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  • 2024
    • Sam Sartor, and Pieter Peers, "Content-aware Tile Generation using Exterior Boundary Inpainting", ACM Transactions on Graphics, Volume 43, Article 202, December 2024,
    • Ekin Ozturk, Rob Akers, Stan Pamela, The Mast Tea, Pieter Peers, and Abhijeet Ghosh, "Inverse Rendering of Fusion Plasmas: Inferring Plasma Composition from Imaging Systems", CoRR, abs/2408.07555, August 2024,
    • Chong Zeng, Yue Dong, Pieter Peers, Youkang Kong, Hongzhu Wu, and Xin Tong, "DiLightNet: Fine-grained Lighting Control for Diffusion-based Image Generation", ACM SIGGRAPH 2024 Conference Proceedings, July 2024,
    • Jay Idema, and Pieter Peers, "Neural Appearance Modeling from Single Images", CoRR, abs/2406.18593, June 2024,
    • Sam Sartor, and Pieter Peers, "MatFusion: a Generative Diffusion Model for SVBRDF Capture", ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2023 Conference Proceedings, December 2023,
    • James Bieron, Xin Tong, and Pieter Peers, "Single Image Neural Material Relighting", ACM SIGGRAPH 2023 Conference Proceedings, Article 80, August 2023,
    • Chong Zeng, Guojun Chen, Yue Dong, Pieter Peers, Hongzhu Wu, and Xin Tong, "Relighting Neural Radiance Fields with Shadow and Highlight Hints", ACM SIGGRAPH 2023 Conference Proceedings, Article 73, August 2023,
    • Haiwei Zhang, Jiqing Zhang, Bo Dong, Pieter Peers, Wenwei Wu, Xiaopeng Wei, Felix Heide, and Xin Yang, "In the Blink of an Eye: Event-Based Emotion Recognition", ACM SIGGRAPH 2023 Conference Proceedings, Article 28, August 2023,
    • Randy Shoemaker, Sam Sartor, and Pieter Peers, "Intrinsic Mesh Simplification", CoRR, abs/2307.07115, July 2023,
    • Ghada Bakbouk, and Pieter Peers, "Mean Value Caching for Walk on Spheres", Eurographics Symposium on Rendering, June 2023,
    • Zhaoxuan Zhang, Bo Dong, Tong Li, Felix Heide, Pieter Peers, Baocai Yin, and Xin Yang, "Single Depth-image 3D Reflection Symmetry and Shape Prediction", IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2023,
    • Yu Qiao, Bo Dong, Ao Jin, Yu Fu, Seung-Hwan Beak, Felix Heide, Pieter Peers, Xiaopeng Wei, and Xin Yang, "Multi-view Spectral Polarization Propagation for Video Glass Segmentation", IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2023,
    • Ekin Ozturk, Rob Akers, Abhijeet Ghosh, Stanislas Pamela, Pieter Peers, and The MAST Team , "Neural Plasma Reconstruction from Diagnostic Imaging", EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, June 2022,
    • Haiyang Mei, Bo Dong, Wen Dong, Jiaxi Yang, Seung-Hwan Baek, Felix Heide, Pieter Peers, Xiaopeng Wei, and Xin Yang, "Glass Segmentation using Intensity and Spectral Polarization Cues", IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, New Orlean (LA), USA, June 2022,
    • Lee Margetts, Rob Akers, Abhijeet Ghosh, Vignesh Gopakumar, Patrik Hadorn, Mathias Hummel, Peter Messmer, Muhammad Omer, Ekin Ozturk, Stanislas Pamela, Pieter Peers, Benedict D Rogers, Mark, Rothwell, WI Sellers, and Oliver Woolland, "Towards Real-time Fusion Reactor Design using the Omniverse", Nvidia GPU Technology Conference, March 2022,
    • Lee Margetts, Rob Akers, Abhijeet Ghosh, Vignesh Gopakumar, Patrik Hadorn, Mathias Hummel, Peter Messmer, Muhammad Omer, Ekin Ozturk, Stanislas Pamela, Pieter Peers, Benedict D Rogers, Mark, Rothwell, WI Sellers, and Oliver Woolland, "Development of Fusion Reactor Digital Twins In the Metaverse", IET Nuclear Engineering for Safety, Control and Security, March 2022,
