closest to each sigma(i), for i<=k.

  • If sigma is 'L', it computes the largest singular values.

  • if sigma is 'S', it computes the smallest singular values.

S = primme_svds(A,k,sigma,OPTIONS) specifies extra solver parameters. Some default values are indicated in brackets {}:

  • aNorm: estimation of the 2-norm of A {0.0 (estimate the norm internally)}

  • tol: convergence tolerance NORM([A*V-U*S;A'*U-V*S]) <= tol * NORM(A) (see eps) { 1e-10 for double precision and 1e-3 for single precision}

  • maxit: maximum number of matvecs with A and A' (see maxMatvecs) {inf}

  • p: maximum basis size (see maxBasisSize)

  • reportLevel: reporting level (0-3) (see HIST) {no reporting 0}

  • display: whether displaying reporting on screen (see HIST) {0 if HIST provided}

  • isreal: if 0, the matrix is complex; else it’s real {0: complex}

  • isdouble: if 0, the matrix is single; else it’s double {1: double}

  • method: which equivalent eigenproblem to solve

  • u0: initial guesses to the left singular vectors (see initSize) {[]}

  • v0: initial guesses to the right singular vectors {[]}

  • orthoConst: external orthogonalization constraints (see numOrthoConst) {[]}

  • locking: 1, hard locking; 0, soft locking

  • maxBlockSize: maximum block size

  • iseed: random seed

  • primme: options for first stage solver

  • primmeStage2: options for second stage solver

  • convTestFun: function handler with an alternative convergence criterion. If FUN(SVAL,LSVEC,RSVEC,RNORM) returns a nonzero value, the triplet (SVAL,LSVEC,RSVEC) with residual norm RNORM is considered converged.

The available options for OPTIONS.primme and primmeStage2 are the same as primme_eigs(), plus the option 'method'.

S = primme_svds(A,k,sigma,OPTIONS,P) applies a preconditioner P as follows:

  • If P is a matrix it applies P\X and P'\X to approximate A\X and A'\X.

  • If P is a function handle, PFUN, PFUN(X,'notransp') returns P\X and PFUN(X,'transp') returns P’\X, approximating A\X and A'\X respectively.

  • If P is a struct, it can have one or more of the following fields:

    P.AHA\X or P.AHA(X) returns an approximation of (A'*A)\X, P.AAH\X or P.AAH(X) returns an approximation of (A*A')\X, P.aug\X or P.aug(X) returns an approximation of [zeros(N,N) A';A zeros(M,M)]\X.

  • If P is [] then no preconditioner is applied.

S = primme_svds(A,k,sigma,OPTIONS,P1,P2) applies a factorized preconditioner:

  • If both P1 and P2 are nonempty, apply (P1*P2)\X to approximate A\X.

  • If P1 is [] and P2 is nonempty, then (P2'*P2)\X approximates A'*A. P2 can be the R factor of an (incomplete) QR factorization of A or the L factor of an (incomplete) LL’ factorization of A'*A (RIF).

  • If both P1 and P2 are [] then no preconditioner is applied.

[U,S,V] = primme_svds(...) returns also the corresponding singular vectors. If A is M-by-N and k singular triplets are computed, then U is M-by-k with orthonormal columns, S is k-by-k diagonal, and V is N-by-k with orthonormal columns.

[S,R] = primme_svds(...)

[U,S,V,R] = primme_svds(...) returns the residual norm of each k triplet, NORM([A*V(:,i)-S(i,i)*U(:,i); A'*U(:,i)-S(i,i)*V(:,i)]).

[U,S,V,R,STATS] = primme_svds(...) returns how many times A and P were used and elapsed time. The application of A is counted independently from the application of A'.

[U,S,V,R,STATS,HIST] = primme_svds(...) returns the convergence history, instead of printing it. Every row is a record, and the columns report:

  • HIST(:,1): number of matvecs

  • HIST(:,2): time

  • HIST(:,3): number of converged/locked triplets

  • HIST(:,4): stage

  • HIST(:,5): block index

  • HIST(:,6): approximate singular value

  • HIST(:,7): residual norm

  • HIST(:,8): QMR residual norm

OPTS.reportLevel controls the granularity of the record. If OPTS.reportLevel == 1, HIST has one row per converged eigenpair and only the first three columns together with the fifth and the sixth are reported. If OPTS.reportLevel == 2, HIST has one row per outer iteration and converged value, and only the first six columns are reported. Otherwise HIST has one row per QMR iteration, outer iteration and converged value, and all columns are reported.

The convergence history is displayed if OPTS.reportLevel > 0 and either HIST is not returned or OPTS.display == 1.


A = diag(1:50); A(200,1) = 0; % rectangular matrix of size 200x50

s = primme_svds(A,10) % the 10 largest singular values

s = primme_svds(A,10,'S') % the 10 smallest singular values

s = primme_svds(A,10,25) % the 10 closest singular values to 25

opts = struct();
opts.tol = 1e-4; % set tolerance
opts.method = 'primme_svds_normalequations' % set svd solver method
opts.primme.method = 'DEFAULT_MIN_TIME' % set first stage eigensolver method
opts.primme.maxBlockSize = 2; % set block size for first stage
[u,s,v] = primme_svds(A,10,'S',opts); % find 10 smallest svd triplets

opts.orthoConst = {u,v};
[s,rnorms] = primme_svds(A,10,'S',opts) % find another 10

% Compute the 5 smallest singular values of a rectangular matrix using
% Jacobi preconditioner on (A'*A)
A = sparse(diag(1:50) + diag(ones(49,1), 1));
A(200,50) = 1;  % size(A)=[200 50]
P = diag(sum(abs(A).^2));
precond.AHA = @(x)P\x;
s = primme_svds(A,5,'S',[],precond) % find the 5 smallest values

% Estimation of the smallest singular value
A = diag([1 repmat(2,1,1000) 3:100]);
[~,sval,~,rnorm] = primme_svds(A,1,'S',struct('convTestFun',@(s,u,v,r)r<s*.1));
sval - rnorm % approximate smallest singular value

See also: MATLAB svds, primme_eigs()