    • Feng Xie, James Bieron, Pieter Peers, and Pat Hanrahan, "Experimental Analysis of Multiple Scattering BRDF Models", Siggraph Asia Technical Communications, December 2021,
    • Rui Yu, Yue Dong, Pieter Peers, and Xin Tong, "Learning Texture Generators for 3D Shape Collections from Internet Photo Sets", 32nd British Machine Vision Conference, November 2021,
    • Wenjie Ye, Yue Dong, Pieter Peers, and Baining Guo, "Deep Reflectance Scanning: Recovering Spatially-varying Material Appearance from a Flash-lit Video Sequence", Computer Graphics Forum, Volume 40, Issue 6, pages 409-427, September 2021,
    • Victoria Cooper, James Bieron, and Pieter Peers, "Estimating Homogeneous Data-driven BRDF Parameters from a Reflectance Map under Known Natural Lighting", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, June 2021,
    • Haiyang Mei, Bo Dong, Wen Dong, Pieter Peers, Xin Yang, Qiang Zhang, and Xiaopeng Wei, "Depth-Aware Mirror Segmentation", IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Nashville (TN), USA, June 2021,
    • Duan Gao, Guojun Chen, Yue Dong, Pieter Peers, Kun Xu, and Xin Tong, "Deferred Neural Lighting: Free-viewpoint Relighting from Unstructured Photographs", ACM Transactions on Graphics, Volume 39, Issue 6, Article 258, December 2020,
    • Zhaoliang Duan, James Bieron, and Pieter Peers, "Deep Separation of Direct and Global Components from a Single Photograph under Structured Lighting", Computer Graphics Forum, Volume 39, Issue 7, October 2020,
    • James Bieron, and Pieter Peers, "An Adaptive BRDF Fitting Metric", Computer Graphics Forum, Volume 39, Issue 4, July 2020,
    • James Bieron, and Pieter Peers, "An Adaptive Metric for BRDF Appearance Matching", Eurographics Workshop on Material Appearance Modeling, June 2020,
    • Wenjie Ye, Yue Dong, and Pieter Peers, "Interactive Curation of Datasets for Training and Refining Generative Models", Computer Graphics Forum, Volume 38, Issue 7, October 2019,
    • Yiming Lin, Pieter Peers, and Abhijeet Ghosh, "On-Site Example-Based Material Appearance Acquisition", Computer Graphics Forum, Volume 38, Issue 4, July 2019,
    • Duan Gao, Xiao Li, Yue Dong, Pieter Peers, Kun Xu, and Xin Tong, "Deep Inverse Rendering for High Resolution SVBRDF Estimation from an Arbitrary Number of Images", ACM Transactions on Graphics, Volume 38, Issue 4, July 2019,
    • Victoria L. Cooper, James C. Bieron, and Pieter Peers, "Estimating Homogeneous Data-driven BRDF Parameters from a Reflectance Map under Known Natural Lighting", Eurographics Workshop on Material Appearance Modeling, June 2019,
    • Xiao Li, Yue Dong, Pieter Peers, and Xin Tong, "Synthesizing 3D Shapes from Silhouette Image Collections using Multi-projection Generative Adversarial Networks", IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Long Beach (CA), USA, June 2019,
    • Victoria L. Cooper, James C. Bieron, and Pieter Peers, "Estimating Homogeneous Data-driven BRDF Parameters from a Reflectance Map under Known Natural Lighting", CoRR, abs/1906.04777, June 2019,
    • Wenjie Ye, Xiao Li, Yue Dong, Pieter Peers, and Xin Tong, "Single Photograph Surface Appearance Modeling with Self-augmented CNNs and Inexact Supervision", Computer Graphics Forum, Volume 37, Issue 7, October 2018,
    • Yiming Lin, Pieter Peers, and Abhijeet Ghosh, "On-site Example-based Material Appearance Digitization", ACM SIGGRAPH 2018 Posters, Vancouver, Canada, August 2018,
    • Han Li, and Pieter Peers, "CRF-net: Single Image Radiometric Calibration using CNNs", Proceedings of 14th European Conference on Visual Media Production (CVMP), London, United Kingdom, December 2017,
    • Xiao Li, Yue Dong, Pieter Peers, and Xin Tong, "Modeling Surface Appearance from a Single Photograph using Self-augmented Convolutional Neural Networks", ACM Transactions on Graphics, Volume 36, Issue 4, Article 45, July 2017,
    • Rui Xia, Yue Dong, Pieter Peers, and Xin Tong, "Recovering Shape and Spatially-Varying Surface Reflectance under Unknown Illumination", ACM Transactions on Graphics, Volume 35, Issue 6, Article 187, December 2016,
    • Jérémy Riviere, Pieter Peers, and Abhijeet Ghosh, "Mobile Surface Reflectometry", Computer Graphics Forum, Volume 35, Issue 1, pages 191-202, February 2016,
    • Bo Dong, Yue Dong, Xin Tong, and Pieter Peers, "Measurement-based Editing of Diffuse Albedo with Consistent Interreflections", ACM Transactions on Graphics, Volume 34, Issue 4, Article 112, August 2015,
    • Han Li, and Pieter Peers, "Radiometric Transfer: Example-based Radiometric Linearization of Photographs", Computer Graphics Forum, Volume 34, Issue 4, pages 109-118, June 2015,
    • Yue Dong, Guojun Chen, Pieter Peers, Jiawan Zhang, and Xin Tong, "Appearance-from-Motion: Recovering Spatially Varying Surface Reflectance under Unknown Lighting", ACM Transactions on Graphics, Volume 33, Issue 6, Article 193, December 2014,
    • Adam Brady, Jason Lawrence, Pieter Peers, and Westley Weimer, "genBRDF: Discovering New Analytic BRDFs with Genetic Programming", ACM Transactions on Graphics, Volume 33, Issue 4, Article 114, August 2014,
    • Guojun Chen, Yue Dong, Pieter Peers, Jiawan Zhang, and Xin Tong, "Reflectance Scanning: Estimating Shading Frame and BRDF with Generalized Linear Light Sources", ACM Transactions on Graphics, Volume 33, Issue 4, Article 117, August 2014,
    • Jérémy Riviere, Pieter Peers, and Abhijeet Ghosh, "Mobile Surface Reflectometry", ACM SIGGRAPH 2014 Posters, Vancouver, Canada, August 2014,
    • Bo Dong, Kathleen D. Moore, Weiyi Zhang, and Pieter Peers, "Scattering Parameters and Surface Normals from Homogeneous Translucent Materials using Photometric Stereo", IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pages 2299-2306, Columbus (OH), USA, June 2014,
    • Johannes Kopf, Ariel Shamir, and Pieter Peers, "Content-adaptive Image Downscaling", ACM Transactions on Graphics, Volume 32, Issue 6, Article 173, November 2013,
    • Murat Kurt, Aydin Öztürk, and Pieter Peers, "A Compact Tucker-based Factorization Model for Heterogeneous Subsurface Scattering", Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics, September 2013,
    • Kathleen D. Moore, and Pieter Peers, "An Empirical Study on the Effects of Translucency on Photometric Stereo", Visual Computer, Volume 29, Issue 6-8, pages 817-824, June 2013,
    • Yufeng Zhu, Pradeep Garigipati, Pieter Peers, Paul Debevec, and Abhijeet Ghosh, "Estimating Diffusion Parameters from Polarized Spherical-Gradient Illumination", IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Volume 33, Issue 3, pages 34-43, May 2013,
    • Yufeng Zhu, Pieter Peers, Paul Debevec, and Abhijeet Ghosh, "Estimating Diffusion Parameters from Polarized Spherical Gradient Illumination", ACM SIGGRAPH 2012 Talks, Los Angeles, USA, July 2012,
    • Giuseppe Claudio Guarnera, Pieter Peers, Paul Debevec, and Abhijeet Ghosh, "Estimating Specular Normals from Spherical Stokes Reflectance Fields", ACM SIGGRAPH 2012 Talks, Los Angeles, USA, July 2012,
    • Guojun Chen, Pieter Peers, Jiawan Zhang, and Xin Tong, "Real-time Rendering of Deformable Heterogeneous Translucent Objects using Multiresolution Splatting", Visual Computer, Volume 28, Issue 6-8, pages 701-711, June 2012,
    • Giuseppe Claudio Guarnera, Pieter Peers, Paul Debevec, and Abhijeet Ghosh, "Estimating Surface Normals from Spherical Stokes Reflectance Fields", European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) - Workshop on Color and Photometry, pages 340-349, Florence, Italy, April 2012,
    • Hao Li, Linjie Luo, Daniel Vlasic, Pieter Peers, Jovan Popović, Mark Pauly, and Szymon Rusinkiewicz, "Temporally Coherent Completion of Dynamic Shapes", ACM Transactions on Graphics, Volume 31, Issue 1, Article 2, February 2012,
    • Cyrus A. Wilson, Oleg Alexander, Borom Tunwattanapong, Pieter Peers, Abhijeet Ghosh, Jay Busch, Arno Hartholt, and Paul Debevec, "Facial Cartography: Interactive Scan Correspondence", Proceedings of ACM/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation, pages 205-214, Vancouver, Canada, August 2011,
    • Cyrus A. Wilson, Oleg Alexander, Borom Tunwattanapong, Pieter Peers, Abhijeet Ghosh, Jay Busch, Arno Hartholt, and Paul Debevec, "Facial Cartography: Interactive High-resolution Scan Correspondence", ACM SIGGRAPH 2011 Talks, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, August 2011,
    • Kaori Kikuchi, Bruce Lamond, Abhijeet Ghosh, Pieter Peers, Paul Debevec, Ichikari Ryosuke, and Hideyuki Tamura, "Reflectometry Measurement with Free-form Lighting", Pattern Recognition and Media Understanding, January 2011,
    • Abhijeet Ghosh, Tongbo Chen, Pieter Peers, Cyrus A. Wilson, and Paul Debevec, "Circularly Polarized Spherical Illumination Reflectometry", ACM Transactions on Graphics, Volume 29, Issue 6, Article 162, December 2010,
    • Kaori Kikuchi, Bruce Lamond, Abhijeet Ghosh, Pieter Peers, and Paul Debevec, "Free-form Polarized Spherical Illumination Reflectometry", ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA 2010 Sketches, Seoul, Republic of Korea, December 2010,
    • Cyrus A. Wilson, Abhijeet Ghosh, Pieter Peers, Jen-Yuan Chiang, Jay Busch, and Paul Debevec, "Temporal Upsampling of Performance Geometry using Photometric Alignment", ACM Transactions on Graphics, Volume 29, Issue 2, Article 17, April 2010,
    • Daniel Vlasic, Pieter Peers, Ilya Baran, Paul Debevec, Jovan Popović, Szymon Rusinkiewicz, and Wojciech Matusik, "Dynamic Shape Capture using Multi-view Photometric Stereo", ACM Transactions on Graphics, Volume 28, Issue 5, Article 174, December 2009,
    • Tim Weyrich, Pieter Peers, Wojciech Matusik, and Szymon Rusinkiewicz, "Fabricating Microgeometry for Custom Surface Reflectance", ACM Transactions on Graphics, Volume 28, Issue 3, Article 32, July 2009,
    • Ying Song, Xin Tong, Fabio Pellacini, and Pieter Peers, "SubEdit: a Representation for Editing Measured Heterogeneous Subsurface Scattering", ACM Transactions on Graphics, Volume 28, Issue 3, Article 31, July 2009,
    • Abhijeet Ghosh, Tongbo Chen, Pieter Peers, Cyrus A. Wilson, and Paul Debevec, "Estimating Specular Roughness from Polarized Second Order Spherical Gradient Illumination", SIGGRAPH 2009: Talks, New Orleans, USA, July 2009,
    • Cyrus A. Wilson, Abhijeet Ghosh, Pieter Peers, Jen-Yuan Chiang, Jay Busch, and Paul Debevec, "2D and 3D Facial Correspondences Via Photometric Alignment", SIGGRAPH 2009: Talks, New Orleans, USA, July 2009,
    • Hideshi Yamada, Pieter Peers, and Paul Debevec, "Compact Representation of Reflectance Fields using Clustered Sparse Residual Factorization", Institute for Creative Technologies, USC, ICT-TR-05-2008, May 2009,
    • Pieter Peers, Dhruv K. Mahajan, Bruce Lamond, Abhijeet Ghosh, Wojciech Matusik, Ravi Ramamoorthi, and Paul Debevec, "Compressive Light Transport Sensing", ACM Transactions on Graphics, Volume 28, Issue 1, Article 3, February 2009,
    • Bruce Lamond, Pieter Peers, Abhijeet Ghosh, and Paul Debevec, "Image-based Separation of Diffuse and Specular Reflections using Environmental Structured Illumination", Institute for Creative Technologies, USC, ICT-TR-01-2009, February 2009,
    • Abhijeet Ghosh, Tongbo Chen, Pieter Peers, Cyrus A. Wilson, and Paul Debevec, "Estimating Specular Roughness and Anisotropy from Second Order Spherical Gradient Illumination", Computer Graphics Forum, Volume 28, Issue 4, pages 1161-1170, 2009,
    • Bruce Lamond, Pieter Peers, Abhijeet Ghosh, and Paul Debevec, "Image-based Separation of Diffuse and Specular Reflections using Environmental Structured Illumination", IEEE Computational Photography, San Fransisco, 2009,
    • Wan-Chun Ma, Andrew Jones, Jen-Yuan Chiang, Tim Hawkins, Sune Frederiksen, Pieter Peers, Marko Vukovic, Ming Ouhyoung, and Paul Debevec, "Facial Performance Synthesis using Deformation-driven Polynomial Displacement Maps", ACM Transactions on Graphics, Volume 27, Issue 5, Article 121, December 2008,
    • Abhijeet Ghosh, Tim Hawkins, Pieter Peers, Sune Frederiksen, and Paul Debevec, "Practical Modeling and Acquisition of Layered Facial Reflectance", ACM Transactions on Graphics, Volume 27, Issue 5, Article 139, December 2008,
    • Pieter Peers, Dhruv K. Mahajan, Bruce Lamond, Abhijeet Ghosh, Wojciech Matusik, Ravi Ramamoorthi, and Pauk Debevec, "Compressive Light Transport Sensing", Institute for Creative Technologies, USC, ICT-TR-05-2008, May 2008,
    • Bruce Lamond, Pieter Peers, and Paul Debevec, "Fast Image-based Separation of Diffuse and Specular Reflections", ACM SIGGRAPH 2007 Sketches, San Diego, USA, August 2007,
    • Wan-Chun Ma, Tim Hawkins, Charles-Félix Chabert, Mark Bolas, Pieter Peers, and Paul Debevec, "A System for High-resolution Face Scanning Based on Polarized Spherical Illumination", ACM SIGGRAPH 2007 Sketches, San Diego, USA, August 2007,
    • Charles-Félix Chabert, Wan-Chun Ma, Tim Hawkins, Pieter Peers, and Paul Debevec, "Fast Rendering of Realistic Faces with Wavelength Dependent Normal Maps", ACM SIGGRAPH 2007 Posters, San Diego, USA, August 2007,
    • Pieter Peers, Naoki Tamura, Wojciech Matusik, and Paul Debevec, "Post-production Facial Performance Relighting using Reflectance Transfer", ACM Transactions on Graphics, Volume 26, Issue 3, Article 52, July 2007,
    • Muath Sabha, Pieter Peers, and Philip Dutré, "Texture Synthesis using Exact Neighborhood Matching", Computer Graphics Forum, Volume 26, Issue 2, pages 131-142, June 2007,
    • Wan-Chun Ma, Tim Hawkins, Pieter Peers, Charles-Félix Chabert, Malte Weiss, and Paul Debevec, "Rapid Acquisition of Specular and Diffuse Normal Maps from Polarized Spherical Gradient Illumination", Proceedings of the 18th Eurographics Symposium on Rendering, pages 183-194, Grenoble, France, June 2007,
    • Bruce Lamond, Pieter Peers, and Paul Debevec, "Fast Image-based Separation of Diffuse and Specular Reflections", Institute for Creative Technologies, USC, ICT-TR-02.2007, May 2007,
    • Pieter Peers, Tim Hawkins, and Paul Debevec, "A Reflective Light Stage", Institute for Creative Technologies, USC, ICT-TR-04.2006, December 2006,
    • Pieter Peers, "Sampling Reflectance Functions for Image-based Relighting", Ph.D. Thesis, K.U.Leuven, August 2006,
    • Pieter Peers, Karl vom Berge, Wojciech Matusik, Ravi Ramamoorthi, Jason Lawrence, Szymon Rusinkiewicz, and Philip Dutré, "A Compact Factored Representation of Heterogeneous Subsurface Scattering", ACM Transactions on Graphics, Volume 25, Issue 3, pages 746-753, July 2006,
    • Pieter Peers, and Philip Dutré, "Update Rules for a Weighted Non-negative FH*G Factorization", Department of Computer Science, K.U.Leuven, CW440, April 2006,
    • Pieter Peers, and Philip Dutré, "Inferring Reflectance Functions from Wavelet Noise", Proceedings of the 16th Eurographics Symposium on Rendering, pages 173-182, Konstanz, Germany, June 2005,
    • Thomas P. Koninckx, Pieter Peers, Philip Dutré, and Luc J. Van Gool, "Scene-Adapted Structured Light", IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pages 611-618, San Diego, USA, June 2005,
    • Pieter Peers, Vincent Masselus, and Philip Dutré, "Free-form Acquisition of Shape and Appearance", Department of Computer Science, K.U.Leuven, CW403, February 2005,
    • Vincent Masselus, Pieter Peers, Philip Dutré, and Yves D. Willems, "Smooth Reconstruction and Compact Representation of Reflectance Functions for Image-based Relighting", Proceedings of the 15th Eurographics Symposium on Rendering, pages 287-298, Norrköping, Sweden, 2004,
    • Vincent Masselus, Pieter Peers, Philip Dutré, and Yves D. Willems, "Relighting with 4D Incident Light Fields", ACM Trans. Graph., Volume 22, Issue 3, pages 613-620, July 2003,
    • Pieter Peers, and Philip Dutré, "Wavelet Environment Matting", Proceedings of the 14th Eurographics Symposium on Rendering, pages 157-166, Leuven, Belgium, June 2003,
    • Philip Dutré, and Pieter Peers, "Wavelet Environment Matting", Hierarchical Methods in Computer Graphics, Dagstuhl Seminar 03271, Dagstuhl, Germany, June 29-July 4 2003,
    • Pieter Peers, and Philip Dutré, "Accurate Image Based Re-lighting through Optimization", ACM SIGGRAPH 2002 Conference Abstracts and Applications, pages 145-145, San Antonio, USA, August 2002,
    • Pieter Peers, and Philip Dutré, "Accurate Image Based Re-lighting through Optimization", Poster presentation at 13th Eurographics Workshop on Rendering, Pisa, Italy, June 2002,
    • Pieter Peers, and Philip Dutré, "Accurate Image Based Re-lighting through Optimization", Department of Computer Science, K.U.Leuven, CW336, April 2002,